Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 152 The Fall of the Satellite

Chapter 152 The Fall of the Satellite
"Again, our organization is called 'Ascension', and they are the ones who are about to bring about change in this information age." The weird guy in the holographic mask conveyed this image through the monitors of all electronic devices in the United States, "Now, We hereby announce that we have mastered the technology that will change the world. We have the master key, we can easily tamper with any data in the Pentagon, hack into any bank, but is that all we want? Do some petty theft What? No, we didn't appear in front of you today for such a trivial matter."

He paused, successfully brewing a mysterious and dignified atmosphere across the country through countless electronic screens.

Afterwards, he continued: "Today, we stand up to uncover the biggest deception in human history."

At this moment, on the floating carrier of Aegis.

All the screens on the bridge displayed the pictures of these guys who called themselves "Ascension to Heaven", including the communication terminal equipment held by everyone and the screens on the console. It was like all the machines and equipment went on collective strike. Get rid of the confinement of the circuit board and operation buttons.

"Calling from the White House, Director."

"Put it aside first, and call back later." Fury said decisively, "Have you not traced the source of the picture yet?"

"Unable to track, sir." The person in front of the console said, "All the machines are out of order, the screen is locked on the playback of this video, and any operation instructions are invalid."

"Is there no way to turn it off?"

"Unless the power goes off, sir."

Fury frowned: "How can there be such a ridiculous thing? We have been hacked so thoroughly, is there no movement at all on the firewall?"

"It's weird, sir, but... I'm afraid the firewall didn't detect any kind of attack at all. It's as if the device played this video of its own volition."

At this time, the video footage is still going on.

"...American people, have you ever thought about how much the government you rely on and trust has hidden from you? Our society has developed to this day, and human beings have come to this point, really by their own will Did you come here?"

Having said that, the masked man became agitated, wishing he could use both hands and feet.

"No! That's a lie. The development of our civilization is full of lies and deceit. Those big bosses who hold great power are used to deception and concealment, thinking that the people will always be so stupid to accept their lies, but they are wrong! Today, our 'Ascension' is to stand up on behalf of everyone, to represent all human beings, to win back our rights for our race!"

Listening to this guy's impassioned speech, people looked at each other in blank dismay, reading a sense of bewilderment from each other's faces.Obviously, although this guy's speech is so eloquent, not many people buy it.

"Of course, you may not believe it now," the man calmed down a little, and his tone became calm again, "but soon, I will prove it. Maybe you will think that I am just a lunatic who makes trouble The tech nerds are trying to make some waves to prove that their empty shell life is not meaningless, if you think that way, you are wrong."

He paused, then smiled proudly and confidently.

"Next, I will show that I am not bluffing." He said, "From now on, within one minute counting down, eight satellites from different countries in the ground orbit will fall at the same time, heading towards the sky like a meteorite. On the ground, strike at the location we designated. Those bigwigs who think they are superior, use the pathetic power you still have as soon as possible to confirm whether what we said is true, but as soon as possible. Because it’s like I just said.”

" don't have much time left."

After the last arrogant declaration fell, all the light went out again, and after a pause of less than a second, everything returned to its original state.The star on the billboard recalled the advertisement that had been repeated countless times that day, the street lights along the street were turned on again, and the screens of people's mobile phones and computers returned to normal without leaving any trace of abnormality.But the last words of that guy just now were like a blockbuster thrown into the water, causing an uproar across the country.

If the guy wasn't bluffing -- and he didn't look like it -- where was the spot-hitting location he was talking about?
What if bad luck happens to be on your head?
Eric looked at Raven with a helpless expression.

Raven asked, "Are you going?"

"Yeah." Eric said, "After all, I have decided that if I encounter something within my power, I can't stand by. If someone gets hurt because of my laziness"

"I know." Raven said lightly, took Eric's schoolbag, and said, "Then you go."

Erik nodded, put on the Armored Armor backpack on his back, quickly dressed in the green light mode, and disappeared into the sky as a green streamer.

Not long ago, after fighting a bionic pretending to be Patrick Charlotte in Omega armor, Erik noticed something, something he hadn't noticed all along.

Maybe the Alpha armor was handed over to him was not what Dr. Charlotte really meant, but Eric could feel the prayer his father injected into it 15 years ago through this armor.If it is said that Dr. Charlotte's research has brought turmoil and chaos to the world so far, he hopes that this invention will one day bring a good side to the world, and that one day Amojo's technology can make up for his mistakes. next fault.

This is exactly what Eric has made up his mind to do and is doing.

Breaking through the atmosphere and entering outer space, the armor-enhanced eyesight is far enough to see the satellites falling towards the earth orbit.The atmosphere of its shell was rubbed red like iron, and the parts that fell off dragged behind it like a long tail, floating scattered in the space.

When Eric was about to fly towards it, another figure also broke through the atmosphere and chased after Eric from behind.

It's Iron Man.

"Hey, boy!" Tony's voice came through the communication in the helmet, "Listen, a total of three space projects in the United States have fallen, and two of them have dense crowds in the direction of the fall. I will send their positions and routes Here you go, intercept these two."

Eric realized something instinctively and asked, "What about you? What's the one left?"

Tony said solemnly: "The remaining one is called 'Lighthouse'. It carries a nuclear reactor, and I have to turn it off myself."

(End of this chapter)

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