Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 122 The New Iron Man

Chapter 122 The New Iron Man

There was darkness in front of him, Tony Stark felt as if he was dead, his whole body and consciousness were light, and he could hardly feel the existence of himself.

This is not the first time he has felt this way, the earliest time was in a dilapidated cave, which was a den of bandits.A gang of savage bandits raided his car, took him to his den and tried to force him to make himself a weapon—a Stark-produced weapon, by the way.Ironically, a shrapnel tagged Stark lodged in Tony's chest, within a hair's breadth of touching his heart.

And he survived, thanks to a short-lived friend he met in the cave and his first set of Iron Man armor.Since then, the armor has become a part of him, not the armor or Tony Stark is Iron Man, only the two of them are the real Iron Man.

And now, his life is in the hands of the armor he built.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Tony muttered vaguely, and asked tentatively towards the darkness in front of him.

"Yes, sir." It was the gentle voice of his faithful butler Jarvis, "Welcome."

The darkness was suddenly lit up, and the flashing fluorescent Iron Man interface popped up in front of him, and the electronic display showed the ceiling of his laboratory.

"Your body index has become normal, sir." Jarvis continued, "You have begun to adapt to the body modification of the Extremis virus."

"Ah, I remembered." Iron Man's armor opened like an eggshell from the middle, and Tony sat up, holding his forehead, "I'm still alive."

"Yes, you are still alive."

That was Eric's voice.Tony turned around and saw Eric and a strange woman walking down the escalator.

Tony raised his eyebrows: "That is"

"Maya Hansen, the developer of the Extremis virus, was also the person who asked you for help before the explosion where you were kidnapped." Eric explained, "Any impression?"

"It seems that there is." Tony said not very sure, looking at everything around him in disbelief.

"Actually, there was a beautiful S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who was here just now, but she has already returned to the headquarters after confirming the situation." Eric said, "Maybe you can get to know each other better next time."

Tony asked, "How long have I passed out?"

"24 hours." Maya said with her hands folded over her chest, "For a person who has been injected with Extremis, this is really too fast. Even the strongest person will need at least two to three days."

"Let's put it this way, I got some foreign aid." Tony said, "My armor, it helped me share the side effects of Despair. Now I can feel that my ears are more sensitive, let me take a look at my other How are you doing?"

The cell phone rang very inappropriately, and Maya took out her cell phone: "Ah, sorry, stop for a moment, I'll answer the call."

Tony's magnetic voice came from the phone: "Hi, Maya, hello, I'm Tony."

She stares in astonishment at Stark, who just smiles at him, doesn't even move his lips.

"You scared me," Maya said.

"Then don't continue to read the following."

Tony jumped off the bed in the laboratory, turned around and posed for the suit of armor lying quietly on the bed.The armor seemed to be alive. The pieces of the armor plates were detached from the main body and flew onto Tony's body consciously. They were assembled together in a blink of an eye, and a complete set of Iron Man armor was assembled in the blink of an eye.

"I see." Eric said lightly, "Is this the new ability brought to you by Despair?"

"Vector pulse force field, you can move objects easily." Tony paused, and said, "Now, I am Iron Man from the inside out."

"We still have to run some tests on you," Maya said. "Your organs have been severely damaged."

"There's a new one," Tony said. "And we're running out of time. Those guys are approaching here. Two gunships, multiple heat signatures of Extremis-injected soldiers."

"How do you know?" Maya asked in amazement, "There are surveillance cameras installed near your house?"

"No." Tony shook his head, "I can see everything through the satellite now."

The scenery outside the Stark residence is really not picky. Now that the evening is approaching, the sunset glow hangs in the air like a picture scroll, and the water surface is sparsely dotted with golden light.The sky with burning clouds in the distance is connected with the water surface, and the scenery is harmonious and refreshing.

If it is not thing with sense of harmony that those two destroy.

As Tony said, two gunships roared towards the cliff of Stark House, and the hurricane of the propellers stirred up white waves and ripples on the water, just like the bridge in the "Iron Man 3" movie.Aldridge Killian almost leaned against the front windshield with the excited look of a Predator.

The pilot of the plane wore a bowler hat and sunglasses, and chewed gum casually.At Killian's order, he pressed a red button with his thumb.A missile launcher protruded from under the cabin, and a missile flew straight towards the white building on the cliff with a sharp bang.

The missile rushed into Stark's living room with a long trajectory, and the wall inside the shrapnel exploded.The shock wave, caught in the heat of the fire, shattered the floor, and the ground collapsed into the laboratory, raining smoke and dust.

The moment the shrapnel splattered, Eric put on the Almajo armor, and immediately switched to the speed mode. He took Dr. Maya Hansen and walked out from the thick ash and gravel in a flash, and came to the backyard.

And Iron Man got up immediately after being briefly overturned by the shock wave, and faced the direction of the plane without fear.Huge stones from the ceiling hit his iron skull repeatedly, smashing them to pieces without exception.

"Find the target."

On the plane, infrared imaging locked the shadow of Iron Man in the smoke area. A Gatling shot out from the bottom of the plane, and a shuttle of bullets swept towards Iron Man's position with a "da da da".But a series of dense bead-like crisp sounds were heard, and the bullets bounced off Iron Man's armor plate.

Iron Man moved to the window, facing the hail of bullets, raised his right hand, a ball of milky white energy cannon shot out with the sound of the reactor running, the helicopter's propeller broke at the sound, and the steel behemoth dragged thick black smoke, struggling and circling It fell from the sky.

"This time I blew up my house for you, bastard." Tony said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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