Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 162 Cooperation

Chapter 162 Cooperation
Lex Building.

The screen is locked in Tokyo, Japan, and there is chaos in the urban area.Superman and Wraith are battling an army of Russian drones in a low-visibility atmosphere filled with gunpowder and flames.Superman was smashing through the hull of a drone, trying to tear out the circuitry with his bare hands.Specter smashes a drone's sensor, hurling it down like a football, smashing into a building, raining rubble and tiles down the block like a super blockbuster .

Lex Luthor crossed his legs, put his hands under his chin, and stared at the two people's every move on the screen indifferently.His loyal and beautiful female secretary Moxi stood behind him in a standard posture, silent like a sculpture.

"Moxie, you said Superman, that starry guy, how will he die?" Luthor suddenly asked with great interest.

"I don't know." Moxi replied blankly, "Maybe he should have been killed by you, the boss."

"Ha, I've always felt the same way." Luthor said with a smile, "I've tried many times, but every time I failed, this boy scout seems to be protected by some god and has inexhaustible good luck. But when I When the time I've been waiting for for so long finally comes... I can't believe it came so fast, it's like a dream."

"You mean now, Mr. Luthor?" Moxie remained expressionless. She has been Luthor's secretary for many years and has a good understanding of when and what her responsibilities are, including asking the questions the boss wants her to ask at the right time .

"Almost, soon." Luthor stared at the figure on the screen and said with a smile, "And when the time comes, it will be Superman who is willing to hand over his life to my hands."

Japan, Tokyo.

Unmanned machines with insect-like limbs and oval shells surrounded Superman and Ghost like locusts. The two quickly lifted off and flew towards the sky to try to take the battlefield away from the city center, but they were blocked by another group of drones On the way forward, a firepower net like heavy rain poured down on the head and face.

Superman's eyes were red, and the heat vision rays roared out, shooting towards a machine directly above.He is very confident in his thermal vision, which has ultra-high temperature rays comparable to the surface temperature of the sun, and the impact of high-concentration energy can penetrate almost any substance on the earth.

However, to his surprise, the two red-hot laser beams exploded less than a few centimeters away from the drone's casing, just like sunlight being scattered through a prism and bursting into the air.

"Deflectors!" Superman said in amazement. "Their deflectors have reached some kind of plasma point, like ionized air! No matter where I cut the spectrum, they resist perfectly."

While speaking, bullets poured down the sky and covered the sky, all the drones roared in unison, and the flames pouring from the muzzle seemed to form a curtain of fire.

Of course, a bullet can't hurt Superman's body of steel, and even a direct ICBM hit can't hurt his skin. That's the way it should be.But when countless bullets bounced off his skin, he clearly felt a clear pain, and the heavier parts even spattered blood.

"What!?" Superman wiped the blood on his cheek in disbelief from the flying bullets, and was even more surprised.

The ghosts in mid-air supported him and explained: "The moment their bullets hit the target, they will first emit low-frequency red light—simulated from the red stars in your home galaxy, which weakens your superpowers and softens your skin. They also carry UV collider missiles. These machines were built for one purpose. To kill you, Superman."

Superman was even more surprised: "But why the Russians."

"All the governments in the world want to kill you, Superman, every force is studying you, not just us who have mastered the way to hurt you"

When Ghost said this, his eyes suddenly changed, and he pulled Superman behind him: "Be careful!"

The missile seemed to suddenly appear beside the two of them, and it exploded without giving the slightest chance to react.Hot flames bloom in the air, like a flaming lotus, with a red sun wrapped in the center of the stamen.

Superman fell like a red leaf, and his brain felt dizzy—not just the impact of the impact, but the anti-particle winds from those annoying machines affecting his sense of gravity.His superpowers are still weakened by the red light radiated from the bullets just now, and these few ultraviolet collider missiles may have caused more damage if the ghost had not used his body to block the direct impact for him.

The two fell into the water one after another with a "plop", and poked their heads out of the water one after another.

"What's going on?" Superman asked. "Why didn't I see the missiles coming?"

"Light refraction technology, a spectral technology specially designed for our super vision, can make objects invisible to your eyes." Ghost explained.

"Understood." Superman understands, "I have a paranoid friend who likes to dress up as a bat and also researched a suit that can make me invisible, probably the same technology."

The fiery smoke in the sky was torn apart again in a short while, the drones pierced the sky and swooped down, and the bullets fired by the Gatling machine gun blasted a long string of sprays on the water.

"I have an idea." Ghost said, "If their shields all use deflector shields, then the sonic boom should be able to shake the shields for a second or two. If I succeed, can you use thermal vision to explode the shield?" Drop them? Quick burst?"

"Quick. What?" Superman asked.

"Turn to a high temperature of [-] degrees, and then blink at a super speed to cut off the heat sight and shoot in bursts." Specter explained.

Superman was a little intimidated by the idea, he'd never tried it before.

"I can try."

"Okay, now get ready!"

The two jumped out of the water like dolphins at the same time, Ghost opened his mouth, and let out a high-frequency cry from his throat.The sound wave opened from his mouth like an invisible vortex, turning into an infinite net and including all the drones in the sky.The water surface trembled violently, and the spray was blown up several floors high. All the deflector shields trembled violently amidst the roar, and as expected, they split apart for a short time.


Superman didn't hesitate, and the heat vision was thrown out suddenly!

He did it!The original coherent thermal vision was cut off into countless laser bullets in the blink of an eye by overclocking, and the overwhelming rain of bullets was like an entire army pouring firepower at the enemy, unceremoniously retaliated to the attack of the drone phalanx.Without the protection of the deflector shield, the metal shell of the drone is vulnerable to thermal vision, and all the bodies are riddled with holes in the blink of an eye, dragging strings of black smoke and emitting electric sparks. fell into the water.

They won.

Finally getting a chance to catch his breath, Superman withdrew his heat vision and turned to the ghost, looking at this guy with more complicated eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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