Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 148 Virus Cleaning

Chapter 148 Virus Cleaning
Eric could feel the rapid flow of life force from his body, as if the blood vessels were being drained.The upgraded armor was like a bottomless pit, and his appetite ate up his life surprisingly, and it became even more ferocious the moment he used the limit output.

But like Eric said himself, he has put all of this behind him now and doesn't care about it.

"The output power is 150% fully charged."

The thermal vision light beam emitted by the Alpha armor suddenly became thicker, and the stalemate was instantly broken, and the red-hot rays were pushed towards the Omega armor inch by inch.The red light illuminated the entire night, and the clouds seemed to be on fire, like confetti flying with sparks, and the flames were fleeting in the thin air.

The Omega armor is almost reaching its limit.Unlike Eric, he couldn't explode beyond the limit power output in such a way that almost drained himself. The body of the bionic body and the Omega armor maintained a 100% stable state when it was built, and the highest energy output could not Break through the [-]% cap limit.

Although the armor had begun to scream, and the white "S" on his chest had started to flicker due to the lack of energy supply, he could still hold on for a while.He still has hope, as long as he lasts until Eric's oil is exhausted, it will be his victory.

However, with Eric's violent roar that almost broke through the sky, his last glimmer of hope was also shattered.

"The output power is 200% fully charged."

The cold electronic notification sound of the Alpha armor was like a death sentence, and the expression of the bionic body in the Omega armor almost twitched. He cried out in panic: "Are you really dying!?"

Eric ignored it, and the laser beam emitted from the eyepiece became more fierce.The two red-hot light beams merged together, as if turning into a raging river. Compared with it, the thermal vision shot by the Omega was like a trickle in the faucet, which was submerged by the roaring waves in an instant.The bionic body screamed unwillingly, the armor turned into a silhouette in the red-hot light stream, and the shell finally couldn't bear it and began to melt.

Eric felt that he almost shot out his soul in this blow. When the heat vision beam was cut off, his whole body seemed to be a hundred times lighter, and he couldn't feel his own weight. The Omega armor was wrapped in a raging flame, dragging a long fiery trajectory and falling towards the ground.

Eric wanted to confirm what would happen to him next, whether the bionic body inside had been scrapped, but unfortunately he was exhausted. After the Alpha armor contributed all its strength, it finally returned to the dormant state, and the awakened accessories also peeled off automatically, folded back into the briefcase form, and fell down from the sky with him.The violent wind turned into a whip and whipped against the cheek, Eric felt suffocated, and his oxygen-deprived brain seemed to be swallowed by the tide of fatigue.

Then, his falling stopped, and he seemed to fall into a warm embrace in a daze.

"It's really messed up." Ruiwen caught him, and his tone was still not salty, like an audience who had just watched a performance.

Eric closed his eyes, and lazily said: "Ha, because I know you will continue. I'm sorry, that's it. Let me sleep, I'm so sleepy."

He rubbed his head in Raven's arms very rudely, and really fell into a deep sleep.It was also rare that Raven didn't throw him down unceremoniously, after all maybe he really needed to rest today.

The Amojo super virus incident that has swept across New York is finally coming to an end.Aegis successfully extracted antibodies from Eric's blood, and began to mass-produce vaccines to deliver to all infected areas.The quarantine needs to be maintained for another 24 hours, but the spread of the virus has been suppressed and should be fully contained tomorrow.

S.H.I.E.L.D. also sent people to search for the downed Omega armor, but all they found was a deep scorched mark with scorched marks, and the armor and Dr. Charlotte's bionic body inside had disappeared.

The super virus "Yamazo" was added as one of the most dangerous things on earth, and some samples were kept on the mothership of Aegis.While the virus was contained, it left behind a complication.So far, although most infected patients have been cured, it is estimated that [-]% of the patients still retain the superpowers bestowed by the virus.A new group of superpowers has emerged, which is obviously not a good thing for SHIELD and the government.

Patient zero is another special case. His ability has been suppressed, but the virus has not been eliminated.No one knew who he was, so he had to be temporarily imprisoned in Sanfei, the headquarters of Aegis at a low temperature.From a scientific point of view, his brain has long been completely dead, and the researchers are not even sure what he is now.

But in any case, the matter finally came to an end temporarily.

Eric wasn't sure how long he'd slept, it felt like he'd slept his entire life.The moment he opened his eyes, the dazzling white light dazzled his retinas for a while.

His body was still very heavy, as if he had just finished a [-]-meter marathon.Panting, he sat up against the head of the bed, realizing that he was in a hospital ward.Raven put on her black casual jacket and jeans, and sat on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed, calmly flipping through an old book with a yellowed cover, which made people think of those mysterious witches in the movie.

"Wake up." She said casually without raising her head.

Eric stretched out his waist: "Shouldn't you hurry up and say to me at this time, 'It's not enough, your body can't be forced up' or something like that?"

Raven took a rare look away from the grotesque book and glanced at him.

"If I say that, you will just lie back?"

"will not."

"I think so, so I'll just leave it at that."

"But somehow it can make people feel warm."

"Okay——" Raven continued to hold her book, and said in a calm tone, as if he followed the scriptures, "—your body hasn't recovered yet, don't force it too much, you have to continue to rest."

"Insincere." Eric sighed. "I just kind of grudgingly accepted how long I've been asleep?"

"Two days and two nights."

"So long?" Eric asked in surprise, "That virus"

"It's solved, thanks to you." Raven said, "Director Fury said that he will convey his thanks to you when you wake up."

"Wait. Two days and two nights? You won't be here with me all the time, will you?"

Ruiwen didn't speak for a long time, and turned his head aside intentionally or unintentionally.

"Anyway. The school is also closed because of the virus, and I have nothing else to do."

Although she couldn't see the expression, her voice was getting softer and softer, and Eric couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Thank you then. One more thing"

He paused and became a little serious.

"That thing called 'Awakening Accessory', right?" Raven finally put down the book, and said, "As I said, your mother gave it to me. She wanted me to make the choice for you, whether to put the I leave this to you. Then she left, I don't know where she went, but it looks like she doesn't plan to come back for the time being."

"That's it." Contrary to her expectations, Eric didn't seem particularly concerned.

"Actually, there is one more thing that Mr. Stark and Chief Fury have emphasized." Revan hesitated, bit his lip, and said, "It's about the 'awakening accessory'. It's better not to use that as much as possible." .Mr. Stark said to use it next time. You may become something other than human."

Eric took a deep breath.

Something other than human?
(ps thanks to book friend Mirror Door for the 100 starting coins)
(End of this chapter)

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