Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 153 Lighthouse

Chapter 153 Lighthouse
outside the atmosphere.

The sun has turned to the other side of the earth, and a ray of sunlight is transmitted along the horizon, shining peacefully on the blue planet.Astronauts who can go into space are lucky, not all of them have the opportunity to see such a beautiful panorama of the planet that nurtured them.

But sometimes, they are unlucky.Space is, after all, uncharted territory for humans, who always have to consider any eventuality and prepare for the worst.

Just like it is now.

Because of the interference of the mysterious hacker organization "Ascension" that suddenly appeared, a space station owned by the US military in orbit on the surface of the earth is now out of orbit.No, it is not very appropriate to say that it is detached. It is more like an invisible external force violently pulling it out of its orbit, and throwing it down towards the earth like a shot put.The atmosphere relentlessly burned the shell of the space station, the metal plating turned a charred carbon color, and parts continued to fall off, like shelled eggs.

The two stationed astronauts worked profusely in the cabin, but it was all in vain.

"We're approaching 80 miles an hour, and the impact of gravity will be more pronounced after breaking through the atmosphere, and it will accelerate!" one person yelled.

"Damn it, isn't the boost system on yet?" his companion asked.

"No response!" yelled the previous astronaut. "No response from all systems, and we can't even contact the ground to report the situation! We're going to be doomed!"

The moment the voice fell, the hull of the ship shook suddenly, as if a green bullet had shot through the hull, and the armor surrounded by green light broke through the cabin.

The two astronauts were taken aback: "Who are you?"

"Helper." Eric said briefly, quickly observed the situation inside the ship, raised his hand without saying a word, the green light beam turned into a bubble and wrapped the two astronauts in it, and with his arm flicked from Throw it out through the hole in the cabin.

The two astronauts exclaimed: "What are you going to do!?"

"The energy shield will protect you from landing, don't panic." Eric didn't look back, "I'm going to stay and change the landing position of this ship."

According to the falling trajectory, there is a densely populated area below. This big thing weighing an unknown number of tons is accelerated and thrown down from this height. It is no different from a heavy bomb, and its destructive power is immeasurable.Erik had to steer it off its falling trajectory, into some sort of uninhabited mountain.

This shouldn't be too difficult, but using the energy of the green light to materialize it to push it away from the direction, instead of completely stopping this big guy, it's not a big burden on the armor.

Eric flew out to the outside of the hull, and the green light materialized into a row of propellers installed on the side of the hull. As soon as the propellers were injected with full power, the space station began to move laterally.Although the displacement speed is not fast, but at such a height, it should be able to successfully land in an empty valley without any accidents.

However, an accident just happened.

Without warning, the space station itself exploded.The metal shell that had been burned and deformed by the atmosphere suddenly lifted off as if it had been torn apart, and swept towards Eric like a sharp blade.Eric was taken aback, the energy of the green light turned into a sword blade almost subconsciously and cut the hot iron sheet.

But it was not over yet, the circuit buried in the metal wall inside the cabin suddenly exploded, and several electronic pipes drilled out of the circuit board like pythons, and sprang out from the hull, involuntarily binding Eric's upper body tightly like chains Stopped, the fracture was raised like a snake's head, and a blue arc danced like a message towards Eric's helmet.

It was almost as if the space station itself was resisting his intervention.Eric was taken aback when the idea occurred to him.

Meanwhile, the other side of the surface orbit.

Lighthouse, the most advanced space station of mankind so far, is also the only other manned project among the eight spaceflight projects that have been hacked.It's a space station developed over seven years by the United States, Japan and Russia, which plan to make its existence public next year -- if the political timing is right.

This is a completely new type of space station, designed to serve as the center of deep space exploration, small, fast and extremely strong.But even with so many advantages, it still can't help it escape the same fate as other aviation projects-turning into a super-speed missile and hitting the earth.

Iron Man was the first to get there, and a laser beam from his armor melted the shell, opening a hole to help him in. The interior of the "Lighthouse" was a total mess, with sophisticated instruments floating freely in a weightless environment, while broken wires were mixed with electric sparks.

Iron Man pierced the door leading to the cockpit with a repulsion cannon, and tore off the remaining layer of iron sheet with his bare hands. The two astronauts were desperately holding on to the console to prevent being sucked out of the cabin.The moment I saw Iron Man, I seemed to see a savior.

"Is everyone okay?" A mechanically processed voice came from under Iron Man's helmet.

"Iron Man! Thank goodness!" an astronaut yelled, "We are all fine, but the space station looks like it suddenly went crazy. All the instruments exploded automatically, and the parts popped out like crazy, as if they suddenly had their own. Think the same."

"It sounds ridiculous." Iron Man jumped down into the cabin, "The main thruster should not be broken, but the system is malfunctioning. Jarvis, see if you can connect the thruster system to the system of my armor Now, let me manually activate the booster to make this thing fly again!"

As soon as I said this, a mechanical arm shot through the hole he just pierced like electricity, grabbed Iron Man's waist, and threw him out fiercely.

The robotic arm made of tungsten carbide, which was originally used to clean up space rocks, has also gone crazy with the space station.

Iron Man fell into a pile of tattered parts with unknown uses, and when he looked up, the mechanical arm shot at him again.He raised his arm quickly, and the palm repulsion cannon whizzed out, blowing the joints of the mechanical arm to pieces.

But just as he got up, the pile of scrap metal under him was not happy again.A pile of split wires and unnamed discarded parts hugged his body like claws and tentacles, preventing him from standing up.

"Damn! What's the situation? Robot Story?" Tony complained.

"Sir, the armor system has lost its response." Jarvis' voice sounded.

"What!?" Tony was shocked, "Impossible! It is impossible for any hacker on earth to break into my system so easily, and it is even more impossible for someone to break into my system without disturbing my firewall at all!"

"No hacking of any kind was detected, sir," Jarvis continued, "but all armor systems are offline."

"Restart for me!"

"No response, invalid command."

Sweat began to ooze from Tony's forehead, and Iron Man's armor would only become a pile of useless scrap iron, and even he would fall down with this space station and be smashed into a pulp.

What the hell is this "Ascension" thing?This is beyond the capabilities of what a hacker might do, right?

Luckily, he wasn't the only one who came to the Lighthouse's aid.

At an invisible super-speed, the afterimage sticks to the orbit of the earth, as if shot from the ray of sunlight on the horizon, and flies straight towards the "lighthouse".

The metal cabin was easily torn apart like paper, the red combat boots fell into the messy cabin, and the bright red cloak was majestic against the background of the sun in the universe.He appeared here in a heroic manner, with super-high speed that made him look like he could teleport, with an eye-catching "S" printed on the chest of his blue uniform.

Tony recognized him, and people on Earth called him "Superman".

(Thanks to the book friend Mother Earth for fooling you with the 500 starting coins!)

(End of this chapter)

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