Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 139 Patient No. 0

Chapter 139 Patient Zero
Aegis, a floating carrier.

Captain America, Dr. Bruce Banner, and Ant-Man Hank Pym are all lying on the bed in the isolation room at this time, covered with high-precision life support equipment, wearing a breathing mask, unconscious like a seriously ill patient .

"So far their cells are in a dormant state, and the degree of organ erosion is about 60.00%, and we can't predict how bad it will get in the future." The researcher wearing square glasses reported to Fu Ruihui, "The captain's The blood serum is fighting fiercely against the virus, and the gamma-irradiated cells in Dr. Banner's body seem to have an interactive reaction with the virus with an unknown trend. Dr. Pym has taken a large number of capsules containing Pym particles. The particles spread throughout his organs, and his heartbeat was very irregular, but we have not been able to determine the cause at this time."

Fury was silent for a while, and said: "Continue to observe."

He walked out of the room with a sullen face, and ran into Raven at the door.

"How are they?" she asked.

Fury glanced at her, did not stop, and continued to advance along the passage while replying: "It's bad, we need to find the antidote within 24 hours, or they will all be finished."

"Is it the same for everyone else in town?"


"I want to help," Raven said. "Where's Eric?"

"He wants you to stay here, and I think that's wiser." Fury said without looking back. "You'll be like this if you go out and get this virus. Listen to me, boy, be quiet. Stay here, we've had enough trouble."

While speaking, he had already passed the verification and quickly returned to the bridge.

"Director Fury." A female agent in front of the console said, "It's the council."

Fury sighed slightly.What he hates most is dealing with this group of big bosses who sit behind the scenes all day and don't understand anything but always like to point fingers. He also knew that this group of people would intervene in this incident, and it was only a matter of time.

Fury nodded, opened the door and entered the special room.

There was a glimmer of light in the dark room, and the three floating screens lit up, forming a half circle around Fury in the center.With his hands behind his long windbreaker, he raised his head and looked at the three black figures that appeared on the screen, which were the representatives of people who held great power.

"We heard about New York, Commissioner Fury." The woman in the middle said, "We need to know the details."

"It seems that a deceased doctor released a brand new virus called 'Amajo'." Fury said in a neutral tone, "The virus initially showed the ability to paralyze any superpower and Inhibit the effect of its superpowers, and after contacting the first non-superpower patient, it mutated. The process is a bit complicated, all in all, now it can also infect non-superpowers and lead them to the end of death. "

"Where did the doctor who released the virus go?"

"I don't know." Fury shrugged. "He was wearing the most dangerous individual combat equipment on the planet. He left after the virus broke out, and none of us could keep up."

After the three directors looked at each other, the man on the left asked, "So what countermeasures do you have now?"

"I have a task force working on that mission," Fury said. "The mutant, the first normal person to be infected, we call 'Patient Zero.' He's a living petri dish of the virus. The source sample of the mutated virus of the carrier. We only need to find this patient, and in theory, we can extract antibodies and create an antidote for this super disease."

"Theory." The woman bit the word. "We're talking about a super virus-infected New York City, Commissioner Fury. We want a better answer than 'theory.'"

"Sorry that's the best answer I can offer."

"That task force," another man asked, "is your so-called 'Avengers,' right?"

"Yes, they are very capable." Fury said, "Believe me, they can handle it well."

"They better be, Fury," the woman said finally, "or we're all going to face the worst."

The screen went off, and Fury sighed and exited the room.

What the hell was that Dr. Charlotte thinking?Why is the Yamajo virus released on a large scale?

No, before these questions... Where did he hide himself?
"Director Fury." Another agent called out, "Mr. Stark."

Tony's voice rang in the Avengers' common channel: "Guys, maybe you want to come and see me, I have good and bad news"

At this moment, Iron Man is standing on a smoky, unrecognizable street, with wrecked vehicles and thick black smoke behind him.A burly and tall figure was standing in front of him. His muscular upper body was covered with pale muscles. His distorted head protruded from the smoke screen. His round pale yellow eyes looked like two pearls.The hair on his scalp almost fell off completely, leaving only a few solitary hairs. He tore the yellow jacket into strips, leaving only a small half hanging on the arm full of explosive muscles.

"...I think I've found patient zero."

The guy who was more than two meters tall came out, stepped on the hood of the car with the sole of his foot, and made it collapse with a scream.He showed his sharp white teeth, and said ferociously, "No! I found you!"

"Hold him, Tony." Eric said in the channel, "I'm going to your side now."

"I'm on the way too." Thor's voice also sounded, and he finally accepted the "uncomfortable" communication device such as the headset.

Tony tried to make a friendly gesture to the big man in front of him: "Wow, calm down, sir, uh, what should I call you?"

Patient Zero just stared at him, his yellow eyes glowing dully, his teeth chattering.

"The armor tells me your pupils are dilated and your heart rate is increasing, sir," Tony said. "If you can keep your sanity, I'm here to help."

Before he could finish speaking, his words were interrupted by a tyrannosaurus-like roar.Patient zero flew forward, and the moment the footsteps popped, the poor car hood was finally popped out, and it was trampled like a piece of scrap iron.

Iron Man, of course, had been prepared for a long time. The moment he saw him rushing, his palms flashed, and the energy cannon blasted firmly on the opponent's shirtless chest.Patient No. [-] was hit by a hammer, and his body was crushed on the roof of a car, and all the glass windows were shattered.

"I reminded you, sir." Iron Man said to Patient Zero who was supporting himself up, "You asked for this."

The opponent turned around, staring directly at Iron Man with yellow eyes, and the shape of the arc reactor was reflected in the eyeballs.

"You shine"

The guy actually spoke in a low voice.The muscles in his chest seemed to be twisting uncomfortably, a circular outline seemed to be squeezed out from under the skin, twisting into a circle similar to the shape of a reactor.

Tony closed his pupils, and was so surprised that he could hardly speak: "You are"

".I glow too!"

Patient Zero roared, and suddenly raised his right palm, a milky white light beam blasted out of his palm, which was almost the same as the repulsive light beam released by Iron Man just now.

(End of this chapter)

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