Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 123 Desperate Warrior

Chapter 123 Desperate Warrior
The helicopter shot down by Iron Man dragged thick black smoke, screaming and falling towards the building.Its steel body smashed through the glass of Linshui, rushing into the living room like a runaway sports car.Expensive floors collapsed, and broken propellers scraped violently against the ceiling like a mixer thrown into a building.

Iron Man avoids the big guy, and the helicopter rampages through the living room and bedroom, rolling into the backyard with a cloud of smoke.

Several young men in ragged clothes and disheveled faces jumped off the plane. The violent and exaggerated friction caused each of them to suffer multiple wounds, but for the "ultimate creature", such a small injury was not worth mentioning.When they jumped off the plane, they met Eric who had rushed back after settling Maya Hansen. The wounds all over his body quickly regenerated in the hot firelight, and healed in an instant, without even scabs.

Their eyes locked on Eric, the flames all over his body seemed to rise suddenly with his emotions, the flames of lava glowed under his skin, and every step left a deep red smoking footprint on the ground.

It seemed that there was no need to negotiate at all, and Eric decided to take the lead.The armor in the super speed mode broke out with super speed in an instant, and several enemies had no time to react, and the whirlwind with electric current had circled them several times.The speeding whirlwind stirred up a wave of heat in the air, which was so hot that it was suffocating.

The leading man suddenly fell on his head without warning, and his hot body immediately left a human-shaped melting pit on the ground.The other person then fell on his side and raised his head angrily, but he couldn't catch anything in his field of vision.The third person focused on observing for a long time, and suddenly punched a fuzzy phantom flashing past the corner of his eye, but the fist that dragged the fire only burned through a high-speed afterimage, and then he was also hit twice Knocked down.

But these guys looked embarrassed, but they were not actually injured.The fighting ability of the fighters injected with Extremis is indeed top-notch, coupled with their super self-healing ability, they are almost invincible.Although the Yamozhuo armor in the speed mode moves quickly, its attack power is the weakest, and it is difficult for ordinary moves to cause effective damage.

Of course, that is a "common move".


Eric saw the opportunity, shouted loudly, and the high-speed moving figure finally stopped.The fist wrapped in iron armor hit an ultimate creature's lower abdomen head-on at half the speed of sound, piercing through like a bamboo shoot, and punched through the opponent's back from the front.

But he still miscalculated.

The Extremis Soldier was more resistant to beatings than he imagined, his lower abdomen was pierced, but he just bared his teeth, but he still stood there as if nothing happened.The temperature of his abdomen rose rapidly, and the skin and flesh healed at an astonishing speed. The super high temperature was like a reaction furnace, so that the arm armor that Eric stretched in temporarily lost its response again, and he could hardly feel his arms.

The man raised his leg and kicked fiercely, Eric pulled out his arm with a "whoosh", flew backwards with his body, and rolled several times against the hot ground.

The desperate soldiers surrounded him like a hot wall of fire surrounded him, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The armor of Erik's arm was scorched black, and many parts were distorted and deformed, and they were repairing themselves.But he stood up without any panic, and calmly swept over the fiery monsters that were threatening the heat wave.

"What surly fellows," he said to himself.

Without saying a word, the hopeless fighters all shot together, but afterimages flashed on the ground, their fists missed again without exception.

"Complete, the green light mode is online."

The notification tone sounded from behind almost at the same time as the whistle sound of "Woo". When they turned their heads, they saw a green train rushing towards them with a sharp whistling roar. All obstacles, as countless steel bars and debris fell into the water, a burst of violent white water vapor was set off.

Eric looked at the direction where several people were knocked out, and said to himself: "It should have been done earlier."

At the same time, another plane also crashed, and the fuselage landed in Tony's laboratory.Myron jumped out of the driver's seat unsteadily, the ruins and thick dust in front of him made him feel dazed, as if he had returned to the day when he was a child more than ten years ago, he was also in the ruins, desperately Watching all my family members buried in the depths.

The flames were released from his body, the temperature of the soles of his feet almost melted through the floor, and there was a faint burnt smell from the dust in the sky.Myron was like a beast that had been provoked and lost its mind, and there was only anger in its eyes except for the desperate flames.

A pulse beam nailed him hard to the ground, smashing out a large number of cracks.The miniature bombs in the shape of small balls fell scatteredly, and exploded around his body like firecrackers, tearing his skin and flesh, but he recovered in an instant.

Iron Man floated above him with flames under his feet, and said: "If I were you, I would surrender, boy. You broke into my house, don't force me to kill you."

"Then you'd better kill me." Myron wiped the corner of his mouth, stared at him angrily, and gritted his teeth, "Now I have the ability to rescue more people like me and all of our companions from you, If you thought I had these powers I would do nothing. I dream about this moment all the time! Stark!"

With a snarl, he jerked his arms up the front of a blue sports car Tony had parked there, lifting it all over his head.Myron yelled loudly, and the flames in the tangled muscles of his arms burned more vigorously with his exertion.

A tiny missile popped out from Tony's shoulder, piercing the thick dust with a "whoosh" and nailing it to the hood of the sports car.There was only a "boom", and the vehicle that Myron lifted was instantly engulfed in flames, and he himself was thrown out violently by the impact of the explosion, as if his whole body was set on fire.

"I can understand this part." Tony said lightly, "I have been thinking about similar problems for a long time. In order for me and my friends to escape from the militants, I made my first set of armor. I killed five Ten people, for freedom but he died anyway. A stray bullet went into the house and he died instantly."

Myron got up from the flames, his clothes had been completely burned, his whole body seemed to be flowing with magma visible to the naked eye, and his eyes were horrifying.

"That's how my family died." He squeezed out the words between his teeth, and then rushed forward again with a growl.

Iron Man raised his right leg, and the soles of the jet boots spit out flames directly at Myron's face, and the face of the Extremis soldier who was charging was instantly burned.

But like a wild bull, he ignored the burnt pain of his face, forcibly resisted the impact and slammed into Iron Man's waist from the waist down, pushing him down hard to the ground, and the whole floor sank.

His veins bulged, the blood in every vein boiled, his hands pinched Iron Man's throat recklessly, his twisted and festered mouth screamed with all his might.

"For God's sake," Tony gritted his teeth, "don't make me"

"There will be no future at all!" The desperate soldier shouted in despair, "I want to destroy it!"

The armor siren screamed like an alarm, and Tony had no choice.He pressed his palms on Meren's temples, one left and one right, and the repulsive beam fired loudly.

The Extremis finally stopped struggling and fell down.

His whole head was blasted to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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