Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 154 Ultimate Fall

Chapter 154 Ultimate Fall
In the empty valley.

A dull sound like thunder suddenly sounded, echoing like a dragon's roar echoing along the mountain range, and the violent shock seemed to overturn the mountain peak.

It was the loud noise of the space station falling from outside the atmosphere at an accelerated rate, shaking the entire mountain range, even the terrain was changed by the huge earthquake, and the falling rocks rolled down like flowing water.Eric, who was wearing the green light mode armor, was suspended in the air, looking at the dust flying in front of him, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Although it took a lot more effort than expected, it was finally able to lead the space station to a safe place to fall.The white fragments splashed everywhere in the valley, and the place where it landed seemed to have cut a long scar on the ground with a knife, and the main body of the space station wreckage was embedded in it.It kept resisting until it hit the ground, preventing Eric from moving as if it had its own mind.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, Eric would have thought it sounded ridiculous.

But he didn't have time to stay and think about it. After confirming that it was safe, he lifted off again and flew towards the earth's orbit.

He had to make sure there were no other problems at the Lighthouse.

At this moment, in the fallen "Lighthouse" space station.

Through the dead helmet, Tony stared wide-eyed at this guy who rushed into the space station—Superman. He had heard of this guy and even seen a lot of photos, but he had never had the opportunity to see him in person.The file describes this guy as omnipotent—super strength, super speed, the fastest flight ability in the world so far, and the ability to breathe cold air from his mouth and shoot heat rays from his eyes.Tony had always felt that there must be an element of over-exaggeration in the dossier, as the media loved to do, touting the man in the cape as the equivalent of a god.

Another mechanical arm clawed at Superman, but the man grabbed the wrist of this arm with a backhand grab, and pulled the entire mechanical arm from the hull with his bare hands.

"Don't worry, we can get through this." Superman comforted the others while the air in the space station hadn't run out, "Don't worry."

He moved swiftly and methodically, as if every step of his actions had been planned with the most precise calculations.He tore open the hole in the hull to make it double in size, quickly grabbed the two astronauts and Iron Man with the disabled armor, and threw them out of the spaceship towards the earth.

"What are you doing!?" exclaimed one of the astronauts, "We're going to be burned to death by the atmosphere!"

"No, you won't."

While Superman kept moving his hands, red-hot rays shot out from his eyes, flying past the three of them at the speed of light, and exploded behind them, forming a translucent shield with red light.Like an oversized cradle, they were contained together with the fallen hull.

Superman then also flew out of the hull, saying: "My heat vision first rubbed against the atmosphere to form an atmospheric shield, behind which you will be safe."

More things chased out of the already riddled space station.They were like tadpoles whose bodies were made of alloy, wagging their tails, and all the indicator lights like scarlet eyes were aimed in the direction of Superman, chasing after him in a swarm.

One of the astronauts yelled, "It's the repair robots, Superman! Watch out, they—"

When he spoke, these repair robots had all surrounded him, and each stretched out their metal tentacles to surround Superman.They simultaneously fired ultra-high-temperature laser attacks for cutting the hull during repairs. Several lasers hit Superman's body at the same time, but they were as harmless to him as several laser pointers.

"Don't worry about this." Superman said, tearing a repair machine made of composite metal into two halves from the middle, and the parts with sparks flying around, "Compared to these, I have to shut down the space station quickly. The core. I was going to use x-rays to find the core and burn it with heat vision, but the leaded copper casing surrounds the site and I can't see exactly where it is."

"Wait, that's a nuclear reactor, if you—"

"I know," Superhuman said, "but there must be an ionizer near the engine, and I can blow it up if you guys can tell me where it is."

"No!" exclaimed an astronaut, "they are too close, if it affects the reactor, God!"

He didn't even dare to think about it.

"The system has been restarted." In Iron Man's helmet, Jarvis' notification came long after, "The armor system is back online."

"too slow!"

Tony complained, and the armor finally recovered.He turned around in mid-air, the propellers under the jet boots spurted violently, and flew into the air.

"Hey, Big Blue!" he yelled at Superman, "I'm an engineer, I can go shut down the reactor, but I need cover!"

"Mr. Tony Stark, right?" Superman said politely, "I've heard of you, nice to meet you."

"That's an honor."

As he said that, Iron Man had fully turned on his power, turning into a metallic afterimage and rushing towards the falling wreckage above their heads.Several repair robots tried to intercept it, but none of them escaped the bad luck of being cut off by heat vision.

Under the strong cover of Superman, Iron Man quickly rushed into the interior of the hull and found the reactor room.Sure enough, as Superman said, there is an ion generator near the reactor.

They're too deep into the atmosphere now, and they don't have time for delicate operations like manual dismantling.Iron Man made a decisive decision and directly used a high-concentration laser beam to cut through the casing and blow out the circuit of the ion generator.

The power source of the space station immediately failed, and the reactor roared twice as if reluctantly, and finally went out.The entire space station was like a beast that had been injected with sleeping pills, and fell into a deep sleep after roaring like a demonstration at the end.

The engines went out and the nuclear reactors stopped, but the crisis was not over.The huge space station is only about [-] meters away from the ground, and the speed is still accelerating. Directly below is a US military base. A few people can see clearly the planes on the tarmac below and the neatly parked military jeeps as soon as they lower their heads.

Eric also flew to the scene at this time, and he made the only decision he could make in a split second.The armor fell to the ground quickly, and at the same time switched to the super speed mode, and rushed to every building in the base with lightning, and brought all the people in every corner of the base out of the place where the shock might be affected. range.

Out of the corner of Superman's eyes, he caught a quick glimpse of Eric's movement below, turned around and put one hand on the shell of the rapidly falling space station.

"Hold on to me!" he yelled to the two astronauts, "I'll protect you when you hit the ground!"

"But the base."

"It's okay, don't worry!" Superman said firmly, "Listen to me, no one will die today!"


(End of this chapter)

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