Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 131 First Battle with Omega

Chapter 131 First Battle with Omega

"Ha." The man in the Omega armor chuckled, "Why are you so stubborn, Eric? You know I'm Patrick Charlotte, your father, why don't you want to admit it? Because in that case Is your battle meaningless?"

He smiled disdainfully.

"Let's face it, kid," he said. "Your battles so far have been meaningless. You've provided me with precious data, that's all."

"Maybe. But if that's the case... it's all the more my duty to stop you."

When the voice fell, he was already galloping up, the backpack was activated at the same time, and the Alpha armor quickly spread to the whole body, like a pitch-black bullet hitting the belly of the Omega armor.The armors of the two touched each other tightly, and with the splashing sparks, they left this passage, broke through layers of obstacles one after another, and fell to the lower layer.

Eric quickly adjusted his body balance in mid-air, and kept his body pressed above when he landed.The armor collided with the floor crisply, and the layer of ground densely covered with grids was dented.Eric rode on top of Omega, punching the icy faceplate time and time again, the fists colliding with the armor made a crisp sound, echoing in the empty cabin.

He was very dangerous, and Eric knew from the bottom of his heart that in terms of performance, the gap in armor ability was overwhelming, and even giving the opponent a chance to take a breath was very dangerous.

However, Omega just let his fist drop silently, a light blue light shot out from the cold eyepiece, as if reflecting pity and mockery.

He suddenly raised his hand and firmly caught Eric's falling fist. That hand was as steady and powerful as a rock, irresistible.

He fired back. Omega's leg bounced up, as fast as a gust of wind, Eric felt a heavy blow to one side of his body, rolled over involuntarily, and his arm armor seemed to be buzzing from the shock.

The other party stood up slowly: "Do you understand now? No matter how strong the ability to control the armor and how high the matching degree is, the upper limit of the armor ability is there after all. From a numerical point of view, it is impossible for you to win. In addition. "

He paused, and smiled strangely.

".Now your matching degree with the armor is impossible to be as high as mine."

The outer side of the Aegis mothership, the floating height is 5000 meters.

Iron Man's hands and feet jetted out the tail flames at the same time and rowed out of the cabin. After flying a small half circle around the periphery of the steel behemoth, he finally found the damaged part of the engine.He manipulated the battle suit and approached, with tail flames spraying from the soles of his feet, he kept relatively still with the hull, and a red hot laser beam cut open the outer casing, exposing the circuit board of the engine.

The scanner in the helmet quickly scanned the circuit board, just like a doctor diagnosing a patient's condition, and the faulty parts and damage levels in the engine were quickly fed back to the display in his helmet.

"Very good, let me see." He said to himself, "It's not serious, it looks like you need an operation, you're lucky, I brought a scalpel today."

As he said that, a tiny launcher popped out from his right wrist, and the red-hot tool light blade sprayed out, condensing into an energy form.

However, before he could make a move, the "enemy attack" alarm on the monitor interrupted him.An afterimage fell from the sky, slammed onto Iron Man's back, grabbed him and fell obliquely towards a cabin near the deck.The steel body shattered the glass with a clang and landed firmly on the floor.

Captain America, who was fighting against a group of Yamajo robots with the Avengers in the hall, received another communication: "Tony? We are still falling, is the engine repaired?"

Tony shook his head, and when he looked up, he saw a robot of Yamajo swooping down, like a falcon swooping down to prey, occupying the entire field of vision on his monitor.

He hurriedly turned over to avoid it, and the ground where he was just lying was pierced by a domineering fist.

"Uh, I'm about to start."

As Tony said, he glanced helplessly at the four or five Amojo prototype robots that surrounded him in the room.

"...Let's just say, I'm a little stuck right now."

Captain America smashed his shield on the face of a robot with all his strength, deforming his head and neck, and then flew out of the battle, shouting: "Avengers, hold on here, I'll go to Iron Man to help .”

On the other side of the mothership.

As much as Eric wouldn't like to admit it, the jerk was right, sometimes numbers and performance are decisive.

Eric was already panting, and the Alpha armor switched to the green light mode. The light green fluorescent light lingered all over his body, and the green light mark floating on his chest flickered.

And that guy is also in the form of green light mode, but the light is stable and gentle, maintaining an inviolable aura. The "Ω" eyepiece is filled with light green light, which transmits playfulness and ease, obviously with ease.

Eric didn't say a word, and raised his hand, and a translucent sword appeared again, with crystal green light flowing in the blade.

He stubbornly swung his sword again.


Omega didn't even activate the materialization, but simply raised his arm to set up the sword, the blade cut the energy layer outside the armor, and the green light that was wiped out was like sparks of stars.


The other party chuckled disdainfully, opened the long sword with a vibration of his arm, and pinched a figurative dagger out of thin air with the other hand, and swept across a long green light blade.The green light mark on Eric's chest was cut in the middle, and the green light in the broken energy layer overflowed like blood, and the whole person retreated involuntarily.

"Understood?" Omega slashed down again, this time not only cutting the outer shield, but even cutting off a piece of the armor plate, "The gap is the gap, whether it is the so-called skill or cleverness, in the absolute data gap In front of you, huh?"

He was a little surprised that Eric didn't choose to dodge this knife, but deliberately chose his right shoulder to withstand the dagger.The sharp green light dragged the afterimage down, and the figurative blade sank into the thick shoulder armor, and even penetrated into the flesh.

At the same time as he forced the blow, Eric gritted his teeth, stretched out his left hand, and slashed horizontally with a high-speed rotating chainsaw.

"Interesting tactics." Omega still snorted coldly, "but the result is the same."

He didn't even move his body, and the green light shield appeared out of thin air in the direction of the chainsaw with a thought.After a loud crash that almost pierced the eardrums, the chainsaw screamed and broke into two halves, quickly dissipating into the air, and there was not even a scar left on the shield.

"I said it before."

He was about to say something, but he suddenly stopped talking, and when he lowered his head, he saw that Eric's right forearm, which was seriously injured on the shoulder, had been wrapped in a cylindrical heavy cannon at some point, and the muzzle was close to the On the armor plate on the belly of the Omega.

So the move that hurt both sides just now was just a cover?
"The output power is 100% fully charged!"

(End of this chapter)

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