Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 147 The Battle Against Charlotte

Chapter 147 The Battle Against Charlotte

As if a mountain was lifted out of the water, a cargo ship soared into the sky with a "crash", and the water waves flowed down the outer wall of the hull like a waterfall. The Omega battle armor was in the center of the bottom of the ship, like a black-headed ant, supporting a big guy that was hundreds of times heavier than itself, staring at Eric with torching eyes.

With a bang, the ship slammed towards Eric like an aircraft with its booster ignited.Eric pressed his palms on the bow, and as the hull retreated violently, his feet stepped deeply into the ground, splitting the ground like a plow, and the gravel and soil under the cracked road surface were like seawater at high tide splash.

The freighter weighing hundreds of tons rumbled against the ground, dragging a long string of sparks along the street, flying nearly a hundred meters away before slamming on the brakes.The bow of the ship was severely deformed by Eric's terrifying arm force, and the hull was overwhelmed and a wave was generated from the bow to the stern, kneading the metal shell into a shapeless shape.

Fortunately, the X vision helped him confirm that there was no one in the boat, which was not a shock that humans could bear.

Omega flew up to catch up, his body broke through the air and let out a sharp roar.Eric exerted his arms vigorously, and he hugged the entire freighter vertically in a dull manner, sweeping across the air like waving a baseball bat. Omega was caught off guard, and only had time to raise his arm to block in front of his head, and was thrown back to the pier like a home run.

Eric dropped the freighter and flew to catch up again. The Omega armor stopped the retreating figure above the water surface, and the sudden brake caused a burst of violent ripples on the water below, and the waves splashed.

He flew to the shore, pulled off a section of anchor, swung it twice like a hot wheel, and then slammed towards Eric. The iron chain wrapped around Eric's upper body like a spiritual python. , imprisoned him tightly. Omega flicked vigorously, the iron chain dragged Eric's body and swept across the ground, smashed through a row of containers piled up at the dock, and smashed into the hull of another ship like a meteor hammer, deeply denting the hull. made a hole.

Omega exerted another force, dragged him back to the ground, and wanted to throw him again.But Eric rolled over to stabilize his figure, squatted on the ground, pinched the iron chain wrapped around his body with both hands, and yanked it violently in reverse, pulling the Omega armor along the iron chain and flying through the air. .He flew up and kicked the Omega armor's chest and abdomen. The transparent ripples were blown away in an instant, and the Omega armor was shot high into the air like a rocket, turning over several times in embarrassment. Finally, he barely settled in the air of [-] meters.

Eric looked up at the small black dot in the sky, and if it wasn't for the blessing of super vision, he might not be able to see it clearly.With a shake of his arms, the iron chains tied to his body were broken into several pieces, and fell to the ground with a "jingle".With his half-bowed body, the invisible aura was released, and the fragments of iron chains that fell on the ground and the dust and stones on the ground seemed to be drawn by invisible forces, and slowly rotated in a vortex with the Alpha armor as the center.


Breaking through the sound barrier in an instant, a network of patterns exploded on the ground, and the Alpha armor shot into the air like a sky cannon. Not to be outdone, Omega exploded in the night sky with a "bang" as if echoing him, and rushed towards Eric.

In the blink of an eye, the two sets of armor seemed to disappear.A dense string of explosions erupted in midair, like a string of cannons.Transparent air waves exploded from the sky, the clouds trembled violently with thunderous bangs, and the hurricane opened a huge hole in the clouds.

The two fought fiercely from the air to the ground, and flew over the devastated streets at low altitude. The street lamps along the way were shattered one after another by the overbearing vigor, and glass shards flew all over the street in the direction of the hurricane.They rushed to the sky again, dragging a violent airflow to collide at high altitude, and the wind pressure seemed to turn into thousands of swords and criss-cross in the air.

Once again, Omega was at a disadvantage, and from the data point of view, even if he was equipped with awakening accessories, he should be stronger.

"This is ridiculous!" The bionic body shouted unwillingly, "How could you become so strong?"

Eric didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and an uppercut slammed into the opponent's abdomen. Omega flew backwards towards the higher air at almost the speed of sound as if being pulled by an invisible thread. The inertia did not dissipate until he broke through the atmosphere. Exhausted, the air wave from Omega's violent braking almost blew away the atmosphere.

The super vision helped him re-lock to Eric who was suspended in the air below, and even saw his indifferent and expressionless face through the helmet, the cold eyes seemed to be mocking.

Omega clenched his fists.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The built-in system of the Omega armor sounded an electronic prompt, and the "S" pattern on the chest lit up like a neon light. The extracted energy traveled from the whole body of the armor, filled into the "Ω"-shaped eyepiece, and transformed into a hellish crimson s color.

Despite the distance of thousands of meters, the electronic notification sound was still captured by Eric's ears—or it should be said that it was the enhanced hearing sensor of the Alpha armor super mode.He snorted lightly indifferently, and also started charging the limit output.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

Crimson rays burst out from the eyepieces of both sides in an instant, and the four thermal vision beams tore apart the dark night sky, making the clouds appear fiery red.The moment the two energies collided, the world seemed to be overshadowed by it.The terrifying temperature and energy merged into the night sky, the atmosphere seemed to be dyed the color of lava, and the scalding hot wind swept across everything in all directions.

The two sides were at a stalemate for a while, and the two thermal visions maintained a delicate balance. The balance point was only very slight turbulence within a few meters, and it was impossible to distinguish the good from the bad for a while.

But if this continues, the bionic body will be more beneficial.

The first-generation Alpha armor needs to interact with the wearer's nervous system and consume vitality to operate, while the bionic body and Omega armor are already equivalent to a whole, and there is almost no need to consider consumption.

If it is a protracted battle, Eric, who is burning life support armor, is undoubtedly impossible to be his opponent.

However, Eric didn't intend to spend it with him.

"The output power is 150% fully charged."

The energy power of the Alpha armor increased sharply, the red-hot light suddenly became thicker, the hot eyepiece almost started to smoke, and other parts of the helmet began to turn red and hot, and the stalemate beam also began to push in the direction of Omega past.

The face of the bionic body changed drastically: "Wait a minute! Are you crazy? Do you know what the consequences will be if the awakening mode exceeds 100% of the limit output?"

"I don't know." Eric said lightly, "But I don't plan to care about the consequences."

(End of this chapter)

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