Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 146-Awakening

Chapter 146-Awakening
Eric took the heavy box thrown by the raven, landed back on the ground, and looked at her in surprise: "This is"

"Your mother gave it to me." Raven said calmly and hastily, "I don't have time to explain in detail now. All in all, it can increase the ability to strengthen your armor, but at the same time she also warned that once you use it, the consequences will be difficult." It is expected that there may be no turning back.”

"My mother?" Eric stared at the briefcase in his hand for a moment, until he was interrupted by the enemy.

"That should be mine!" Omega burst out from a pile of debris, and shouted in a gaffe, "Give it to me!"

"I can't turn back...?" Eric chuckled, "Isn't this already the case?"

"I knew you would say that." Raven said flatly, "Then do it according to your ideas, no matter what kind of result this road leads to. I will be with you."

Eric's heart widened inexplicably, and he smiled and said, "Thank you."

He pressed the unlock button under the handle of the suitcase. At this moment, he seemed to feel that the equipment in his hand had invisible eyes looking at him, sweeping him from head to toe and his soul thoroughly.In an instant, a string of numbers was projected in his mind, which was the number of his birthday.

He entered this string of numbers into the password disk of the suitcase, and the suitcase popped open with a "click"-not the lid opened like a normal box, but the whole stretched out, unfolded and folded from Eric's right arm , climbed up along his arm, and the parts that turned into armor were installed on the existing shell of the Alpha armor. The dress pattern was quite similar to the simple briefcase armor in "Iron Man 2".

The main color of the armor has changed to gold, and the parts not covered by the new accessories are still exposed to the original black. The black and gold color is particularly harmonious and domineering.The eyepiece was filled with bright red, and the red eyes seemed to be filled with a compelling aura.

"Awakening, please complete."

The operation interface in the helmet has also changed, and the picture on the monitor seems to be clearer than before.Eric felt that as long as he concentrated, he could clearly capture every flap of a fly's wings and every drop of rain.He could feel the inexhaustible power in his body, which was endlessly transmitted from the core of the armor to all the limbs.

He felt invincible now.

"Yvette!" The bionic body in the Omega armor gritted his teeth, "Is she right? I knew she stole the 'Awakening Accessory'. It doesn't matter, then I'll use my strength to get it back!"

After finishing speaking, he stomped his feet, and the Omega shot out like a bullet in an instant, and the milky white air wave kicked up gray-black dust and flew up on the soles of his boots.


A punch with extremely terrifying arm strength, the wind of the fist when it is swung seems to tear the space. The fist of Omega metal was firmly held by the palm of the Alpha armor, and a "sizzling" electric current burst out from the golden fittings on the elbow.

"Complete, super mode is online."

The flame-like red "S" mark was printed on the chest of the Alpha armor, and the armor switched to a new super mode. The moment the two forces collided, the burst of air pressure was simply suffocating.

Eric kicked Omega's chest, and the latter was finally not as calm as before, and retreated hundreds of meters away. He stopped in his tracks, staring at the figure of the golden warrior in disbelief.

"How is it possible?" He said incredulously, "Even if the prototype armor of the Alpha model is strengthened with 'awakening accessories', it is far from possible to exert such exaggerated power!"

"You don't understand." Eric walked forward slowly, and said, "Power doesn't just come from a bunch of empty data. This is something that fake bionics like you will never understand."

"To shut up!"

While shouting, the Omega armor issued a prompt of "Speed ​​Mode", and the body was wrapped in a burst of golden lightning and rushed out. The afterimage circled around Eric for more than half a circle, and chose a tricky angle to explode. And up.

"Complete, the speed mode is online."

Eric's reaction was also quick. The moment Omega's super-speed fist slammed in front of him, Eric disappeared in place as if teleporting, and the fist wrapped in dazzling lightning immediately fell into the air.

The golden battle armor flashed behind him like a ghost, and the chest had been replaced with an armor plate with a lightning mark on it, and electric currents "sizzled" in it.

Omega turned around sharply, his body spinning like a tornado wrapped in electric current, and a leg swept by the speed of sound was caught in the whirlwind, sweeping past the Alpha armored figure behind him, and that figure suddenly turned into a The virtual image disappeared and disappeared into the air along with his leg.

Even the Omega's monitor didn't capture it, only an image flashed past him on his right.Just as he tried to turn around, the fist wrapped in the electric current had already firmly landed on his cheek, and the fist with super speed inertia ruthlessly smashed the outer shell of his mask, and golden arcs danced on the flying debris.

"Impossible!" the bionic body roared, "I have calculated everything! It is far from possible for your ability to reach this level, which cannot be explained!"

While shouting, the Omega armor switched back to super mode, and a transparent air wave burst out from under his feet, and rushed towards Eric with an indomitable momentum.


The afterimage shot directly into the building, like an invincible bullet piercing through the half-collapsed building, and the remaining half fell down, sinking into the flying dust with a rumbling sound inside.

But this menacing blow was in vain. The moment before he swooped out, the Alpha armor had deftly disappeared in place, and his iron fist just tore apart another high-speed afterimage.

"Complete, super mode is online."

As soon as Omega turned around, the golden battle armor broke through the smoke and rushed out. The whirlwind stirred the thick smoke into a vortex and followed closely behind, flying in a spiral shape.

Like a thunderbolt exploding on the ground, that was the sound of Eric's punch landing on the opponent's cheek.A circle of dusty air exploded in the ruins of the collapsed building, and the debris all over the ground seemed to be sucked up by the huge earthquake.The burst of power caused the Omega battle armor to fly out as a black afterimage. With a single breath, it pierced through several buildings in succession, and fell into the water of the port with a loud sound, setting off an explosion like a depth bomb detonated. Splashes several stories high.

Eric flew high in the air and landed lightly on the water's edge.The eyepiece activated the new X-sight perspective ability after the armor was strengthened, and searched for traces of the Omega armor underwater.

A heavy roar came from behind Eric, and when he turned his head, he saw water waves rising up like overwhelming water, and the curtain of the water flow crashing down, revealing a heavy cargo ship hidden below, looking up at this steel master The guy's Eric is as insignificant as a tiny bug.

The Omega armor used its back to support the entire weight of the freighter and suspended it, like ants lifting a hill.

(End of this chapter)

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