Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 160 Utah Base

Chapter 160 Utah Base

After Erik disarmed Almajo's armor, he sat down on the ground as if he had collapsed.The hall was already in a mess at this time, the glass slag from the glass display cabinets and the broken ceiling was scattered all over the floor, and some novel technology exhibits were unfortunately affected and dismembered during the battle, but compared to the organizers Tony Stark, but Peter looked more distressed by this.

"So what just happened?" Tony asked, wiping his sweat, "How did you get out of control?"

Eric took a breath and said: "Armajo Armor is not just a machine. I said earlier that it has its own consciousness and is closely connected with my consciousness. Just now I can hear a vague voice coming Its system whispered, forcibly took over the armor and directed it to do whatever it wanted, but just now I guess it was my own will that overwhelmed that voice, regaining control of the armor was as simple as that."

"So does that mean I don't have to be careful when you punch me again?" Spider-Man asked.

"I'm sorry about that," Eric said, "but yes, they can't hack my armor anymore if I pay attention. One more thing"

".I think I just backtracked to where the guys were roughly located."

Utah, in the middle of the barren desert.

The red and blue afterimage "swish" past the ground, dragging a long string of yellow dust behind it, looking from a distance like a menacing cavalry coming from the dust.

That's Superman, and he's here to find answers.

"What's that on the radar? Is it a bird?"

The voice of a certain soldier pierced the camouflage of layers of thick rocks and reached Superman's clairvoyant ears across a distance of several kilometers.

"Or an airplane?" Another voice said, "Damn it, in a time when the world was pretty normal, we'd think it was an airplane, but no, we know it's you, Superman, and we know you can hear us, Although I'm not sure how far you are from here. Come on, come over, over this mountain, and I'll wave to you from here."

The guy wasn't lying, Superman's super vision over the mountain actually saw a burly old general in an army green uniform waving at him.

General Lane, one of the most hated Superman guys on the planet, is also, unfortunately, the father of Superman's girlfriend, Lois Lane, and an American war hero.

Superman's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he had landed in front of General Ryan behind the mountain, and the moment he landed, there was a wave of air three people high.

"What's down here, General Lane?" Superman asked coldly.

"Good morning to you too, Superman." General Ryan looked calm in the face of Superman's coercion, even slowly stirring a cup of coffee in his hand, "I can only assume that you learned my location from my daughter Louise , you got very close, didn't you? Unfortunately, I wasn't so close to her. But I used to read fairy tales to her when she was little."

"I'm not here to joke around, General." Superman said coldly.

General Lane ignored him, took a sip of the coffee, and continued on his own: "The funny thing is, she always misunderstands the moral of the story. I remember a story about two roosters, as the two overlords of the farm , came up against each other one morning. They fought for a long time, pecking and clawing, and they struggled in the mud and dust for nearly an hour. Guess what happened at the end? An old fox got in and asked Break their necks and turn them all into their own dinner."

Superman frowned. "We don't need to fight, General."

General Lane chuckled, "Ha! You're exactly like her in that, and you totally miss the end of the story. Because the two cocks in this story are you, boy, and you're here to find s things."

He stopped here, and gently threw away the spoon covered with black coffee.

The moment the spoon hit the ground, the ground began to shake violently.Flying dust emerged from the cracks in the ground, and the yellow dust almost covered the sky. Countless high-tech heavy weapons that perhaps the bigwigs in the White House had never heard of rose from the ground, a whole set of heavy armor armed to the teeth The army came out abruptly, surrounded Superman in the middle, and all the muzzles of the black holes were pointed at him.

"...what you're looking for is that damned fox." General Lane said triumphantly. "You must be wondering where we got all these new toys, right? Look at this, 'Hypergravity Photon Generators', or rather Black Hole Lasers, we even have Black Hole Bullets, little fifty-caliber rockets that hold these extinction bombs. I'm not scaring you, boy, it's all for you Designed.

"At the satellite wreckage, your subordinates lied to me." Superman clenched his fists, his pupils began to turn red, "I saw that handprint, General, if I were you, I would honestly explain what it was what happened."

General Ryan, who has dealt with Superman a lot, can keep his composure, but his men can't.Seeing Superman's reaction, a soldier yelled in panic, "He's charging! Fire!"

In an instant, all heavy weapons fired together, and all kinds of novel energy beams instantly surrounded Superman in the middle.

"Hey, I haven't called fire yet, idiot!" General Lane yelled.

"I'm sorry, General, I thought."

"Forget it, it's just a matter of doing it first, it doesn't matter, hit me hard!" General Ryan shouted.

The overfrequency sound waves are as sharp and harsh as a cat's paws scratching on the glass, and no one here can hear this high-frequency sound wave except Superman.He covered his ears in pain, and the super hearing that provided countless conveniences on weekdays made his brain as painful as if it was about to burst.

But he couldn't fight back, the unknown energy beam impacted on him, as if it was sucked into his body.Superman could feel the solar energy in his body flowing uncontrollably along his blood vessels, his blood almost boiled, and the red-hot energy filled his eye sockets, like a beast that had exceeded the limit of its anger trying to break out of its cage.Superman knew very well what kind of damage would be caused if his power erupted out of control. He tried his best to suppress the power out of control, and blood overflowed from the corners of his eyes and eardrums.

General Lane was right, they really did study Superman thoroughly.He was beaten not because he couldn't win, but because he was afraid that the power he was about to control would accidentally kill someone.

"He's about to make a move!" a soldier shouted, "Prepare for the next move!"

A row of blue cannon tubes was fully charged, current overflowed from the energy tubes on both sides, and the roaring beams rushed towards Superman like a curtain.

But at this moment, the ground exploded with a "bang", and an afterimage rushed out from the ground, standing in front of Superman like a hill, and with a wave of his hand, the blue beam was easily scattered by him.

Superman wiped the blood off his face, gasped violently, raised his head, and saw the black figure through the cooling retina, with crimson energy streaks all over his body.

It was the guy who had just scrapped two sets of Iron Man armor at San Fei.

"Enough." The black guy said in a low voice, "I will take over Superman. I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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