Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 156 Exposition

Chapter 156 Exposition

Metropolis, Daily Planet.

The night had fallen, darkness enveloped the tall building, and the lights on the top floor were completely extinguished.In the empty office, only the editor-in-chief was left standing by the glass curtain wall, holding a binocular whose casing had discolored beyond recognition.

"Are you looking at the stars, editor-in-chief?"

The editor-in-chief was startled, and when he turned around, he found that it was Jimmy, a young photographer from the newspaper office, with pimples on his face.

"You scare me, Jimmy." The editor sighed with relief. "No, I didn't see anything. In fact, this telescope has long been useless. You can't see anything through it. I was just working. Saw it by chance on the table. I thought I'd lost it long ago."

"Why did you lose it?"

The editor-in-chief sighed, closed his eyes gently, and recalled: "This was left to me by my grandfather. He was the first member of the Humanitarian Press Corps. He traveled all over the world and witnessed many tragedies with his own eyes. When he was a child, he It used to be my idol and one of the reasons why I entered the industry. This telescope was picked up from Nagasaki, and it was literally self-mutilated. It is said that its owner is a little boy who is no more than ten years old in size. Boy, of course you were unrecognizable by then. To be honest, this telescope scared the hell out of me, can you imagine what it must have been like to see a moment of disaster through these two lenses one morning?"

Jimmy took the binoculars silently, was silent for a moment, and said, "I can't imagine it."

The editor-in-chief was also silent for a while, closing his eyes and frowning, as if trying to remember something.

"Do you know?" he said suddenly, "What if we don't understand what happened back then? What if it wasn't the atomic bomb, but something else... Maybe something more terrifying happened to Chang'an. Saki"

Jimmy froze: "What are you talking about, editor-in-chief?"

"No, it's nothing." The editor-in-chief shook his head, shaking off this absurd idea, "It's just that this stuff sometimes appears in nightmares, bringing me such unrealistic fantasies."

He took back the telescope and threw it back on the desk. The cold moonlight was reflected in the shattered lens residue, giving off a chill.

"I'd better throw it away," said the editor.

Stark Expo, opening ceremony.

In the transparent round-table pavilion, men in suits and women in elegant evening gowns surround the huge stage in the center, and a group of dancers in red and gold color schemes are dancing on the stage.The fast-paced music released by the ring-shaped three-dimensional horn impacted everyone's eardrums, and the dancers released their hot vitality in response to the cheerful beat, igniting the wave of cheers from the crowd.

Stark Industries has held many expositions in the history, which can be said to be the characteristics of the group.The original initiator was Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark, and its history can be traced back to World War II.

Distinguished guests from all corners of the country and sexy dancers have been present in every expo over the years, but compared to the past, today's expo is not static.

Howard Stark once imagined himself as the host to drive a speeding car to the center of the stage at the opening ceremony. If the host can descend from the sky, it will definitely push the atmosphere of the venue to its climax.Unfortunately, limited by the age, even a genius like Howard Stark did not make his grand debut in a speeding car as he wished.

But today, the host really "falls from the sky".

The salute shot into the sky one after another, exploding gorgeously in the sky, and the dazzling colored lights dotted the deep night sky.Amid the splendid salute and the warm cheers of the people, the red and gold afterimages flew down from the sky.He played all kinds of stunts, shuttled back and forth among the gorgeous light effects, and after a few fancy turns, he landed loudly in the middle of the stage.

Sure enough, the atmosphere was ignited to the climax, and the people cheered excitedly.

Iron Man raised his hands, and a mechanical arm automatically stretched out on the stage and began to remove the armor for him.Pieces of metal armor plates were peeled off, revealing Tony Stark in a suit and leather shoes, smiling and greeting everyone.

The dancers finished the dance, saluted and left the stage in a neat line, leaving the stage for today's protagonist.After Tony raised his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, he spoke slowly.

Tony spread his arms, as if ready to hug: "Does anyone miss me?"

The crowd cheered again, mingling with the woman's throaty "I love you" confession.

Tony made a stop gesture: "Don't be like this, I am not the protagonist today and neither are you."

People quieted down a little.

"Today's theme is about inheritance." He said again, "It's about what kind of legacy we choose to leave to future generations. This is why starting next year, the first since 1974, the world's top elite men and women We will integrate resources, share vision, and leave a better future for our descendants!"

Eric was sandwiched between the crowd, looking at the glorious Tony on the stage, and said to himself: "This guy looks like that, after all, he is the boss of a big company."

"Hey, Eric!"

He turned his head and saw Peter almost dancing excitedly, pointing to a rather retro looking car outside.

"Do you know that?" Peter excitedly said, "A car that can be levitated by magnetic force can theoretically fly freely like an airplane. This is the future! Can you imagine that everyone will drive on empty roads in the future? Traffic jams The problem will be solved once and for all”

"And then when you go out to swipe spider webs in the future, you have to make sure that there are no vehicles passing by at all times, and be careful of traffic accidents." Eric complained.

"Uh" Peter choked a little, as if he hadn't considered this part of the problem.

At this time, without a sound, Raven appeared between the two of them like a light night owl, without saying a word.

Eric was taken aback, and what was equally as surprising as "why did she appear here" was her attire, which Eric had never seen her dress up like this in his memory-a black gothic dress, There are layers of lace, the black hair slips gently like seaweed, the elegant evening dress reflects the snow-like skin, and the curve of the white calf in the skirt is particularly attractive.

"Your clothes. Oh no, how did you get in before this?"

"I gave the ticket." Tony, who had just finished his opening speech and left the stage, came among several people, "She asked me what I wanted, and Pepper gave her a dress by the way. But seriously, I will give you two tickets I didn't expect you to ask a male companion to accompany you."

Eric looked at Raven in surprise: "But didn't you say you didn't want to come?"

"I've changed my mind." Raven didn't change his face.

"Enjoy it, everyone." Tony said, "The special guests will be attending a dinner in the auditorium over there in a while, you can go and have a look together."

And at this moment, in Stark Tower, Tony's private laboratory.

Several sets of Iron Man armor placed in the glass display case suddenly woke up.They are like giants who have been sleeping for a long time, all of them opened their sleepy eyes without warning, and their cores lit up with a dazzling white light at the same second.The display cabinets lined up side by side turned into waste slag one after another with a series of crisp sounds. The armors stretched their bodies and stepped out of the glass slag, and came to the center of the room.

The semi-circular zenith of the building slowly opened to reveal the dark night sky, like a launch pad for a rocket.

"Target. Stark Expo."

The only command appeared on the monitors inside the helmets of each set of armor at the same time.

The Iron Man armors ignited together, like a string of fireworks rushing into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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