Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 143 Infection Outbreak

Chapter 143 Infection Outbreak
"15% energy remaining, sir."

"Don't report it anymore, just show it on the screen!" Tony shouted.

The energy bar of Iron Man's armor has also bottomed out, but the troubles in front of him are still far from being solved. Even now, irrational people are still pouring in from outside, like an endless army trying to submerge this only saved camp.

The agents also took up their weapons and tried their best to resist, but that was of no avail. Guns and bullets were not worth anything in front of super-infected people.More and more people fell, and each time someone fell, the infected gained another ally.As the battle progressed, the number of people here decreased sharply, while the number of enemies increased.

You can't win like this.

Ant-Man, shrunk down to an ant's size, seized the opportunity and flew towards Iron Man from behind. His size grew rapidly in mid-air, and he changed back to a normal human shape in a snap of his fingers, and punched him at the back of the head.

It's a pity that Iron Man had already noticed it, and without looking back, an energy cannon hit his chest with a backhand.Ant-Man threw his head back into the crowd, still muttering indistinctly, just like all the infected people around him.

"They are talking to us." Thor slammed a hammer and overturned a group of people, and said at the same time, "It feels like"

He was a little short of words, and seemed to be unable to think of how to describe it.Tony added to him while firing left and right: "It's like having a consciousness. It feels like countless terminals are connected to a common consciousness. It's as if the submerged virus has its own consciousness. Ah!"

Speaking of this, Captain America hit his iron skull with a shield, and let out a crisp golden cry.

Tony staggered back, raising his arms around Captain America's shield, the captain's virus-distorted face nearly touching the shell of his helmet.

"We... don't understand." The captain said hoarsely, "Your species... are not aligned."

"iron Man!"

Thor yelled and tried to step forward to help, but was suddenly punched by Hulk from the side and flew out. His body pierced an armored truck parked in the camp like an armor-piercing bullet.

Tony stared at the captain who had been controlled: "What do you want?"


What answered him was Patient Zero who suddenly appeared behind him, who raised his hand and bombarded the back of Iron Man's armor with a beam of imitation repulsion.Tony let out an "ah", and couldn't help but relax his hands. Captain America took advantage of the situation and knocked him to the ground with a shield head on.

"Diffusion, killing." Patient Zero said hoarsely, stepped forward, and surrounded Iron Man with Captain America, "Same as human beings."

"Jarvis," Tony ordered, half lying on the ground, gritted his teeth, "prepare me a super repulsor."

"The energy is seriously insufficient, and the super repulsor can't be charged, sir."

"This is really not good news."

"You hid inside to avoid assimilation." Patient Zero stretched out a hand and strangled Iron Man's throat. "It won't be long. You us."

"But not today."

At the same time as the sound came from one side, dark purple magic power fluctuations followed.The magic beam hit Patient Zero like a torrent, pushing him and the infected Captain America to the side.

It was Raven whose body was wrapped in purple magic energy, and Eric stood beside him, and the facial armor had already repaired itself.

Raven glanced at Eric worriedly: "You have been exposed to the virus, are you sure you are all right?"

"I feel fine, I'm fine," Eric said. "Now is not the time to worry about this. I think I can feel the weakness of these guys."

Just when he blocked the thermal vision of Patient Zero for Raven and his face armor was shattered, his body was directly exposed to the virus of Almojo.But unlike other infected people, he didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, he felt that he could clearly feel the inhalation of the virus in his body, and his senses and thinking became unexpectedly clear.

Not only that, but he could hear that voice, from the back of his mind, whispering to him, talking to him.It was the consciousness of the Amojo virus, and he suddenly felt that he knew everything about the virus, and he was sure that the consciousness from the virus knew him as well.

Amojo virus, it hates ravens.Or to be precise, the Chaos magic she wields.

"Ready, Raven?" Erik asked.

Raven didn't answer, his arms crossed in front of his chest, the dark aura was released, and the explosion of magic power activated the resonance of the Alpha armor again.The shape of the armor quickly switched, the wings of the alloy opened against the drizzle, and the raven mode was launched!
Patient zero got up, and the purple magic power seemed to release a special smell, attracting all the infected people in Zhou Za to turn their heads and growl in protest.

"It's patient zero," Eric said, pointing to the patient zero who was clustered in the center, "his appearance inspired the synergy of all other infected people, he is the source. We just need to knock him down, Should be able to stop other infected as well."

Raven nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Eliminate." Patient Zero roared in a low voice, "...Immunified!"

The roar sounded like a blasting horn, and the infected surrounded them layer by layer, their footsteps swaying like zombies, but they were neatly synchronized like a well-trained phalanx.

The silver wings of the Alpha armor suddenly spread out, splashing a circle of transparent water in the rain.Eric and Raven jumped into the air together, and a circle of purple air burst out at the moment of lift-off, shaking the infected people back one after another.

The raven was hanging in the air, raising her arms high, and the magic power rose into the air along her arms, and condensed into countless magical energy balls between the rain curtains, mixed in the pattering rain and roaring down towards the crowd.The magic power exploded one after another on the heads of the infected, like gorgeous purple lotus flowers, blowing up the army of the infected.

Patient zero yelled dissatisfiedly, his eyes once again ignited with lava-like light, and two thick beams shot out from the eye sockets, towards the two people in midair.

"Do you think this trick will work?"

Eric snorted and swung one arm, a seemingly transparent purple light flashed in front of him elegantly, the scorching beam submerged in the purple light seemed to be thrown into a bottomless vortex, and was instantly Swallowed in, dissipated.Surprisingly, there was a sharp sword blade wrapped in the vortex, and the flame-like purple light surrounded the blade, swaying in the rain like an extension of the blade.

Patient Zero gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Magic. No more!"

"Sorry, that's not what you said."

Eric said, with a clear whistle, the armor began to charge to the limit, and the magic power released turned into entities and wrapped Eric and the raven in it, turning into a black and purple crow, overlooking the The rain-washed battlefield screamed loudly.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

"The last blow!" Eric yelled, "Lie back to the bed honestly!"

(End of this chapter)

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