Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 149 Latent Virus

Chapter 149 Latent Virus

Aegis, Sanfei decoration headquarters.

Eric was here first thing after he left the hospital, and even though the Ametro virus incident was sort of over, he still had a lot of questions to ask, and he knew where to find the answers.

"After that, what happened? The bionic body?" Eric asked as he followed Nick Fury through the corridor leading to the prison area.

"We sent people to the place where he was shot down," Fury said. "We found traces of his fall, but there was no trace of him."

"What about bionic technology?" Eric asked.

"Yes, Aegis has also involved this technology." Fury pondered for a while, then said, "But it is different from the individual performance this time. The development of bionics is to perfectly disguise as anyone, but so far no Successfully loaded into a person's autonomous consciousness, at most, it is just to execute orders mechanically according to the program. Like this time, a person's complete consciousness and memory are implanted into a bionic computer"

".Unheard of." He chose the word after a pause.

Downloading a person's full consciousness to a computer Eric couldn't help but think about the incident with Obaday Stein.

Looking around the world, there shouldn't be too many people with such technology, right?So could it be said that the man behind the two incidents is the same person?

He feels that he has vaguely touched a huge net that has spanned 15 years, and every intricate thread is part of the conspiracy, and what has been exposed so far is only the tip of the iceberg.The opponent he has to face may be unprecedentedly huge.

The two walked through the corridor and came to the double-layered metal door.Fury skillfully entered a series of passwords, and after the scanner scanned his retina, the electronic prompt sounded a friendly "Welcome, Director Fury" greeting, and the door opened heavily.

Fury led him straight to a cell. Through a layer of glass, Patient Zero was sitting on the edge of his bed with his head bowed.He was still burly, but he clearly lacked the arrogance he had before, and his dejected look was more like a defeated rooster.His wings are gone, and his pupils have returned to some of their normal colors, but his face is still pale, like a dead person.

"He has lost his ability, but the antidote can't eliminate the virus in his body." Fury said with his hands behind his back, "It is medically said that he is brain-dead, and we don't know his identity yet, but he probably has to keep it forever This is it."

"No, not forever."

Patient zero actually raised his head. With the help of the light on the ceiling of the corridor, Eric discovered that this guy's face was covered with black lines like spider webs, which was shocking.

"This is our body, our incubator." Patient Zero stood up and stood in front of the two of them face to face through a glass cover, "Even now, I am mutating, and one day I will infect you, I will infect you all!"

"I am waiting."

Fury said lightly, and led Eric out of the cell.

"I have other questions," Eric said.

"I bet you have." Fury said, "You asked me why your mother was locked up in the cubic prison? I didn't answer you at the time. Do you know what type of prisoners are in the cubic prison?"

"A lab freak like the Hulk?"

"Genetically mutated superpowers, people who can pose a great threat." Fury said, "After the events of that night 15 years ago, your mother Yvette Charlotte volunteered to find us because she knew that she danger."

He deliberately paused here before continuing: "She is the first human being injected with the Yamajo virus in the world."

"What!?" Eric was stunned, "You said... she was injected with the Amojo virus 15 years ago?"

"Yes." Fury nodded and said, "But the mutation direction of the virus is different from that of this outbreak. The virus gave her superpowers similar to telepathy, but it did not bring life-threatening side effects. But the virus The situation is very unstable, and there is a danger of a large-scale outbreak at any time, then she will become a biochemical bomb and release the virus on a large today."

"So you put her in jail."

"The Cube is not just a prison, it was formerly one of the top research institutes of SHIELD." Fury said, "We have been looking for a way to cure her."

"What about the 'Awakening Accessory'?" Eric asked, "Raven said it was something my mother gave me."

"According to Yvette, that was developed by Dr. Charlotte, and it is an accessory for the final strengthening of Almazo armor. After the incident broke out 15 years ago, it was brought out by Yvette. After so many years, even our I don't know where it's hidden."

"Wait, that bionic body has all of my father's memories, right?" Eric frowned, "If he wants this, why can't he make another one himself?"

"He can't do it." Fury said, "Because of the special mutated virus that is the core component of this device, the only remaining copy is in Ms. Yvette Charlotte's body."

Eric froze.

"Speaking of which," Fury suddenly became more serious, staring at Eric seriously with one eye, "It's best not to use that device again."


"We have done a detailed examination of your body. The Yamajo virus has completely integrated with your cells. It is almost impossible to separate. Thankfully, they are very stable. Unlike other patients, your body accepts them perfectly."

"It doesn't sound like a bad thing."

"But that's the problem." Fury said seriously, "In addition to placing a huge burden on the body, the awakening device further promoted the fusion of the Yamajo virus and your cells. After this incident, we have all confirmed that This virus has a unified consciousness, and their interaction with your nerves through the armor is mutual. Let's just say that if your fusion continues to increase, we will not be able to determine whether it is your own that will dominate your body Will, or the Almajo virus."

"So that's how it is." Eric murmured, "That's why I said, could it become 'something other than human'?"

"Think about that patient zero." Fury said lightly, "The brain was killed by the virus and became a puppet that only existed for fighting."

The topic became quite heavy, and both of them were silent for a moment.

Then Eric smiled slightly.

"Don't put on such a scary expression, Director." He said relaxedly, "Who do you think I am? Don't worry, my life is still long, and I don't plan to end it by this kind of thing."


"The main program of the bionic body was damaged during the impact, and it may take a while to repair." The researcher in a white coat helped his black-rimmed glasses and said, "The problem with the armor is not a big problem. Its automatic The repair system has restored everything."

"very good."

The swivel armchair turned around, and the bald man in a suit and white gown sitting on the chair was Lex Luthor, the president of the Lex Group.

Omega's armor was quietly lying in the low-temperature freezer standing on one side, and the eyes that were extinguished seemed to be asleep with their eyes closed.

"Re-calibrate its memory to ensure that there are no redundant memories when it wakes up next time." Luthor said lightly, with a hint of a smile that didn't mean anything.

(End of this chapter)

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