Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 163 The Biggest Scam in History

Chapter 163 The Biggest Scam in History
All the drones were shot down, and all the flaming fragments with electric snakes fell into the river, leaving only Superman and Ghost hanging in the sky.

"How did you do it?" Superman asked, looking at the ghost strangely. "That sonic boom?"

"Tighten your front muscles to create an echo chamber, you can also do it." Ghost said lightly, paused, and changed his words, "Or, sooner or later. To be honest, you have just Start to discover your own abilities, and as time accumulates, you will find that you can do a lot more than you can do now, many wonderful things, many terrible things.”

"You mean if you haven't killed me by then," Superman added.

Ghost turned around, glared at him with scarlet eyes and said: "You have seen it with your own eyes today. This world has already planned various ways to exclude you. It is not a day or two for them to study your weaknesses. Your enemy Stand above all the governments in the world, stand above politics. One day you will cross a certain line, and then they will send me to kill you, and then I will have to do my job."

He looked up at the sun hanging far away in the sky, and sighed: "I have so much to teach you, tell you who you are and what you will become after bathing in this sunshine."

"That touches on another question, Ghost." Superman asked seriously. "Tell me, who the hell are you? You're not a Kryptonian, but you can absorb solar energy just like me, and we have nearly the same abilities so what the hell are you?" Where are you from?"

Youhun turned his back to him, and remained silent for a while without opening his mouth.

General Lane's contact interrupted their conversation.

"Ghost, are you there?" the general asked.

"Yes, General, I'm online." Ghost replied.

"It's 'Ascend to Heaven'." General Ryan said hurriedly, "The 'machine' has detected a new reaction about 'Ascend to Heaven', but we don't know what their target is this time. I need you to find out."

"'Machine'?" Superman repeated.

"Every time 'Ascension' takes action, the technology in our base at the bottom of the salt lake will react. The code name of that base is 'Machine'." Specter explained, "We guess that it may be used by 'Ascension'. The technology is connected with ours. We must go back to the base quickly, the machine is more sensitive to the signal than us, and this time we may be able to track the location of 'Ascension'."

"No." Superman smiled slightly, "You invited me to your house, now it's time for me to invite you to my house."

Nova Scotia, deep in the woods.

It's really like in a sci-fi movie - a huge base, a dense jungle, and an evil organization. "Ascension" seems to have really hidden their huge base in this dense forest. Eric and Raven followed a group of "Ascension" members, and they were almost confused in this forest. Finally, this huge metal building appeared in front of him. The main body of the semi-circular shell made it quite novel in shape, but it seemed incongruous in this forest.

Encountering "Ascension" in the dense forest, when Eric was about to start a war, the other party proposed a truce.Their leader offered to show them around his base and tell them the truth about what he called "the biggest scam in human history".

"It's almost time to say it now?" Eric asked as he followed the group of people into the composite gold gate of the building, "Who are you? Where did your technology come from? As far as I know, there are currently There has never been such advanced hacking technology."

"Yes, most people think so." The leader who led the way said, "But a few people know the truth, a few human traitors, for example, the most recent one is Sam Lane, General Lane."

Sam Lane?I seem to have heard it somewhere
Eric was taken aback.

Isn't that the father of Superman's real girlfriend, Lois Lane?
"General Sam Lane?" Eric frowned. "I think you can forgive him for calling him a bastard, but a traitor? Are you sure we know the same person?"

"Oh, he is a traitor." The leader said unceremoniously, "And the faces you see now—Linus, Benley, Jerence, Rogers, they are all the biggest traitors in modern history, they Both were once in charge of the largest traitorous organization - 'The Machine'."

As he speaks, the digital mask on his face keeps switching, changing into different faces like a slideshow on a screen.

"The 'Machine' is a secret division of the US military that was founded in 1938 after an alien race sent emissaries to make contact with Earth. An equation was engraved on that alien's spaceship to explain to Earthlings how to use The way the Earth's native minerals revolutionized technology. Since then, the organization 'The Machine' has used the ideas brought about by this equation to chart the way forward for the country, and indeed the planet, and all the progress we've made this century has been based on of their will."

The leader paused for a moment, then said calmly: "I created 'Ascension' to correct all this and create a new path."

"Sounds like an interesting story," Eric countered, "but how can I trust that this isn't from a science fiction novel?"

"The evidence is my family line."

As the leader said, he removed the digital mask and finally revealed his face.It was the face of a young man with brown hair, who seemed to be in his thirties.

"My name is Jonathan Rudolph, and my grandfather William was the inventor of 'The Machine,'" he said. "Aging is a strange thing that allows a person to put all of his life in fewer and fewer waking moments. Telling all the regrets is like pumping water out of a sinking ship. He regretted his crimes against humanity very much in his later years, and now we are going to eliminate that karma."

"By killing people or hacking into other people's technology?" Eric asked back.

"No." The leader stopped in front of a door, "We will use the technology of the equation itself to deal with them themselves."

He entered the password in front of this door, and the alloy door panel opened dully, and a dazzling blue light came out from behind the door, as if there was a sun hidden behind it.

But what is hidden inside is not the sun, but mountains of crystal clear crystals.The first time he saw them, Eric was deeply attracted by them. There are no words to describe the beauty of this substance. The holy blue radiance from their transparent bodies illuminated the place instead of lights. the whole room.

"We call it 'earth stone', the essence of the earth." The leader explained, "This crystal technology material is all from the earth, but it can be compared with the achievements of the best races in the universe, and every previous attack we have It has proved its ability and our level of use. And everything before that is just an exercise for actual combat."

Eric realized something was wrong: "What are you going to do?"

"It's not preparation, Mr. Charlotte, we've already done it." The leader said grimly, "We want to bring humans back to the beginning of everything, and give humans a chance to climb and explore on their own, instead of relying on the hands of aliens."

"...I think we activated all the nukes on Earth a few minutes ago."

(End of this chapter)

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