Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 151 Ascension

Chapter 151 Ascension
(It's on the shelves today, ask for a wave of tickets and first orders!)

For a person's life, the river of history is simply endless. If we want to condense everything from the beginning of human beings into a book, then only a very limited number of events can be recorded.And the big events with this honor are often known even to children who have read history textbooks.

However, history textbooks are also written by humans.So history can also be falsified.

So the question is-what truths we don't know have been covered up in the endless river of history?

On August 1945, 8, Nagasaki, Japan.

People in the future will never forget this day because it holds too much significance in history.Everything started without warning, the sky was as blue as ever, and the sun hung high in the sky, covering the wooden bungalows with the sun, permeating the unique atmosphere of the times.The white national flag with the red sun printed on it is planted on the buildings along the street, fluttering in the breeze.

A teenager in his early teens was lying on the old-fashioned wooden floor, scribbling and drawing something wild on a piece of drawing paper.The grown-ups were drinking tea in the hall outside, chatting worriedly about things he didn't understand.

"They say it fell from the sky," said a man outside worriedly, "'s not like any of the old ones."

A woman spoke up: "Even if there is such a magical weapon, Xiu Shu, we can still escape to your cousin."

The man sighed: "Aixiang, my cousin works in a paper mill and lives in Datongpu. It's full of old men who sleep with their heads on the soles of their feet. Don't even think about it. Now no one knows what will happen next. Don't say that in front of your child, you'll scare him."

He took a long puff of the smoke ring, and the choking smell of inferior tobacco spread along the living room and into the house.

The boy was a little upset, he put down his paintbrush, grabbed the binoculars beside his desk and hung it around his neck, opened the door and jumped onto the street.

"Yizhiliu? Go to school after dinner!" The adult called his name.

The boy didn't move, but stared at the sky with his eyes wide open.

An ominous cloud slowly floated over, blocking the sun that was shining directly on the ground.Buzzing bees came from above the clouds, like the horns of death.The young man raised the binoculars and saw the plane breaking through the clouds through it. The propellers on the wings were spinning rapidly, stirring up the clouds and mist.

"Is that a plane?" The adults started to discuss, "Well, if there is only one, it's just a reconnaissance plane. There's nothing to worry about. Come in and eat."

The boy still didn't move, looking at the sky as if he had taken root on the ground.He opened his mouth in surprise, because he saw something novel that no one else had probably noticed.

The plane dropped something, an oval sphere, the shell was painted golden yellow, like an egg, and the boy couldn't help imagining how the shell would be cracked open.

Then, its eggshell literally cracked open.Cracks covered the metal shell of the elliptical sphere in an instant, and with the violent friction with the air during the fall, the pieces quickly peeled off, and the blue light was released from the inside.It is like a blue flame, a bit like the ghost fire in folklore, even the clouds and mist trailing behind its tail are ignited into blue, drawing a long and gorgeous trajectory.

The boy finally saw clearly.

That's a person.

He has exactly the same limbs and torso as a human, but his body is completely blue.He lifted his head, revealing eyes that gleamed demonic red.

It was the strangest and last thing he had ever seen in his life.


The light and heat devoured everything, and the flames were wrapped in thick black smoke and knocked down all the buildings below. The human body was instantly turned into ashes, as if the hand of God had shoveled this piece from the ground.

On August 1945, 8, this day was forever recorded in the history books.

70 years later, today.

"Is this for me?"

Raven looked at the exquisite mobile phone box that Eric handed her, and asked with some surprise.

"Yeah." Walking side by side with Raven on the way home from school, Eric said, "It would be much more convenient to have a mobile phone to communicate with. In this era, it's weird not to have a mobile phone, right?"

Raven unpacked the box, and inside was the most sought-after new mobile phone on the market today, and the black case matched her style quite well.In fact, this one has just been on the shelves this week, and it is being snapped up like crazy, even if you have money, you may not be able to grab it.

"But this... seems expensive, right?"

"Ah, don't worry about that." Eric laughed.

Although it is not necessarily possible to grab money, it is another matter if you have money to a certain extent.Tostak helped him get this mobile phone, Tony helped him get two, and besides this one, Eric also had one.

Ruiwen stared at the phone screen for a moment, then slowly said: "Actually, I don't like these high-tech things very much, and I always feel that they are not very reliable."

"Ha, how come?" Eric shrugged disapprovingly, and took the phone from her hand, "It's a great pity in life not to be able to enjoy the fun of mobile phones in the 21st century, but it doesn't matter, I will teach you."

As he spoke, he quickly unlocked the screen of the phone with his fingers skillfully, and then continued
Then the phone went black.

Uh. Well, a little embarrassing.Could it be that Stark deliberately used parallel imports to trick him?Doesn't make sense?

No, not just phone screens.All of a sudden, all the street lights along the street in the evening went out, and the huge electronic display screens in the square went out without warning, and the commercials that were playing in the middle of the broadcast were cut off harshly, as if the tape had been cut.

So this is not a problem with the mobile phone, and Eric is a little relieved when he thinks about it.

After everyone's attention on the street was attracted by this abnormal situation, everything seemed to recover suddenly.The huge electronic display screen suddenly lit up, and the screen of the mobile phone also lit up, but a bunch of weirdly dressed guys appeared on the monitors of all electronic devices.They were dressed in high-tech uniforms that looked like they were in a sci-fi movie, and the masks on their faces were constantly flashing like pictures with unstable signals. They should look like digital masks or something.

"Good evening, all American citizens." The leader said with a smile, "We are Ascendant, and we are here today to bring you a new message of progress in the technological age. This message is --destroy!"

Raven turned to Eric, complaining blankly: "What did you say about technology earlier?"

Eric's face twitched, and he was speechless for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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