Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 134 Dangerous Weapon

Chapter 134 Dangerous Weapon
"I'm not sure why this is for the time being," Tony said seriously, "but the virus in your armor has begun to circulate into your body."

"So I'm infected with a new virus?"

Tony said: "That's almost what it means, but for the time being, it doesn't cause any direct damage to the human body. But that doesn't mean it's fine. You should have discovered it by now, right? The Armored Armor system is not just a combat auxiliary system That's all."

"What do you mean?" Eric asked, frowning.

"Armajo armor has its own consciousness." Tony said, "By establishing a direct link with your nervous system, you can operate the armor through your mind, but this process is two-way. At the same time, your brain and body are both Incorporated as part of the armor."

"That's why I can see the memory of the scenes that the armor has experienced." Eric thought thoughtfully.

"Probably because of your personal will, the process is more intense now. The armor and you have begun to integrate more closely. If this continues, I dare not say whether it will eventually become a part of you or you will become a part of you." part of it."

After a pause, his tone became more serious: "Maybe you should temporarily stop using the power of Almazoro armor until we figure out its mechanism. If this continues, no one can be sure what will become of you, but no matter How, it is definitely not human anymore."

"Yes." To his surprise, Eric said lightly, "Got it."

"Don't you understand what this means?" Tony was a little impatient, "What we are talking about"

"I may be assimilated into something else by the armor, I know." Eric said lightly, "But we also all know that I have to use its power now. Thank you for your concern, Tony, but I'm fine. "

Tony wanted to say something, but was interrupted by an agent who came in just at this moment.

"Director Fury has something to say." The agent informed, "It's an emergency."

When the two followed the agent to the meeting room, the others were already here.Fury was grimacing as usual - nothing unusual in that, but when everyone else was making that look along with him, it sure meant something bad had happened.

Tony raised his eyebrows: "Okay, should we all be here now? Tell me, what's the situation? I'm ready. What kind of thing have you been stolen? As long as it's not a nuclear bomb or a New York-wide biochemical weapon I can accept anything."

Fury still had that dark face, and no changes could be seen in his facial muscles.

"Wait." Tony narrowed his eyes, "Don't tell me you really lost something like this."

"It's probably similar." Fury said in a low voice, operating on the desktop console for a while, and asked, "Do you remember the lizard riot last year?"

"Lizardman?" Tony recalled, "ah, I wasn't there at the time, but I saw it through the media later. That Professor Conners from Imperial University turned himself into a cold-blooded lizard and crawled across Manhattan because of some laboratory accident. Climb, but it was settled by Spider-Man in the end, right? That kid's battle to fame."

"That's the part reported by the media." Fury said solemnly, "and the more dangerous part that may cause panic was covered up by us."

He paused, and no one interrupted to break the heavy atmosphere. Everyone instinctively realized that what Fury was going to say next might be bad.

"In fact, that incident was not just an out-of-control genetically mutant lizard wandering aimlessly in the streets to hurt people. His real purpose was the evolution of species. He wanted to create more things like him, and he wanted to infect more people , Evolve human species into creatures like lizardmen." Fury said, "This is a targeted terrorist operation, and apart from us and some relevant departments, the only one who knows the truth should be Dr. Connors who is involved. There are only two Spider-Mans."

"Wait, a large-scale genetic infection?" Dr. Banner asked incredulously, " to do it? He can't inject so many people one by one, can he?"

Fury tapped lightly on the operating table, and a 3D structural model of a heavy machine popped up on the screen, with a thick chassis and a pointed top, which looked like some kind of launch pad.

"The gas weapon developed by Osco can vaporize the agent and release it into the atmosphere, and its maximum range can cover an entire city." Fury explained, "As you have heard, because it is too dangerous, only one A prototype machine, which has been banned from production. Lizard tried to use this prototype machine to release the serum, but was stopped by Spider-Man, and this machine has been confiscated by us.”

"And then it got stolen," Tony said. "That sucks. But what does old Charlotte want with that? Is he going to unleash a bio-virus?"

"That's the worst part," Fury said. "We don't know."

At this moment, the Oscar building.

Dr. Charlotte was wrapped in a black windbreaker, striding through the automatic door, the rain dripped lightly along the windbreaker coat, and the polished leather shoes made a crisp sound on the smooth floor.

"Please swipe your card here, sir." The black suit in charge of the gate said politely to him.

With his black leather gloved hand, he actually took out the key card from the windbreaker pocket, and swiped the card on the scanner.

A string of codes entered Osco's system through this door in an instant, and the virus shuttled through the endless data stream, easily piercing through layers of firewalls like an unstoppable flood, and piercing through the building's security system like a sharp knife.


The scanner lights up green, signaling he can go through.

"Have a nice day, sir."

Dr. Charlotte walked through the lobby with a weird smile, entered the elevator, and pressed the button to go straight to the top floor.

On the top floor, the meeting room where the directors of the company are holding meetings.

"Norman Osborn is a madman, and he's getting what he deserves," exclaimed one director. "Osborn is going to rot in prison. His time is over. This company To improve, someone has to step up and take us in a new direction."

"But he still has a son. Logically speaking, his son should come."

"Are you kidding me? You mean that brat? He's still in high school."

It was not any member of the board of directors who ended the quarrel, but an uninvited guest who broke in by accident.

The door was violently smashed open with a "bang", and before anyone could react, the two door panels flew across the entire conference table like a frisbee, almost hitting the head of the director at the end of the table.

"Hello, everyone in Osco." The pitch-black Omega armor entered slowly with metallic sound effects, and said with a chuckle, "Do you mind if I borrow your company building?"

(End of this chapter)

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