Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 140 Virus Evolution

Chapter 140 Virus Evolution
It never occurred to him that just by looking at it, Patient Zero also imitated a repulsive beam similar to that of Iron Man, and his body should be just a human being infected by a virus.Tony was completely shocked, so shocked that he even forgot to dodge, and slammed the cannonball. The armor swept across the street like a shell, hitting a car spinning in the air, and smashed down with him. into the wall across the street.

Iron Man lifted a boulder that was pressing on him, and just as the lock frame of the monitor fell back on Patient Zero, the patient had already raised his palm again.

He hurriedly sprayed flames from his feet, and his body flew into the air quickly.A sharp energy beam from Patient Zero immediately fell into the air, and the white-hot beam smashed the fire hydrant on the side of the road to pieces, and the asphalt road gave off a burnt smell.

Iron Man stayed suspended in mid-air with the help of the propellers of the jet boots, but he didn't make any rash moves.

"Jarvis," Tony said, "scan me this guy's physical structure and energy characteristics, in detail! I need to know what he can do?"

At the end of the sentence, his voice subconsciously dropped to the point that he couldn't even hear him clearly.I saw patient zero curled up all over, his back trembling uncontrollably, as if there were two unknown objects struggling to break out under his back.There were bursts of crisp sounds like bones stretching out of his pale skin, and sounds like some kind of mucus.

"You fly." Patient Zero glared at Iron Man ferociously, his pupils reflecting his levitating posture, ".I can fly too! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!"

Ink-black blood poured out from his back in large quantities like a fountain, and the blood-soaked fleshy wings spread out with the sound of breaking flesh, with sharp fangs on the tips of the wings, like a vampire bat, sticky black blood hung all over the place. to the wings.

"Um well," Tony murmured to himself, "now where's the song?"


The huge wings fluttered fiercely, and the air wave with a salty and wet smell swept across the ground. Patient Zero rose into the air and rushed towards Iron Man with his arms outstretched.

And at this moment, a group of thunderclouds appeared directly above the battle situation.Lightning seemed to come from beyond the sky. He held a heavy hammer and slammed it with lightning and thunder on the chin of Patient Zero who was rushing, causing him to fly horizontally and hit the street. A row of cars is in a mess.An electric arc ignited the gasoline, and the flames shot up into the sky, and the heat wave of the explosion swept across the block.

"In trouble, my friend?" Thor asked Iron Man with a smile as he floated in the air with his hammer.

The wreckage of the car was thrown away violently. Patient Zero walked out with a steady pace, bathed in the flames. His thin wings were reflected red, as if burned through by the flames.His face was gloomy, and he stared intently at the newly appeared Thor.

"Wait, Thor!" Iron Man yelled, "There's something wrong with this guy."

"Don't worry!" Thor shouted arrogantly, and flew up, "The creation of mortals is made by me, Thor."

Before he finished speaking, patient zero cut off his words with a loud shout.A hammer that looked like Thor's Hammer appeared in his hand as if it had grown out of the flesh. It also dragged the dazzling blue lightning across a stunning arc, and slammed on Thor's cheek. He landed heavily on the street.

"What?" Thor got up from a pile of broken pieces, still a little confused, "What kind of trick is this?"

Patient Zero let out a low growl, holding a heavy hammer, and the electric arcs danced around his muscles.

"Be careful, Thor!" Tony stepped forward, side by side with Thor, and said, "This guy is weird."

Patient zero stared straight at Thor, and said in a low voice: "You who are immune must die!"

As the voice fell, he raised the hammer again, and the electric light overflowed, and the thing that looked like an arc reactor on his chest also flickered, and the translucent light danced faintly.

Eric jumped down from the roof at this time, the metal tore through the air, and fell heavily behind the big man.The moment Patient Zero turned his head, he hit Eric's flying leg head-on, and was slammed to the ground. The wet ground was smashed into pieces by his cheek.

"It's the Amojo virus." Eric, who was wearing the super-mode armor, explained to Iron Man and Thor when he landed, "This guy is the person who was first infected with the Amojo virus. Activated some original characteristics-replicating superpowers, but it is manifested in this guy based on the organic transformation of the body of the host organism, just imitating the abilities he saw as much as possible, and some imitations are specious."

"Like that reactor," Tony said. "It just looks like a reactor."

"His IQ is very limited." Eric said, "He is sick, like a child who unconsciously imitates movements, driven by viral instincts."

"No I'm not sick"

Patient Zero climbed up again, with a low and hoarse voice, giving the impression that a volcano spit out "sizzling" white steam before it erupted.

"We are not sick!"

He roared unknowingly, shook his arms, and the round thing on his chest roared and shot out a mighty ray.Several people hurriedly avoided each other, and the light beam shot straight through the building behind Tony, leaving a huge hole with thick smoke.

"That thing might not be your reactor, but it doesn't look bad," Thor said.

"I see." Tony said.

Patient Zero raised the hammer high, and it fell towards Eric with a shout.Eric took a step forward and firmly caught the hammer body with one hand, his arm remained motionless as if made of iron.

Patient Zero's eyes fell firmly on the "S" mark on Almadra's armor again, and the muscles on the arm holding the hammer trembled slightly, faintly as if about to swell.

"Want to evolve again? Don't even think about it!"

Eric swung the hammer away, and punched the patient's cheek hard with his other hand, causing the guy to yelp, staggered back two steps, and half-kneeled on the ground with his back to Eric.

"We're not done talking yet!"

Eric squeezed his shoulders and pulled him over abruptly. The moment he turned around, Eric saw a pair of red eyes that were burning hot.



There was no time to react, the scorching light shot out from the pale eye sockets, like a torrent impacting on the "S" mark on the Alpha armor's chest, pushing Eric to slide out.

It's heat vision, copied from the armor's heat vision.

The virus in patient zero mutated again and evolved further.

Now, it can even duplicate the target's unused abilities.

(End of this chapter)

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