Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 129 The Eve of the Battle

Chapter 129 The Eve of the Battle
New York bathed in drizzle, Saturday, in a restaurant on Broadway.

A bowl of rice, two Chinese side dishes, this is Eric's lunch today.He wandered aimlessly all morning, casually resolved the whirlwind of trouble outside, and then there was nothing else he could do, but his mood felt a little better.He even ordered some draft beer, which, while he wasn't afraid of drinking, he never liked.

Today is an exception.

"Beer is a little early for your age?" someone said behind him.

Eric turned his head sideways and caught a glimpse of Sharon Carter.Today is a rest day, and she also changed into a casual jacket, dark blue jeans, and with wavy blonde hair, she looks like a modern girl on the cover of a fashion magazine.

Eric drank the draft beer nonchalantly: "Now that I drink it, are you going to arrest me?"

"Actually, I really came to ask you to come with me." She sat on the seat opposite Eric, "It's just for you to help."

"Sorry, I don't have time." Eric said while eating food by himself, "I don't remember when I signed a part-time contract with SHIELD, and you have so many Avengers to find, right? And you Why do you always bother me? Why can you find me wherever I go?"

Sharon glanced outside helplessly, and Eric followed her gaze, and his gaze fell on the side of his car on the street outside the window. Countless passers-by turned this sci-fi car modified by Stark The black chariot surrounded him tightly, and took random pictures with his mobile phone.

Well, if he didn't say that, maybe this thing is really not suitable for riding on the street.

"This matter is about you." Ignoring Eric's last question, Sharon continued, "It's Dr. Charlotte."

Eric paused.

"Also, who said we didn't find anyone else?"

Eric put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"Who else did you find?"


At the same time, Raven's aunt's home.

"Rachel, we seem to be out of sesame oil." Aunt Alice called out from the kitchen, "Can you go and buy some?"

"Ah, okay."

Raven complied, put on her black hood, and went out in the rain again.

She doesn't like to open an umbrella, and she doesn't hate rain either. Instead, the gray sky and the moist and fresh air make her feel at ease.

After going out for a few steps, she paused, and turned around unexpectedly, her eyes were dark and sharp.

The rain pattered on the stone pavement, and flowed into the sewer from the stone steps. She was the only one on the whole road until the end of her vision, and she couldn't sense the breath of other people.

Raven frowned slightly.

She is quite confident in her intuition, but now she faintly feels as if a pair of eyes are staring at her from nowhere.But at the same time, she was also very confident in her perception. Since she couldn't perceive any strangers nearby, it should be because there were no strangers around.

Tilting her head and thinking about it, she turned around and continued walking away.

A few minutes after the girl's figure disappeared, Yvette appeared wrapped in black.The drizzle pattered on the brim of the black hat, and she silently looked at the direction of Raven's departure, as if thinking.

Aegis, a floating carrier.

When Sharon said "everyone", Eric was mentally prepared, but he was a little surprised when he came to the conference room where the demons danced.

Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk - in Banner's form, of course, and Fury doesn't seem too comfortable with the big green guy roaming freely on his mothership - and Ant-Man, Erin When Ke arrived, all the members of the Avengers established not long ago had already gathered in the conference room, sitting around a round table, which felt like a "superhero year-end summary meeting".

When Eric came in, the people who seemed to be chatting in full swing just now suddenly quieted down, and their eyes fell on him. It felt like the spotlight fell on his feet, which made him feel like "I am the protagonist" illusion.

"Okay." Eric shrugged, "I'm here, so what are we going to talk about?"

"Let's start from the beginning." Nick Fury quickly entered the room after him, and gestured to Tony, "Stark, you explain it."

With his suit on, Tony stood up, walked quickly to the screen at the end of the table, and took out a small electronic operation screen from his pocket. With a light shake, a picture appeared on the big screen simultaneously.

On the screen is a thumbnail image of an electronic device, with transparent film wings on both wings, and a black hole in the main body.

Tony said: "First of all, I want to explain that the invention you see on the screen is a structural diagram that I have magnified many times, and the body of this thing is much smaller than a fly, and its size is comparable to that in the air. A speck of dust is almost impossible to notice normally. It is equipped with an ultra-miniature power system and wings to help it fly. The main part is an ultra-miniature camera. As far as I know, humans have never invented it Such a small camera”

"It's amazing," Eric said, "but what does it matter?"

Tony stared at him for a moment, then said slowly, "This is the thing that has watched you for so many years, Eric. This is the work of Dr. Charlotte."

"That's why he said he's been 'watching' me." Eric said half-jokingly, "It turns out that he really didn't run the train just casually."

"For 15 years, there has been no movement in Charlotte." Fury said, "He suddenly appeared not long ago, which shows that no matter what he intends to do, the time is ripe. This is not a good thing."

"I don't think this is new, so let's say something useful." Eric glanced at the crowd, "I guess you have a plan for so many people gathering here?"

"Based on the analysis data left by Aegis, I have determined the unique radiation signal released when the Alpha armor is used." Dr. Banner said, "If we assume that the Omega armor will also release the same signal when activated, then I think I can track and locate it."

"That's great." Eric said lightly, "Tell me when you find the location, and I will go find him in person."

Others in the meeting room looked at each other, and there was a strange silence.

Eric instinctively felt something was wrong.

"Actually, Eric," Tony ended up speaking first, "we brought you here just to make sure you stay here and don't go anywhere until it's over."

(End of this chapter)

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