Chapter 133 Virus
Eric felt that his brain was not clear.

Be rational, he knows very well that he should not force his body to challenge the limit and dress again, that would overdraw his vitality, and it would definitely not be a good thing anyway.But the truth is, he couldn't control himself, his anger burned all over his limbs like a ball of flames, burning his reason, leaving only a simple thought of longing for power, driving the dormant battle armor to forcibly drive, and restored his clothes.

No, not only that, this situation should have been the end of the battle, but an unprecedentedly powerful aura erupted from the Alpha armor, like an invisible flame wrapped around the metal body and burned blazingly.

"Interesting. Interesting." Omega looked at Eric as if in a daze, and even forgot to make any attack moves, "You really always surprise me with this incredible synchronization rate."

"Complete, super mode is online."

And Eric didn't intend to just stay like this, the armor mode switched quickly, and the energy began to be extracted and filled from the core almost at the same time.

"The output power is 200% fully charged."

Eric roared loudly, as if he wanted to shout out his soul.This was an incredible feeling. He could clearly feel the life force being quickly drained away, and at the same time, he could feel the Alpha armor system more closely, as if it had penetrated into the depths of the soul bit by bit, like an intertwined The cobweb thread tightly entangles the soul together.

He felt that his eyes were red hot, his vision blurred for a while, and the eyepiece became hot and red, like a soldering iron just taken out of a steel furnace.The moment the red-hot thermal vision gushed out, the heat wave rolled and spread out, and the scorching energy beam left two scorching streaks on everyone's retinas, and the ejected trajectory drew scorched black melt marks on the ground.

And Dr. Charlotte seemed to be still intoxicated by Eric's outburst, the Omega armor didn't respond to this wave of attacks.

The thermal energy erupted, like a bomb detonated in the command room, and the impact exploded along with the high-temperature airflow sweeping away everything. The aftermath of the thermal vision melted the metal shell of the room like cutting tofu, cut off the hanging display screen, and blew everything away. The handrail was halfway through the windshield like a javelin and got stuck in it.Everyone had to fall down to avoid this overbearing impact.

When the heat wave dissipated and the impact was over, Omega was still standing.The translucent green shield seemed to be finally shattered, and he finally had to raise one arm to defend himself. The outer shell of the armor was melted through by the high temperature, exposing his arm.

Everyone stared in surprise at the damaged part of the Omega armour. What was inside was not human flesh at all, but some unknown substance that flowed like a milky white liquid and quickly condensed into shape at a speed visible to the naked eye. Almost back to skin color, back to the appearance of human arms.

And that only appeared for a moment, and the shell of the Omega armor quickly and automatically repaired the damaged parts, covering the arm armor again.

"Eric is right." Director Fury was silent for a moment, then said in a low voice, "You are not Dr. Charlotte. You are not even human. What are you?"

The man in the armor snorted and didn't answer the question, but said, "It's very interesting, you once again exceeded my expectations, son. I look forward to seeing you again next time you can give me more What a surprise."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I've got what I want, and I've had a good time today. So be it, Director Fury. It's a pleasure to meet you again."

After finishing speaking, he kicked his feet, and the green light lit up again, wrapping his body and breaking through the ceiling like a meteor, and quickly disappeared out of the capture range of the mothership.

Somewhere far above ground, on a pedestrian bridge, Yvette Charlotte stood among the passing crowd, looking somewhere in the gray sky.

Eric. You may be about to evolve, but before that, you have to make a choice.

None of this is fair to you, but none of us have a choice. I'm sorry, kid.

After stopping for a moment, she inadvertently glanced in a certain direction behind, then turned around and disappeared into the crowd, following the direction of the flow of people and disappearing in front of the street.

1 minute later.

Raven trotted out of the crowd, rushed straight up the pedestrian bridge, and stopped where Yvette had just stood.

It started when she went out, the feeling that someone was calling her, like a voice whispering "come here" over and over again in her heart, and there seemed to be a lingering figure in her mind, guiding her to follow The phantom moves forward.

Ruiwen stopped on the overpass for a moment, his eyes quickly fell on the front, and the image of a woman in black and a high hat seemed to appear in his mind wandering and disappearing around the corner, silently calling for her to follow.

She gave up and continued to chase.

Aegis, a floating carrier.

The attack is over, but there is still a lot of aftermath to be done.After the agents were busy, the engine that was repaired by Stark urgently needed to be re-checked after landing.Fury was also busy arranging for someone to check if there was anything missing on the mothership. Dr. Charlotte - or at least the guy who seemed to be him - said that what he wanted had been obtained, and what was missing on the Aegis mothership There were so many great things that they had to take a thorough inventory of which ones were missing.

Eric, on the other hand, had to undergo a thorough medical checkup with all kinds of wiring all over his body, and his armor was no exception.

Tony, who had already taken off his armor, walked up to him and handed him the palm screen in his hand.Eric took it, and the floating screen was showing enlarged pictures of some red and blue microorganisms.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand too much professional biology stuff." Eric raised his eyebrows, "Is this related to me?"

"The red thing is a virus." Tony said after a while, "In fact, it has a lot to do with you. This is a virus that has never been discovered in human history. They exist in large numbers in your body." In the armor."

"My armor?"


"Wait, although I'm not an expert in biology, shouldn't viruses be parasitic on living things?"

"It should be like this." Tony said, "That's why this phenomenon is very rare, but your armor is not entirely metal. Its material should be nano-biological alloy by definition, which can provide a suitable living environment for this virus. .And according to some of my tests, I found that these viruses are indispensable for the magical function of your armor's multi-ability switching."

"Amajo virus." Eric remembered now that there seemed to be such a thing in the original work.

"The next thing I'm going to say is the point." Tony said seriously, "This's starting to fuse with you, Eric. Now they're not just in the armor, they're in your blood now inside."

(End of this chapter)

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