Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 161 Into the Jungle

Chapter 161 Into the Jungle
"What do you want to express, General?" Superman stared at General Ryan at the base at the bottom of the salt lake and asked coldly.

"Nothing, just accusing you of being a coward."

"Coward?" Superman repeated the word.

"You think that saving a few people from the space station and preventing the space shuttle from falling is an act of heroism?" General Lane snorted, "No, that doesn't change anything, it's just an act of self-satisfaction on your part. If you really have the will to be a hero, you should dare to take more and really change everything in the world that needs intervention. And you are here today, just because you need to hear this."

Superman and General Ryan glared at each other, and the atmosphere became tense for a while.Zhou Za's soldiers became nervous and unconsciously clenched their guns, even though they knew that the guns might be useless to the alien in front of them.

Ghost still held his hands behind his back, looking at the two calmly, it seemed that he was absolutely confident that if Superman made a attack, he would be able to stop Superman first.

"General Ryan!" A soldier in front of the console broke the awkward atmosphere, "It's 'Ascension', and they're in action again! They've controlled a group of Soviet XP-S and are rushing towards Japanese airspace!"

Superman frowned: "What is that?"

"A new type of drone," General Lane replied.

"Equipped with a weapon?"

"That's the secret weapon of the Russians." General Lane said, "We don't know anything about it."

"Then we must go, but it's not over yet, General."

After Superman said this, his figure turned into a blue afterimage and disappeared at the end of the passage.The ghost didn't say a word, and turned into a red afterimage followed closely behind.


Specter is indeed not big, maybe his ability is indeed stronger than Superman.Both of them rushed to the sky above Tokyo at an incomprehensible speed in an instant. Superman deliberately competed with the ghost along the way, but no matter how fast he accelerated, the ghost was always hanging behind him leisurely, obviously with ease.

How fast he can go, Superman can't estimate until he reaches the scene.

At this moment, the thick smoke of the flames had already enveloped Tokyo Tower, and the slightly shorter building was completely hidden in the smoke and could not be seen.The neighborhood was broken as if it had been run over by a phalanx of tanks, and broken vehicles were overturned all over the street.

Superman sprinted down to the street, suggesting, "Maybe we can draw their fire and draw them away from downtown."

"Agreed." Specter followed closely, and the heavy landing shook the gravel all over the street.

Superman took a fighting stance: "They're coming, get ready!"

Sure enough, the sky full of fighter jets tore through the black smoke and appeared in the field of vision of the two of them. The shape was very strange, and the energy cores of each plane emitted light green light, which gathered together like a huge mechanical hornet swarm , surrounded the two of them.

"You know? I've been looking forward to fighting alongside you, Superman." Ghost said abruptly, "What a pity."

"What a pity?"

"Unfortunately, in the near future, I will have to kill you with my own hands." Youhun said in a low voice.

Nova Scotia.

It’s really like what often appears in sci-fi movies, a bunch of high-tech robots suddenly sprang out from the depths of the dense forest. Their weapons from head to toe to their hands are all novel and weird, like alien products, at least Eri K had never seen anything like this on Earth before, not even SHIELD or Iron Man.

Eric dashed out from the crossfire of the blue energy beams fired by the two robots, rushed to a machine at a burst speed like a cheetah, and pressed down its muzzle, his fist directly hitting the face Door.


With a crisp sound, Eric's fist did not hit its face, but hit an invisible shield a few centimeters in front of it.Transparent ripples spread along the air, just like the ripples caused by a stone thrown into the water.

When Eric was stunned, another machine had turned its muzzle, and another fierce attack roared.Eric jumped back, avoiding the blow.

But this trick is not as simple as an ordinary energy ray, what this guy fires is an oval black energy ball.At the moment of staggering away from Eric's figure, the energy ball suddenly exploded.A dark vortex suddenly opened up in the air, and the violent airflow swirled rapidly along the direction of the vortex. The irresistible force grabbed Erik's body brutally and grabbed him towards the center of the airflow.


The five fingers of Eric's right hand plunged into the ground, dragging long scratches in the soil, like invisible threads protruding from the whirlpool and pulling his body.He looked back with difficulty, and saw that the strange guns in the hands of the three robots released dark energy beams together to maintain this miniature black hole-like thing.This is obviously no longer the technological power that any organization or force on the earth can grasp, and its power is too exaggerated.


The raven shouted at the side, and the purple rays knocked down the three machines connected in a row from the side, which interrupted the maintenance of energy output.The miniature black hole shrinks rapidly in the air, is sucked into a point and disappears in the air.

"Thank you." Eric fell back to the ground and waved to her.

"Complete, the green light mode is online."

Eric switched to the green light mode, squeezed the wrist of his right fist with his left hand: "If there are so many, let's use this to solve it in one go."

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The boundless energy seemed to be attracted from the periphery of the atmosphere. Eric raised his right fist, and layers of green air waves rolled into his ring.The green force field was instantly released in the jungle, dragging in all the machines that appeared here.

The robots also seemed to have sensed the soaring energy on Eric's side, and their assessment of his danger level also increased rapidly, and all kinds of guns were turned in his direction.

Eric yelled, and countless chains sprang out of the ring like snake tails, dragging the heavy ax that materialized and flying in the air.With a wave of Eric's arm, the iron chain dragged the ax and rotated neatly in a clockwise direction. The cutting edge wrapped with the ultimate output power brutally cut through the protective covers of all the machines, cutting them one by one. Cut in half like a flagpole.In less than ten seconds, all the robots in a circle were scrapped, turned into broken copper and iron, and fell to the ground.

Eric let out a sigh of relief and turned back to the basic mode.Although the vitality of the armor in the non-awakened state is generally more than enough after the last Amojo virus incident, he is still in the habit of saving consumption as much as possible.

At this time, applause came from deep in the jungle.

Eric and Raven followed the prestige, and saw a group of guys wearing military camouflage uniforms, submachine guns, and digital masks coming out of the bushes. The leader was applauding Eric's performance just now.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves, both of you." After putting down his hands, the man said politely, "We are 'Ascension'."

(Thanks to book friend kabuto555 for the 100 starting coins)
 I recommend Weifeng Chenhan's new book "Two Worlds No. 1", a piece of paper talisman cranes communicates with immortals, practices ancient fairy arts through live broadcast, and transforms life in the fairy world with technology and entertainment.


(End of this chapter)

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