Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 141 Patient VS0

Chapter 141 VS Patient Zero
It's still a bit careless, I didn't expect the Yamojo virus to evolve so fast.Eric hadn't even used the thermal vision function of the Warframe Super Mode. Patient Zero copied the thermal vision ability just by looking at him, and he was getting closer and closer to the real Amojo robot.

Suddenly, Eric had an idea, and the shadow of Dr. Charlotte flashed in his mind involuntarily.

Could it be that this is the purpose of that guy?If the virus residing in Patient Zero continues to evolve in this way, it will really get closer and closer to the terrifying ability in the original comics that can copy almost unlimited superpowers within sight.

What if this is Dr. Charlotte's real purpose?

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, the battle continued on the other side.Thor, who charged forward with a hammer, was temporarily blown aside by the sweeping heat vision, while Iron Man sprayed from the side, accelerated and slammed into the big guy, pushing him into the wall like a battering ram. Flame spurted violently from the side and hit patient zero at zero distance.

Patient zero yelled in pain, but that was all, and there was not a single scar on the flesh of his abdomen.He raised his knee and slammed into the belly of Iron Man's armor, his arms swollen to an exaggerated level easily lifted him up, and with a flick of his arm, he was thrown across the road.

At this time Thor also rushed forward again, shouting loudly, like an ancient general who charged into battle.The black clouds were attracted to hover in the air, and the dazzling thunder and lightning were drawn from the nine heavens to Thor's Hammer. A heavy hammer hit him almost disfigured his face, and he spit out a big mouthful of black blood, which stained his mouth. Crooked gums.

Thor didn't stop there. Thor's Hammer followed the trajectory of the lightning and hit Patient Zero's face one after another, causing him to retreat repeatedly. The electric current left blackened scorched marks on the pale and festered skin, which was shocking.


Patient Zero raised his head slowly, and caught the hammer with one hand, and the furious lightning made a hissing sound in his palm.His eyes revealed the fierce light unique to hungry beasts, and black blood dripped slowly between the clenched teeth.The same liquid also flowed from his eye sockets and flowed down his face, as if crying.

"Trying to resist us." Patient Zero gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

".Only death!"

He backhanded the hammer, which in turn knocked Thor flying upside down.He spread out his wings arrogantly, fluttering and flapping in a show-off manner, and the khaki dust flew up with his wings.

"My scans show that the activity of the virus has not disappeared." Tony said loudly, "The tiny virus is continuously released from this guy's body, interacting with the existing virus molecules in the air, and is still in the process of mutating. This goes on if."

"He will become stronger and stronger." Eric also stepped forward and said, "Every second we waste here may lose a life, we must hurry up, I have an idea."

"Tell me." While Tony was speaking, the thrusters jetted laterally and pushed his armor to avoid another repulsive beam from Patient Zero.

"So far, he seems to use only one active attack ability at a time," Eric said, avoiding the sharp sweep of the hammer in Patient Zero's hand and knocking him back with a punch, "I guess he uses multiple attacks at the same time." This ability will increase his burden."

Tony flew forward, punched the staggering Patient Zero from behind, and then kicked the front door of the other side to push the engine fully open. The flames sprayed the other side's face black, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"How?" Tony asked.

"Let's attack together," Eric said, "to distract him."

"What a rough idea," Tony said, pausing, "but it sounds reasonable."

Patient No. [-] got up again, breathing heavily in his nasal cavity, and made huge footprints on the ground with his bare feet.

There was another drizzle in the sky, the yellow smoke seemed to have finally dissipated a little, and the visibility in the air was slightly higher.The rain fell on the eaves, the ground, and the hood of the smelly car, dripping from the bald forehead of Patient Zero.

"The output power is 100% fully charged." That was the voice of Yamozhuo's armor charging.The red energy was extracted from the core and quickly filled into the position of the armored eyepiece. The overflowing temperature distorted the temperature, and the rain on the helmet turned into wisps of white smoke and evaporated.

Witnessing the charging of Erik's armor, Patient Zero uttered low moans, like the painful groans of a sick beast.His eyeballs were also hot, and his retinas were as hot as a soldering iron.

"Jarvis, increase the power to 40% for me."

"I must remind you, sir, that is the limit of armor output." Jarvis said gently, "There may be a danger of overheating and exploding the chamber."

"I know where the limit of this armor is, just do it!"

While speaking, the reactor on Iron Man's chest also lit up, and the dazzling light flickered on his chest like a crystal that refracted light. A super-high concentration of energy was brewing, as if it was about to explode.

And Patient Zero—as Eric had expected—the circle on his chest lit up in a pattern, as if the reactor had reached its limit.


Eric and Tony shouted in unison, thermal vision and repulsive energy cannons fired in unison, the two red-hot beams blasted out at the same time as the mighty white rays like waves, like invisible wind blades on the asphalt road along the road Deep cracks were scraped.

Patient zero also roared, the mimic thermal vision and the mimic repulsion cannon were fired at the same time, colliding with the beams fired by the two in the air.The energy detonated in mid-air, and the shock wave cut off the rainwater in the middle, like countless hidden weapons being thrown out in all directions, exploding in a "crackling" manner.

Eric's conjecture was correct, and the attack of the two at the same time really distracted Patient Zero's attention.Even though he roared furiously and babbled indistinctly, he couldn't stop the fiery rays and howling energy cannons from piercing through him, bombarding his body back and forth.

Patient zero raised his head and let out a final roar, as if a beam of light shot up from his nose and mouth.The gravel on the ground exploded with the swirling airflow, and the gloomy black cloud seemed to be blown away in one breath, and all the glass along the street was shattered into slag with the explosion of the impact.

The light dissipated and the dust settled. Patient No. [-] stood on his feet for the last two seconds, his knees fell to the ground with a "plop", and black smoke rose from the front and back of his body. His eyes had lost their luster, and fiery red lines stretched from the corners of the eyes to the back of the head. .

He finally fell.

(End of this chapter)

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