Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 159 Out of Control Armor

Chapter 159 Out of Control Armor

Things happened without warning, Eric didn't get any chance to react, and the Alpha armor suddenly went berserk.The operation interface was locked in an instant, and the gauntlet dragged his arm on its own initiative and punched Spider-Man away.

"Stay away from me!" Unable to regain control of the armor for a moment, he could only shout to the others, "I've been hacked!"

Instead of retreating, Raven tried to get closer.Eric whipped his leg towards her uncontrollably like a whip. Raven hurriedly manipulated the chaotic magic power to form a shield beside him, and the Alpha armor's leg force suddenly exploded on the shield, pushing Rui through the magic shield. Wen's slender body flew out from the shock.

"If your armor has an emergency switch or something, I think it's time to press it!" Spider-Man jumped on top of a pillar beside Eric, shooting spider silk around his upper body, and said at the same time. Babbling, "You know, like in movies where the villain always likes to put a spare button on the time bomb or something."

"This is not a time bomb." While Eric was speaking, he had already pulled Spider-Man off the pillar along the spider's thread with his backhand, and flew up against his spider web head with a kick.

"Be careful!" Eric reminded at the same time.

Of course, it would be too late if he heard his reminder to dodge again. Of course, Spider-Man's reaction would not be so slow.He nimbly turned over in the air, pressed his hands on Eric's thrown right leg, and unexpectedly landed behind Eric with a somersault, turned around handsomely and swept him to the ground with a sweeping leg.

"How is it?" He proudly posed in a half-squat pose, "Isn't this handsome?"

But before his pose was ready, Eric, who was lying on the ground, had already burst open the cobwebs on his upper body with brute force, kicked out again, and his speed increased as fast as thunder through the armor.Subconsciously, Spider-Man raised his arm to block it, and his thin body was kicked out violently.Fortunately, Spider-Man's body balance ability is not so strong. After doing a backflip twice, he clapped his palm on the ground and landed firmly on the ground.

"Hey, you made a foul!" he yelled, "Who would sneak attack when the hero lands and poses before finishing?"

And at this moment, Kung Fu Raven has also finished adjusting.She opened her arms, and the black cloak fluttered like a hurricane. Her eyes were filled with purple light, and the magic power overflowed from her body, as if it had become part of the air and the hurricane.

The magic power of chaos condensed into countless black needles in the air, densely suspended in front of the raven, and Eric felt a chill down his spine at the first glance.The most terrible thing is that the armor also ran towards the raven on its own initiative. It must be painful to imagine being hit by these things.

"Uh, for the sake of our friendship, can you be gentle?" Eric broke out in a cold sweat.

Well, Raven ignored him.Listening to her command, countless black needles flew towards Eric like a torrential rain, and the hidden weapons turned into chaotic magic collided with the Alpha armor shell, smashing the star point magic into slag. Bounced off the armor like a spatter of blood.

Although all the damage was absorbed by the armor, Eric was still so shocked by the impact that he couldn't move forward. He was shocked by the violent impact and retreated again and again. After a series of impacts, he fell to the ground with his head up.

"Wow," Spider-Man looked on in surprise, "Why didn't they tell me that this girl is so good at fighting?"

But it wasn't over yet, Raven immediately changed his gesture, and several black cables sprang out of the ground out of thin air.Eric had just stood up, but before he could stand still, his upper body was bound and he half-kneeled on the ground.

The raven followed closely, and the palms of both hands condensed the profound chaotic magic power at the same time, as if turning into two dark whirlpools, as if turning into a real crow and swooping over, dragging deep magic power behind it trajectory.

In a real fight, the Alpha armor of the basic mode is of course not Raven's opponent.However, the current situation is that she can't hit Eric hard, but the armor can.

The moment she rushed in front of Eric, the magic chain was suddenly torn into several pieces by the force of her arm.Raven was startled, braked hastily, and the magic power brewing in his palms roared forward.The Alpha Armor, on the other hand, predicted her movements with great tact, rolled and dodged on the spot, and the magic rays almost whizzed past the helmet's head.The right leg of the armor came out steeply, and kicked Ruiwen's abdomen like electricity. The powerful kick made her grunt, and landed heavily like a bird with broken wings.

Eric exclaimed, "Raven!"

Unlike the artificially controlled Iron Man armor, the Yamozhuo armor has its own consciousness and thinking, even at this moment it also has its own fighting ideas, not just an empty shell with strings pulled.

The Alpha armor bounced up immediately, chasing and riding on the landing Raven, the movements were like a series of combos that had been set up in one go.It raised its black iron fist high and was about to fall towards Raven's cheek.

Raven gritted her teeth, and subconsciously raised her arm to protect her face—but of course it was impossible for her weak body to block the ton of punch force.If this punch really falls, the consequences may be unimaginable.

"Oops!" Spider-Man hurriedly flew up, spitting out spider silk from his wrist, but it was obviously too late.

Seeing through the monitor that the armored fist was about to fall, Eric's pupils shrank suddenly, and he yelled, "Stop!"

At this moment, his mind went blank, and the will to stop himself from punching overwhelmed everything.

Raven closed his eyes tightly, but nothing happened for a moment.

She opened her eyes carefully, only to see that the fist of the Alpha armor was fixed in mid-air as if being pulled by an invisible thread, motionless.

Then, it suddenly relaxed and lowered its fist. Eric's gasping voice came from under the helmet: "Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm back."

Raven lay on the ground, stared at him indifferently for a moment, and then spoke in his usual calm tone.

"So does that mean you can get off me?"

Eric: "."

Aegis, Sanfei decoration headquarters.

The two sets of Iron Man armor, which could be reassembled no matter how they were dismantled, caused a lot of damage to San Feizhu's headquarters. Until 1 minute ago, a black figure fell from the sky.He was close to three meters tall, and his solid body was covered with crimson energy lines, and a magma-like liquid flowed all over his body along the lines.

Now, 1 minute later, both sets of armor are completely scrapped under his hands—not the state of a pile of parts that can be reassembled, but completely smashed, together with the circuit boards in each part, every A wire was smashed to an irreversible level, and even those hackers with weird skills couldn't make it rebuild.

Nick Fury put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, walked out of the Tricurved Wing Building, and came straight to this burly black guy.

"I've heard of you." Fury said lightly, "The extraterrestrial visitor who visited 75 years ago, the ghost on the battlefield of World War II, now belongs to General Ryan's team, right?"

"I've heard of you too, Director Fury." The black figure flew up slowly from the ground, and then he spoke in a deep and deep voice, "You are the hero of this nation, Director Fury, I have always respected you, It is an honor to meet you in person.”

After finishing speaking, he turned into an afterimage soaring into the sky with a "bang", and disappeared along the trajectory when he landed.

(Today’s third change. Thanks to the book friend Skull’s disadvantages for rewarding 100 starting coins, and by the way, ask for another wave of clicks to recommend and subscribe!)
(End of this chapter)

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