Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 150 The Decisive Battle with Zola

Chapter 150 The Decisive Battle with Zola (Additional)

A monster covered in black scales broke out from the ground and landed in the streets like a king.It has rhinoceros-like legs and feet, and every time the soles of its feet hit the ground, it leaves a giant crater a foot deep.The monstrous Dr. Zola roared excitedly, and swept away all the obstacles blocking the way with his giant pincer arms, immersed in the screams of the people and couldn't extricate himself.

This is the pleasure brought by power!Nothing can match the thrill!
Zola still overestimated himself, even this mature guy still couldn't resist the mental impact brought about by the splicing of five biological genes.At this moment, his sanity has been completely confused, his rationality has been completely left behind, and the only burning thought that fills his brain now is to enjoy power.

It can be said that his so-called evolution has completely failed at this point, and it is only a matter of time before he is knocked down.

From the crack he tore open when he got out of the ground, green light spots rushed out with a long light band, like a shooting star flying into the sky.Two green energy balls shot out like cannonballs, exploding green ripples on the side of Zola's huge body, causing him to fall sideways, almost falling down.

Zola turned her head angrily, narrowed her eyes and found Erik who looked like a green firefly to him, and was suspended in the air seven or eight meters away from his ugly big head.


With a violent roar, the pliers on the right arm "swish" out of the air, and the jagged scissors snapped at Eric who was in mid-air.Of course Eric wouldn't just stop at the spot and watch himself being cut in two, only to see the green light on the armor suddenly rise, and the figure in mid-air shot out from between the pincers like a bullet, almost touching the ground at a low altitude Flying, the speed stirred the air and cut along the road like a sharp knife, splashing gravel.

He passed under Zora and turned quickly behind her huge body.The energy of the green light turned into a giant rubber band fixed on the buildings on both sides, and as his flying figure was pulled to the extreme, an imaginary projectile was fixed in the center.

A slingshot concretized by pure imagination.This is Green Lantern's ability to concretize various imaginary weapons into reality through willpower.

"Eat this!"

The rubber band that was stretched to the limit trembled violently, and the giant projectile was shot out in a whirl, and the swirling airflow was covered with a faint green light, like a vortex on the water surface.

With a dull sound, Dr. Zola took a bite head-on, and after two muffled groans in his throat, he fell backwards with his head on his back. His fat body smashed a grocery store on the side of the street to pieces, and the flying yellow dust A curtain wall with a height of ten meters is formed.

It growled louder, but that wasn't enough!It just got angrier, and it didn't do enough damage this time.Eric looked around the battlefield, and his eyes quickly settled on a truck of an oil transportation company.The front wheels of the truck's head were already stuck in the cracks in the ground, and the big characters of "Oil" were printed on the silver carriage with the upturned rear.

Eric clenched his fist with his right hand, pointed the simulated light ring on his middle finger towards the truck, and the green light quickly condensed under the chassis of the truck.The light turned into a solid base, and six springs were neatly arranged at the bottom of the truck.With Eric's thought, the six springs were released simultaneously, and the huge elastic potential energy consumption pushed the heavy truck into the air, and was thrown in the direction where Dr. Zola fell.

Eric turned around immediately, and in an instant there was a gleaming green Gatling in his hand.The muzzle flashed, and the bullets poured towards the fuel tank in midair like a rain curtain, and were ignited no more than half a meter away from Zola's head.

The flames were unleashed in an instant, and the deafening explosion caused Erik's ears to ring briefly.The brutal impact shattered every piece of glass on this street, and the flying slag was swallowed by the ravenous flames and quickly melted.

It roared again.No, this time it's no longer an angry roar, this time it's a cry of pain!
Its shell seemed to be on fire, and the scales were bathed in the fire and peeled off, and the flesh was burned red.But it was still moving, and what it caused was only skin trauma after all. The tall demon like a building stepped out of the fire field, and the black scythe with flames seemed to be even more deadly.

"Hey, what a thick-skinned guy." Eric said, "That's the case."

"Output power. 200%, fully charged."

It increased to twice the limit output in one breath, and the light covering the armor also increased instantly. From a distance, it looked like the body was engulfed by green flames.Hissing currents have already begun to burst from the joints of the armor plates, and the engine running at its limit roars, like a car engine that is about to shut down at any time.

He raised his right hand high, as if holding something in the void.The flow of green light turned into a vortex and condensed in his hand, and the shape of the hilt slowly took shape.The more and more brilliant brilliance gathered like a storm and turned into a sword blade, stretching rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the raging light flow formed a terrifying tornado.

A ten-meter-long sword, the ultra-high concentration of green light energy distorted the air, and it was too strong to maintain a stable shape, swaying like a candle in the air.

Dr. Zola, who lost his mind, seemed to feel the threat based on biological instinct, and rushed forward again with a roar.Eric gathered all his strength, shouted, and swung the hilt of his sword as hard as he could.

The great sword that was ten meters high crashed down, leaving a dazzling green arc in the air, as swift as a gust of wind.There was no way to avoid it, Zola instinctively raised the pincers of his arm to hold it, but was split in two like a shattered one.

There is no giant sword that can block the energy of the green light, and the ultimate body he is proud of is easily split like tofu.He let out an unwilling roar at the end, and his body fell back towards the burning fire field behind him.

Did it work?
The giant sword dissipated almost the moment it fell, and the green light on the armor disappeared in the blink of an eye.The heavy tiredness hit him boundlessly, he couldn't even maintain the floating state, and fell back to the ground like a feather feebly.

"Insufficient energy. Sleep mode."

With a cold mechanical sound, the armor automatically detached from his body, retracted on his back, and returned to the form of a backpack.Eric's legs went limp, and he half-kneeled on the ground.

Sure enough, the limit output of double power is still too messy.

Shadows covered the battered street like a dark cloud.He raised his head with difficulty, and saw the huge and magnificent battleship that he was already familiar with.

"It's really mess cleanup, why can't this group of people arrive in time before the end of the incident every once in a while?" He complained to himself.

That's the Aegis Helicarrier.

(The original eighteen chapters seem to be blocked, so I will add it here)

(End of this chapter)

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