Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 158 The Ultimate Hacker

Chapter 158 The Ultimate Hacker
Aegis Headquarters, played by San Fei.

In an instant, the entire base entered the highest level of alert, and all kinds of advanced armed forces that you may have never heard of wrapped the Tricurved Wing Building tightly.The anti-missile metal shell covered the glass curtain wall, and countless pieces of land suddenly sunk down on the empty parking lot and apron. The laser turrets and missile launchers rose one after another, pointing high into the air and waiting for them. The dignified atmosphere was like Get ready for the coming war.

Nick Fury sat in the tri-curved wing building wrapped in iron, staring at the screen with a slight frown.The camera points to the dark and deep night sky, as if waiting for something.

"Director!" Someone in the communication channel reported loudly, "They are here!"

Nick Fury has also seen through the screen, two long tail flames swirling from the night sky.That is the top-level individual combat armed force on the planet so far - two sets of Iron Man armor, which is exactly what they are waiting for.

Ten minutes ago, Tony Stark informed them that the Iron Man armor was out of control, and told them that two sets of armor were coming in their direction.Although there are currently no clues to prove who did it, there are really only a handful of people on this planet with such unimaginable hacking skills—or rather, it is only known that the newly emerged "Ascension" organization may have such ability.

The Warframes were finally within range, and since they were too small for battlefield aircraft to be picked up by any radar, the effective range of any weapon against them was much smaller than against other aircraft.Therefore, when the turret and missiles began to counterattack, the two armors had already fired first.

Fierce firefights unfolded in front of the Three Curved Wing Building, and the open space instantly turned into a battlefield.Two sets of small armors shuttled freely between the dense firepower nets, and the flames in the propellers were dazzling.The repulsive light beams shot left and right, and each energy cannon blasted a fort to pieces.

The fort phalanx was the first to fall, and the only two missile launchers were also detonated by miniature rockets. The flames rushed to the height of the five-story building, which was very spectacular.Iron Man's armor rushed out of the flames, and there seemed to be some black scorched marks on the outer shell of the armor.

Immediately after was the phalanx of fighter jets, the advanced Quin-type fighter formations greeted the two sets of armor, like raptors surrounding the poor young birds.

No, they are not young birds, they have sharper claws than eagles.Iron Man's battle armor charged forward against the firepower of the Quinjet fighter jets without fear, instantly dispersed their formation, and shot down two fighter jets in a split second.

Finally, a blue energy beam shot out from a Kun-type fighter plane and successfully hit a set of armor.The latter was blasted obliquely to the ground like a cannonball by the fierce energy impact, and fell apart on the ground with a "bang", its hands, feet and body were completely separated, spilling on the ground like a pile of broken copper and rotten iron.

But this side didn't even have time to cheer, but in the next second, something happened again.The armor parts scattered all over the place automatically suspended as if they had their own consciousness, and they were assembled spontaneously. In the blink of an eye, they were reassembled back to the appearance of Iron Man's armor.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Aegis fighters-in this case, wouldn't these two guys be defeated no matter what?

Under such an absolute disadvantage, the formation of Kun-style fighter jets was wiped out within a short time, and the two armors that broke through another line of defense continued to approach, like terminators aggressively attacking the Tricurved Wing Building.

Nick Fury's face was still indifferent, staring at the two sets of approaching armor on the screen like a knife-cut expression.

And at this moment, another afterimage descended from the sky!As if wrapped in blue flames, he fell straight down like a meteorite, so fast that his entire body was transformed into a part of the blue light beam, becoming a laser dragging the wind and rushing through the middle of the two sets of armor, The two sets of battle armor were rushed to pieces, and they fell to the ground in embarrassment.

It was a black figure. He landed solemnly and slowly got up. He was nearly three meters tall, his pupils were bright red, and the corners of his eyes were filled with lava-like flames. .

"Is it really here?" Fury said lightly without any surprise.

Stark Expo.

Raven, Spider-Man, and Eric who operates the Armored Armor, it shouldn't be difficult for the three of them to deal with six sets of Iron Man's armor without any combat IQ, but in fact the situation is not optimistic now.These unmanned armors are really tricky, as if they have infinite regeneration capabilities, no matter how many pieces you break them into, they can be assembled automatically, and even the parts that have been shot down can also be used as independent units to fight and deal with It's really a headache.

Raven sharply cut off the arm of a set of armor trying to launch a repulsion cannon at her with a sharp blade formed by the magic power of chaos, and at the same time commanded countless purple and black iron chains to rise from the ground and tightly bound her body parts like a rice dumpling. stand up.

However, the arm that fell to the ground did not lie down obediently, but struck from behind like a puppet on a string, knocking her to the ground violently.

Raven hurriedly turned over, narrowly dodging the repulsion cannon fired by that arm, and a huge hole was blasted out of the floor beside him.She raised her hand and shot the magic wave to knock down her arm, but in a moment of distraction, she loosened the restraint on the body part of this set of armor, and the opponent swooped up and strangled her throat.


Eric noticed her situation, kicked away a set of armor in front of him, and rushed to help, but this distraction was caught by another set of armor behind him, and the repulsive cannon shot at her from behind. He fell to the ground.

The armor that was knocked down earlier also stood up again, and the two figures approached with steady metal steps, and the eyepiece stared indifferently at Eric, who was half kneeling on the ground.

That being the case, then we can only try to use the limit output power to blast their circuits until there is no slag left, so it will be impossible to recover, right?
Just as Eric had such an idea, the two sets of mechas stopped abruptly.

No, all mechs stopped.Waves invisible to the naked eye exploded in the air, and the six sets of armor all stopped moving, as if the battery of an electric toy ran out in the same second.Eric heard a loud electric sound coming from the helmet, and then the operation interface in front of him flickered a few times, like a precursor to a computer crash.

"EMP bomb." Tony took a long breath and jumped out, "No matter what method those bastards used to completely take over my armor, I just used electromagnetic pulse to make them all scrapped, and by the way, all the surrounding electronic equipment .”

Having said that, he looked at Eric who was getting up like a normal person with some surprise.

"Why isn't your armor affected?"

"I don't know." Eric shrugged. "Maybe Almajo is immune to EMP."

Several people breathed a sigh of relief, and Raven and Spiderman also came over.

"What's the matter, Mister Stark?" Spider-Man asked, "I thought your armor would be safer."

"They should be, kid." Tony frowned. "Someone hacked my armor. I have to find out who and how it was done."

At this second, Spider-Man suddenly felt that Tony's voice was slowed down, and the ending was lengthened countless times.The air froze, and he seemed to be able to feel every vibration of the air current, and the stabbing pain at the back of his neck.

He has a superpower named "Spider Sensing", which is simply an alarm clock to warn of danger, and now it screams desperately as if out of control, proving that the danger is close at hand.


He didn't have a chance to dodge, and his body was thrown horizontally for a long distance, crashing through several display cases in a row, and fell into a pile of glass shards.

Several people turned their heads in surprise, only to see that Eric was still punching, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"Stay away from me!" He gritted his teeth and shouted, "I've been hacked!"

(End of this chapter)

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