Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 155 The Seventh Satellite

Chapter 155 The Seventh Satellite

In the wilderness, a US military base.

Things happened so fast that no one saw the whole process clearly.In a nutshell, a ruin of a space station that may weigh four to five hundred tons fell down from outside the atmosphere dragging a white trail, like a heavyweight missile falling from the sky.Ten seconds ago, it had approached to less than a hundred meters above the base, and it was about to flatten everything in Zhou Za.

But the expected explosion did not happen, and there was no terrifying shock sweeping everything.

In an instant, the air seemed to freeze, and the huge base was silent. Everyone stared dumbfounded, not daring to breathe.

The huge ruins stopped, hovering in the air no more than three or four meters above the ground.The two astronauts hugged Superman tightly. The latter protected them with one hand, and the other hand was like the strongest load-bearing pillar against the weight of the space station. His palms were deeply pressed into the aerospace composite metal shell. .

It wasn't until Superman put the two astronauts down, and then easily threw the four or five hundred-ton big guy aside like throwing garbage, that the crowd who was moved to a safe area by Eric burst into cheers.

"Everyone is still alive!" A person who seemed to be an officer shouted, "Is there anyone?"

"I scanned the crash area. No one was involved in this accident except these two astronauts." Superman said, walking up to Eric, smiling slightly, "Thanks to you, thank you for your help, kid."

"Uh, no thanks?"

The astronaut who survived the catastrophe took off his helmet and looked pale.After the two adjusted their breath for a while, they walked to Superman's side: "Oh my God, Superman, I don't even know how to thank you."

"First, check your body." Superman smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Then, let's celebrate! According to my statistics, the two of you broke at least seven Guinness records during your fall."

As expected, he is an incredible guy as described in the original work.Eric thought to himself.

Superman has this kind of magical ability, not only his almost god-like superpower, but also the magic power to bring people warmth and hope, which cannot be replaced by anyone, and is also an important part of making him a superman.

After saying goodbye, Superman re-booted and left the base.Obviously he's got a lot going on, and there are things in the world that need Superman to deal with.

Iron Man also landed beside Eric, and Eric glanced at him and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Now? It's all right." Tony said a little depressed. "But it's not over yet. Those guys who call themselves 'Ascension' hacked my armor, and all my systems didn't even notice. How is this possible? There are already Advanced hacking skills - no matter how advanced - are impossible to do this."

"'What the Earth already has,'" Eric repeated. "That might be a revelation."

"All in all, I have to find out about this. 'Ascension', no matter who they are, this group of people is now on my blacklist, by the way, have you heard about the expo I'm organizing recently?"

"The practice of Stark Enterprises? I know, the TV and newspapers are overwhelmingly publicizing, so it's hard to know."

"Yes, and if you're interested, I can give you two tickets—for free, and you know how much a ticket to my fair is worth?"

"I don't know." Eric shrugged, "Don't tell me, I don't want to know, I'm afraid you will scare me."

"I'll ask Pepper to send you the ticket. You can do whatever you want, and you can invite whoever you want to be with you." Tony said meaningfully, "Anyone you like."

"Why do I sound weird?"

"Then let's do this first, I'll take a step first, and now I have one more thing to be busy on my schedule."

After Tony finished speaking, he immediately soared into the sky with a "boom" and flew into the sky.

Aegis, a floating carrier.

"The system has recovered, sir." The staff in front of the console finally wiped off their sweat, "The impact is gone, and all systems have been brought back online."

"Report the situation, what happened to the fallen satellites?" Fury asked urgently.

"A total of eight items fell, three of which belonged to the United States." The staff said, "Alpha armor intercepted one of the space stations, and the Superman in Metropolis intercepted six including 'Lighthouse'."

"And another one?"

"There is also an abandoned base in our country on the Andaman Sea whose original trajectory will fall."


"Yes, but we lost track of it."

Fury frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It may have been intercepted, and there may have been an accident on the way," the staff member was also a little puzzled, but continued to report, "But it didn't hit the base, and now we don't know where it went."

"Could it be that 'he' was dispatched?"

Fury frowned, as if thinking of something.

"What's the matter, Chief?"

"No, it's nothing." Fury shook his head. "It's good that no damage has been caused. Let's put this matter aside for now."

Of course the agent wasn't an idiot, he could clearly see what the chief knew, but since he didn't want to say it, he shouldn't have asked, as it should be in this job.

In fact, there are many secrets, and I am afraid that only Nick Fury on the entire mothership knows.

Metropolis, Daily Planet.

Clark Kent can be said to be the kind of reporter that any newspaper editor is most happy with, not only because he is hardworking and has no complaints about any work assignments, but also because his work efficiency is exaggerated.His typing speed is extremely fast. When the editor appointed him, he said that he had never seen such a fast typist in his editorial career.In addition, he seems to have a more sensitive sense of smell than a dog. Every time a news event has just spread a little wind, and other reporters have not yet prepared to interview, his reports are often finished—especially when the event involves Superman when.

Of course, it wouldn't be surprising if the editor-in-chief knew about his little secret—because Clark Kent is Superman himself.

Today, of course, Superman's interception of the satellite that the "Ascension" organization got down will make the headlines again, and Clark Kent has become the first person in the country to complete related reports.

After the editor-in-chief read his report, he frowned slightly.

"Efficient as always, Kent, but you may be a little too impatient," he said. "Remember, as a reporter, you have to prioritize, and the truth and accuracy of the report should always come first."

Clark was taken aback: "Did you say my report was wrong?"

"Yes, you should take a closer look at the latest news." Pointing to a paragraph in his report, the editor-in-chief said, "You wrote that Superman intercepted six of the seven projects, and one of them landed not far outside Thailand. at a U.S. military facility."

"However?" Clark raised his eyebrows.

"However, Superman intercepted all the falling objects, not a single one was missed." The editor-in-chief said, "Although it is only a matter of details, these should attract the attention of a good reporter. You can see for yourself, I will send you the pictures later, It fell in the sea off the coast, and the old base you reported was intact."

Clark froze.

If Superman really intercepted the last falling satellite, how could Superman himself know nothing about it?
If it wasn't Superman who intercepted the satellite, who did it?
"You're right." Clark turned around and walked out the door, "I'm a bit confused, I should go and check for myself."

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(End of this chapter)

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