Chapter 135 Meeting
The gloomy clouds shrouded the sky above the Osco Building, and the fine rain beat rhythmically on the ground on the top floor, and the crisp ticking sound was like an intertwined dance music.

The directors in suits and leather shoes reluctantly followed the man in the black armor to the rooftop. This group of bigwigs looked like a group of little kids lining up behind the teacher in the kindergarten.The warrior in black armor came to the rain curtain on the roof, stopped and looked up at the tall tower on the roof that seemed to pierce into the sky. The rainwater dripped all over the black metal shell.

"Here it is, this is the launch pad. But like I told you, it's the only thing that doesn't work." A director ventured to shout, "There's only one launch pad left here, but the gas The generating device has been confiscated by the government. Only the launch pad."

Before he could finish speaking, he choked in shock.The sound of a microwave oven coming from under the roof was the low hum of an engine running.The silver and black aircraft floated up against the rain, and a heavy machine covered with raindrops was suspended on the chassis by steel wire ropes. It was the gas generating device developed by Osco. The lacquer lettering is still legible.

"There should only be one of these things." The director said in shock, "How could you...?"

"That's the one," said Dr. Charlotte. "I got it back."

The cabin of the aircraft was opened, and the mass-produced Yamajo prototype robot jumped down in a swarm, quickly dismantled the gas generating equipment, and placed it on the launch pad. Omega walked slowly up the steps to the launch pad. An item slot popped out from his armored waist, and he pulled out a test tube filled with light blue liquid, and placed it into the device.After adjusting the parameters, he pressed the start button, and the huge machine roared dully, like a behemoth waking up from hibernation. blue color.

"The countdown to gas launch begins." The device mechanically prompted, "The countdown is 5 minutes."

It's not that he doesn't want to set it shorter, but that the shortest preparation time in this equipment setting also needs 5 minutes.

"Waiting is the hardest thing." The doctor said with a slight smile, and glanced back at the directors, but seemed to be talking to himself.

The blue thunder and lightning tore the sky in an instant, and the afterimage fell like thunder wrapped behind the clouds. The lightning "cracked" and landed on the wet rainy ground of Osko's rooftop. The arc flashed around, and Thor followed The coming.And a tail of flames followed the thunder and lightning, Iron Man also flew down from the crack in the cloud, and Thor surrounded Omega in the middle.

"Excuse me, Dr. Charlotte," Tony said, "you can't wait for anything today, except for a fat beating from the Avengers."

The Quinjet fighter buzzed and rose from the edge of the roof. Almost as soon as the hatch opened, Eric shot out from the cabin, and the Alpha armor was assembled in mid-air, and it slammed into Omega brutally, with two blows. The metal figure bumped and entangled and fell straight down from the edge of the roof.

"Iron Man!" Captain America jumped off the spaceship, "Turn off that device!"

Iron Man and Thor shot together, and the repulsor beam and Thor's Hammer blasted at the device from both sides, but they were both blocked at a distance of about half a meter from it, leaving only two streaks in the rainwater. Transparent ripples.

"Unknown force field response." Tony frowned, "I'm analyzing it, maybe I can decipher its frequency."

"Then you'd better hurry up." The captain glanced around the robot army and said, "We don't have long."

"Don't worry, captain, this is not on the mothership." Tony said, "Here we are Banner with heavy weapons?"

After the words fell, a wild roar came from the cabin, and the green beast shot out like a cannonball, and fell into the enemy's formation menacingly, and the recoil force almost knocked the Kun-type fighter over.

New York, elsewhere.

In a pitch-black apartment, when Raven groped up the dark stairs, he secretly wondered in his heart whether such a place was really inhabited.The corridor was pitch black, and the only window was three-quarters cracked, and the gusty wind filled with rain was howling and pouring in through the broken window, soaking the walls, which were peeled off and unsightly.

At the end of the corridor hangs the only lamp, which is faltering in the beating of the wind and rain, and the dim orange light flickers on and off.Raven went straight to the door under the chandelier, stretched out his hand and pushed gently, but it was unlocked.

Walking into the room slowly, a fragrant breath came over my face, completely different from the atmosphere outside.Although the same simple room exudes a different kind of leisurely atmosphere, the light is soft and reassuring.

The space here is very limited, and a bed and a wardrobe take up all the space.The woman in black stood in front of the window. The black tulle made her face faintly visible, but she looked like a very beautiful woman in terms of temperament.

She has been waiting here.

"It was you who called me." Raven stared at her for a moment, then said.

The woman nodded slightly.

"Who are you? Do you want me to do something?"

It was an incredible feeling. Although he had never seen this woman before, Raven didn't think she was hostile.

"My name is Yvette Charlotte." The woman clearly didn't speak, but the crisp voice seemed to be in Raven's mind, "You should know my son."

Raven asked in surprise, "Are you Eric's mother?"


"Are you a telepathic superpower?" Raven stopped talking, and asked directly in his heart.

"It's not strictly speaking that it's complicated to explain, but that doesn't matter."

"Why are you looking for me?" Raven asked, "Eric wants to see you so much, why haven't you been seeing him?"

"I know." Yvette said sadly, "I love him, and I hope to see him, but I'm not sure if I have the qualifications. We only bring him misfortune, and I don't want to and can't."

Her voice cut off here.She turned around, opened the only wardrobe in the room, and dragged out a delicate and beautiful metal briefcase, with an electronic code dial on the handle.

Raven asked: "This is"

"Something for Eric," Yvette said, "and maybe it shouldn't be given to him. I can't decide, and I shouldn't be the one to make the decision. That's what I need you to do."

She stared intently into Raven's eyes.

"...I need you to make the decision."

(End of this chapter)

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