Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 132 Beyond the Limit

Chapter 132 Beyond the Limit
The energy extracted from the Alpha armor's energy core instantly filled the cannon on Eric's right arm, and the muzzle was brewing to its maximum value against the belly of the Omega armor. The extreme output power seemed to be suppressed to the volcano on the verge of eruption, dazzling green light It has even overflowed.

Even if the performance of the armor is very different, Patrick Charlotte is a scientist rather than a warrior, and he is far behind Eric in terms of combat awareness.

This was Eric's only advantage, and he certainly took advantage of it.


The torrent of green light energy roared out, and the ring operating at the limit power made a slight sound, and all the energy was converted into the hiss of the cannon and burst out at zero distance. The Omega armor turned into a black afterimage among the green waves, and the moment it was engulfed seemed so insignificant.

The light dissipated, the dust settled, and the cabin seemed to have been thoroughly cleaned. The entire wall in front of the two of them collapsed, and the broken stones and mechanical parts were blown far away to the open deck. It's not surprising.

But Omega still stood there, like a bronze statue emitting green light.The muzzle of Eric's cannon was still pressed against his abdomen, but the stream of light was split apart like a stream of water hitting a rock.

"The skill is good." Dr. Charlotte smiled lightly, "You worked very hard. What a pity."

"The output power is 50% fully charged."

This sound was the electronic notification sound of the Omega armor, and energy filled the ring on the right hand along the white lines.The green light was molded into the shape of a guillotine by invisible hands like plasticine, like a huge open mouth raised high, the jagged blade was like sharp fangs, and high-concentration energy overflowed from the knife Down, forming a suffocating aura.

"You should have a special experience." Dr. Charlotte said ostentatiously, "The most perfect Amzo armor, Omega's half-power limit output!"

The other side of the mothership.

"Aren't you alright, Tony!?"

Captain America shouted with difficulty, and knocked back a nano-biological robot with an old punch through the shield.

As we all know, the super soldier serum endowed Captain America with extraordinary physical strength including extraordinary endurance, but that does not mean that he can fight infinitely like a machine, and he is already a little weak at the moment.Unfortunately, the item "fatigue" was apparently not programmed into the programs of these nanorobots.

"Soon. Captain Zizi, let's hold on again."

"What? Tony, you can't hear your voice intermittently."

The captain lost his mind, and took another punch from a certain robot on the cheek, which was quite heavy.He spat a mouthful of blood stains, turned around and slammed the shield on his face, knocking him to the ground, that whiteboard-like robotic face was almost deformed.

And Tony's work at this moment is not much easier than him. He personally jumped into the middle of the huge turbo blades of the mothership to troubleshoot, restarted the engine circuit, the strong magnetic field between the coils interfered with the communication, and the headset was full of There were some whistling electric sounds.

But he succeeded, the turbo engine started working again, the top-heavy mothership regained its buoyancy in an instant, and finally stopped falling, barely stopping in mid-air.Iron Man rushed out of the turbine with dazzling flames, made a gorgeous turn in the air, and quickly rushed back to the battle situation that the captain had held up for him. He landed on the floor, and blasted a repulsive cannon with his palm against his face, blowing his head into a pile of scrap circuit boards.

The captain spun around and threw out the shield, and the light round shield slammed into the chest of the last robot with a huge force.The captain rushed forward, kicked back, kicked the edge of the shield and sent it a few feet, like a sharp frisbee that almost cut the guy's upper body, and finally fell silent after falling down.

"Captain? What's going on with Stark?" Fury's voice came from the channel.

"It's done." The captain replied, "Where are you?"

"The droids are all down." Ant-Man's voice joined the comm. "Thanks to Thor but something is wrong, Cap. They have no purpose, just rush in and destroy anything in sight, as if"

"It seems to keep us busy on purpose, so we don't have time to pay attention to other things." The captain frowned. "Anyone notice where Dr. Charlotte is?"

Almost as soon as the words fell, another violent shock swept across the mothership.The green light pierced through the headquarters with a bang, and frightening energy poured in like a burst of water, and the aftermath alone knocked everyone in the headquarters to the ground one after another.

Eric was rushed in like a leaf in the torrent, the armor smashed through a large screen hanging from the ceiling with a bang, and crushed a row of consoles into two pieces dully.

"System overloaded, sleep mode."

Alpha's armor finally reached its limit, the green light dissipated like an ebbing tide, and the armor refolded and retracted to Eric's back.

From the hole he crashed through, first a glimmer of green light projected from the darkness, and then there was the crisp crashing sound of the metal soles kicking on the floor. Omega's figure is like a Terminator, cold, calm, and walked out calmly.

"Doctor." Fury gritted his teeth, "What exactly do you want?"

"Complete my experiment and do what you prohibited me from doing." He replied with a slight smile, "I'm sorry, but you can't stop me this time, and no one can stop me this time."

"Stop being arrogant! Mortals!"

Thor couldn't stand it anymore, shouted loudly, swung his sledgehammer into the air, leaped across the hall and shot towards Omega.

There seemed to be a contemptuous smile coming from under the Omega's mask.In the middle of Thor's flight, countless green chains were shot out from all directions, and Thor was firmly fixed in the air.He gritted his teeth and struggled vigorously. His supernatural power made the chain "clank" and tremble continuously, but it seemed difficult to break free for a while.

Seeing that Omega's attention seemed to be on Thor, Ant-Man took the opportunity to shrink silently to the size of an ant, and flew towards Omega intending to sneak attack.It's a pity that the other party didn't seem to ignore him. The moment his small body shot towards the other party like a bullet, a miniature green cage fell from the sky, pinning him upside down on the ground like a transparent glass cover. No matter how hard you hit the energy shield, you can't break free.

"Your new heroes are vulnerable, Fury." He said confidently, "You were delayed by that short-sightedness, think about it, otherwise Aegis can have this peak power now."


It was Eric who spoke. He stood up tremblingly, with blood on the corner of his mouth, and stared at the figure of Omega with burning eyes.

"Oh?" Omega said with great interest, "I suggest you take a good rest for a while, the forced removal of the armor means that the vitality has reached the limit, at least it will not be possible in the next eight hours."

"Release the sleep mode." Before he could finish speaking, Alpha's battle armor heard such a notification sound.

Dr. Charlotte seemed to be choking, watching the black battle armor activated again, and the armor covered Eric's whole body again. An unprecedented invisible aura exploded around him, and the eyepiece flickered. Like the awakening of a warrior.

"The Alpha system is back online."

(Thanks for the 1 starting coins rewarded by Shu You Sheng Zhi Void 2000, the 1000 starting coins rewarded by the half-volume love letter, the 100 starting coins rewarded by Bird and Flying Fish and kssbbs!)

(End of this chapter)

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