Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 142 Infected Camp

Chapter 142 Infected Camp

New York, a suburb five kilometers away.

Aegis temporarily set up a camp here, and the agents in orange-yellow isolation suits shuttled back and forth in the camp, with the bright red cross logo printed on the tents uniformly.

So far, this is the largest gathering camp for infected people.Aegis gathered as many infected people as possible, where they were treated for induced coma.Of course, there is no great use, just better than nothing.An hour earlier, the infected Avengers had also been transferred to this camp.

After a long 24 hours, Iron Man, Thor and Eric, who were the last hope, finally flew back to the camp. Thor still carried the unconscious patient zero on his shoulder.The researchers of Aegis quickly placed him in a temporary laboratory, and got busy around him.

Patient zero was lying flat on the hospital bed, his body was covered with wires, and he muttered something indistinctly like a sleepwalker.

"We." He repeated the word vaguely.

"How's the situation?" Tony asked the person in charge by the bed.

"Not optimistic." The person in charge replied, "We are still doing blood analysis, trying to extract the virus of the original infection. We can only hope that this will help, because if it doesn't"

He paused and didn't continue talking.But everyone can hear that this is a desperate attempt. If it fails, the planet may completely fall into the hands of Yamazo's super virus.

"Where's our friend?" Thor asked. "What about the other Avengers?"

"It hasn't stabilized yet, and there may be changes at any moment." The person in charge said, "I'm sorry."

"Do what you can, doctor," Tony said.

At this moment, Captain America, Ant-Man, and Dr. Banner who were lying in the isolation room all turned over unconsciously, opened their mouths as if they were dreaming, but opened their mouths neatly as if they had been rehearsed, and uttered indistinctly. made a sound.

"We." They whispered.

Camp gate.

The fine rain seemed to intensify a little, and the isolation suits of the two agents standing guard in front of the gate were soaked through, reflecting the lights in the camp.There seems to be a burst of smoke and dust rising in the distant wilderness, which makes people can't help but think of the scene of thousands of troops and horses riding through the flying dust.

"Hey, I think there's something moving outside base camp?" one agent asked his companion.

The latter raised his electronic telescope, looked into the distance through the lens covered with water droplets, and frowned slightly: "I don't know, it looks like there is something. We'd better report back."

inside the camp.


Eric turned his head and saw Revan, who was also wearing the isolation suit distributed by Aegis, appearing at the door of the tent.

"Revan?" Erik asked, "Why don't you stay on the mothership? What are you doing down there?"

"I heard you're coming here, and I want to help too."

"This is not the kind of problem you are good at solving." Eric shook his head, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Be obedient, go back and wait for my news, okay? It will be over soon."

This was just consolation. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know whether the matter would end smoothly.Maybe the lunatic who released the virus didn't prepare an ending for this incident at all, maybe he just used the means for the purpose and didn't care what kind of harm it would cause.

Perhaps for him, this is just the beginning.


Raven said bluntly, his tone was stubborn and unquestionable.

"I said"

Eric wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a dull cracking sound.The wall was easily pierced like a layer of window paper, and the domineering energy turned into a column-shaped impact and pierced through, knocking everyone in the room to the ground unexpectedly.

"What are you doing now?" Iron Man got up and asked, rubbing his head.

A dark figure appeared behind the hole in the wall. Captain America walked in the front with his neck crooked. From his neck to his face, there were blue and black veins all over his face, and his eyes were dull with gray and black.Ant-Man and Hulk, who had turned into Hulk, followed closely behind him, followed by a large group of people like an army.

They are all the same - gray-black eyes, vertical and horizontal veins, swaying like zombies, and black blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.The manic wind poured rainwater into the room through the hole, making them even more hideous under the rain curtain.

"You... are... a strange race."

It seemed that someone said something through the mouth of Captain America, the voice was high-pitched and hoarse, like the sound of a cassette tape.

Hulk said dumbly: "You... think you are... the ruling race."

"You are wrong."

It was Patient Zero who was still lying on the bed just now who said the last sentence.At this moment, he had stood up again, his huge wings stretched out in the middle of the room, and the black blood hanging from the fangs of the wings dripped like pearls.

"Immune." Patient Zero said hoarsely, "...must die!"

"I guess this is a declaration of war." Iron Man looked carefully at the group of uninvited guests, "Are you ready to fight?"


Like the clarion call of a charge, the irrational people and patient zero attacked together, like a tide rushing towards them.The wall was knocked down in an instant, and the battle situation expanded rapidly.

Captain America surrounded Iron Man with a group of infected people with different abilities, and Thor fought with a group of infected people led by Hulk.Eric and Raven faced Ant-Man's team here, and it was a bit annoying for this guy to keep getting bigger and smaller and shuttle back and forth among the crowd.

All kinds of super powers blossomed everywhere, and the flames of war ignited the entire camp in an instant.Billowing thunder sounded dully, and streaks of lightning fell from the sky onto the battlefield, intertwined with fire and other splendid light effects.The drizzle was mixed with lightning and fell with the clouds. When it landed, it dissipated in the curtain-like black smoke instantly. The infected people made a unified and ugly voice, telling the prophecy of destruction.

There are too many of them, and their abilities are varied.The energy of Iron Man's armor has been exhausted, and the remaining 20.00% of the energy made him have to give up the kinetic energy of the flight system, and he had to be cautious in using the repulsion cannon; Thor may still have the energy to fight again, but he is facing The violent beasts were even more tireless, coupled with the beating of a bunch of infected people with strange superpowers, Thor also fell into a disadvantage.

It won't last long like this.

Eric saw everything in the battle situation in his eyes, his brain was running fast, thinking about countermeasures.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye, but saw that behind Riven, who was waving purple chaos magic, standing among the infected people, Patient Zero approached silently, his eyes ignited with red flames.

"People with magical abilities must be eliminated." He murmured dully like a puppet.

Eric's brain stopped thinking for a moment, and an instinctive impulse took over everything.

"Complete, the speed mode is online."

The mode switching was completed with instinctive consciousness, and the soles of Eric's feet seemed to be riding a gust of wind, and the armor turned into a flash of lightning and rushed towards Raven.

The thermal vision of Patient Zero roared out almost at the same time, leaving a misty white trail after evaporating the rainwater, and the fiery light roared out.

Raven turned his head abruptly, and his beautiful pupils shrank suddenly.

She saw the afterimage of the metal flashing in front of her like an instant movement, and ate the heat vision shock for her, and her body flew towards the broken kite in the direction of his speeding sprint, " "Boom" smashed through the wall and rolled into the rain covered by the smoke screen.


Raven lost his composure a little, shouted and chased after him.

"Are you okay for me?"


With his back to her, Erik stood up panting, the rain washed away the dust on the armor, making it look wrinkled and shiny.

He panted and turned his head, half of the visor wiped off by the heat vision was broken, and the exposed cheek was also scratched with blood.

"I was exposed to the virus."

(ps is expected to be available this week, thank you for your support!

Thanks to book friend Ye Yeye for the reward of 1000 starting coins! )

(End of this chapter)

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