Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 130 Omega Invasion

Chapter 130 Omega Invasion

As soon as Tony said this, the atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

No one else spoke for the time being, but Eric could read the same meaning from all of their eyes.

"What do you mean?" Eric said coldly, "This is my business."

"Because of this, you should stay obediently." Fury said, "Although we don't know what the doctor's plan is, it may be related to you, so you'd better stay where he can't touch it. "

Eric laughed: "A place that can't be touched? Is this a stupid spaceship?"

"This is the safest place."

Fury said it so solemnly, it felt like telling a bad joke with a straight face.

Eric was about to ridicule this, but he didn't expect Fury to be slapped in the face by the speed of light before he could speak.

The screen at the end of the round table suddenly flickered a few times like a TV with poor signal reception, and then turned into a blurred screen, making a harsh "humming" sound.

Fury frowned and turned his gaze to Stark, who spread his hands: "No, I didn't do this."

The screen flickered again, and finally cut out the screen.Patrick Charlotte appeared on screen, smiling like an old friend greeting, the background was shaking, and the noise felt like he was on an airplane.

Everyone suddenly became tense.

"Hey, everyone from the Avengers." He greeted with a faint smile, "and Chief Fury, please stay safe. You still remember your old friend and prepared such a battle to meet me, it's really touching .”

"Charlotte." Fury said coldly, "What do you want? Your project is over long ago and has been terminated. What have you done after hiding for so many years? Why did you choose to pop up now?"

"Don't let me think about it." He actually acted like he was thinking seriously, and said immediately, "What he said must be provocative."

"Provocation?" Fury frowned.

"To be honest, my preparations for all stages have finally been basically completed." Patrick said, "There is one thing that is missing, and it is on this mothership."

"That's a pity," interposed Tony. "I'm afraid you'll never get it."

"I doubt it, Mr. Stark. See I've arrived."

Almost at the same time that the screen was turned off, a violent shock swept through the mothership, like an earthquake that occurred 9000 meters in the air.Everyone was knocked down unexpectedly, and a smell of smoke like burnt food came from the outside passage.

"What? You forgot to maintain your air defense system?" Tony complained.

"It's Omega." Eric gritted his teeth, "If he makes a move, any defense system on Earth will be useless."

Although he only met once, Eric has been able to roughly assess the capabilities of the Omega armor.The last time we met Omega's super mode showed super speed and extreme flight abilities that Alpha didn't have, then it can be assumed that several other modes of Omega also nearly perfectly replicated the abilities of the original Justice League members.And if that's the case, Aegis and the Avengers combined aren't really a threat to him.

Fury shouted: "Bridge! Report the situation!"

"Unknown attack, the air defense system has been paralyzed." The news from the bridge is obviously not so optimistic, "The unidentified aircraft has been forced to land, and it is not sure how many enemies have invaded!"

"Stark, go put on your armor." Captain America ordered immediately.

"Okay, Captain, I'll listen to you." Tony responded, and walked out quickly at the same time.

"Avengers, get ready to fight. But before that." The captain turned to Fury, "You know I hate your secrecy, Fury, and this really isn't a good time. So better tell us now, Doctor What exactly do you want on this ship?"

"I don't know," Fury said.

The captain stared at him for a moment.

"Okay," he said, "Avengers, let's meet the invaders."

At this moment, the bridge of the mothership.

A huge hole was opened on the outside of the headquarters as if it had been bombarded by heavy artillery. The metal casing, which clearly had missile-level defense, was overwhelmed and cracked under only one bombardment.

The black shadow stepped in unhurriedly, and the eyepiece of "Ω" leisurely scanned all the agents in the headquarters who were waiting for him, like a relaxed tourist.From the hole he made, more bodies came in. They were nano-biological machines with a humanoid shape, and they were also the prototype of the Yamajo robot. Dr. Ivo had brought a batch of them when he broke into the mothership. , but that batch was silver-white, while the bodies of these were drab.


The agents fired their guns in unison, and bullets rushed towards the team from all directions. Omega's armor faced the rain of bullets indifferently, letting the dense sparks "jingling" cover the whole body to make a crisp sound, and walked forward leisurely.

He didn't pay any attention to the agents, they couldn't even hinder him beyond a little noise.

"You do what you want." This was said to the robots behind him.

One by one, the Yamajo robots made a low mechanical sound and poured in like a tide.The bullets also couldn't hurt their outer shells, and they burst through the firepower net in an instant, rushing towards them overwhelmingly.

Although the SHIELD agents are all well-trained, and each of them claims to be able to fight ten against one, but that generally refers to dealing with normal humans.But for this invulnerable machine, there is still no benefit at all.

Fortunately, this time they have foreign aid.


With a flash of blue lightning, the alloy wall was easily torn apart like a layer of paper by Thor's Hammer. The hammer slammed on the forehead of a robot, leaving a dull and loud noise on the forehead, and it was hit towards the robot. The hole that came in flew out backwards and fell to the mothership.

But the hammer turned a corner very spiritually and returned to Thor's hand.

"Avengers!" Captain America led the team quickly into the battlefield, threw out his shield, "Attack!"

"Captain!" yelled one of the bridge crew, finally getting some respite, "We have a damaged external engine! If it's not fixed soon, we may be going down!"

"Can it be fixed?" the captain asked as he smashed a robot with his shield.

"As long as we're still floating in the sky, there's nothing we can do."

"Stark, did you hear that?"

"Yes, Captain." When Tony's voice entered the communication channel, he had already controlled the suit and flew to the outside of the mothership, "The steel repairman is already online."

While there was chaos on the command side, the real action was taking place on the other side.

The agents along the way had no chance to report back at all, Omega's movements were too fast, and they lay all over the ground after only one encounter. Omega easily tore open one door after another of the so-called "impenetrable" restricted area gates, getting closer and closer to his goal.

Then, he stopped in his tracks.

"I guess you haven't shown up yet," he suddenly said to himself, "You want to know what I'm here for, right? A very calm judgment."

He turned his head, opened his mask and showed a smiling face: "As expected of my son."

With the sound of the soles of his shoes hitting the gridded metal floor, Eric jumped down lightly.

"No matter how much you pretend," Eric said coldly, "you're not my father, fake."

(End of this chapter)

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