Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 167 Outbreak

Chapter 167 Outbreak
The ghost's black face was firmly stuck to the cold ground, and the gray-headed face was quite embarrassed.He gritted his teeth and climbed up with one hand, but his right arm and shoulder suddenly hurt, and a trace of blood oozed out.

Ghost never thought that he would be beaten so badly by these two unremarkable guys. They are not even on the list of high-level threats of the "machine" organization. They should be vulnerable to their own impressive strength. It will be thickened like this.
Anger rushed to his head as if caught in hot blood, he clenched his teeth angrily, got up, and roared loudly to the sky, the sound resounded through the sky.The ground trembled, and the blood-red energy visible to the naked eye quickly spread along the ground, as if turning into sharp and deadly fangs.

The breathless pressure oppressed Eric for a while, and he knelt heavily on one knee.It was a feeling of oppression that was not at the same level. It was so heavy that it seemed to be directly oppressing my heart. It felt like facing a ruthless typhoon, and it was very difficult to even simply raise my head.

"You idiots who don't understand anything." Ghost gritted his teeth, spit out fiery energy flow as soon as he opened his mouth, and the energy overflowing from his eye sockets was on the verge of bursting out, "I originally planned to save your life, but you annoyed me. Getting rid of you here is only a collateral damage of the battle. The general will definitely not say anything."

If this fever vision hits directly, it will definitely be finished.

This idea popped up in Eric's mind. He wanted to hide, but his body couldn't move under the pressure of the powerful energy field, and his armor was as heavy as lead.The ghost trick is also an ability that Superman has not developed yet, and it can suppress the opponent's actions within a limited range.

However, at this moment, the black afterimage suddenly descended, sharply cutting off the red energy field, and standing between Eric and Ghost.

It was Raven, but it felt a little different.

"Stop." The cold words spit out from her mouth, like an order from absolute zero, as if the fiery energy field was cooled down by these words.

You Hun was also a little surprised, but he still said viciously: "What else? Do you want me to look good?"


No more words, only actions.Suddenly, the aura on her body changed, and the ghost clearly saw that the girl's eyes under the black hood had become two pairs, the clear black pupils lit up with a fiery red light like a devil, and the snow-white skin instantly changed. It turned into a shocking dark red, exuding a strong evil spirit.

In an instant, a tyrannical aura exploded from Ruiwen's body.The purple-black whirlwind stirred her black cloak, and the Chaos Magic also expanded its territory, pushing back the Specter's energy field violently, forming a stalemate with it.In a daze, Eric seemed to see a phantom of a black crow emerging from behind the girl's thin figure. It also had four scarlet eyes, and it proudly spread its wings and roared.

Ghost was taken aback, he faintly felt that there was something hidden in this girl's body that might even be far stronger than himself.He asked in surprise, "What on earth are you?"

"Hey!" Eric yelled at Raven, "Stop! Do you want to call 'him' here?"

Raven said nothing, his face frosted.

Yes, she has always possessed the top terrifying magic power on earth, but she has been suppressed and dare not use it so far.Because once she releases herself and accepts the part of herself that is the demon, her father, the Lord of the Three Houses, will probably make a connection, and that will probably lead him to find Earth.

If the lord of the third house came in person, then it might not be as simple as the crisis of one planet, but the entire dimension would face catastrophe.

She's been in control pretty well, all these years.But now, she had the idea that "as long as she can gain power now, the consequences will be fine".


she does not know.

Raven would go to such a point in order to save himself, although Eric was very pleased, but now is not the time to think so.If it continues like this, maybe in the next second the big red horned devil will ride a mythical mount and bring thunder billowing down from the sky, announcing that this dimension belongs to him.

Ghost is also at a disadvantage at the moment, dealing with magic is not his strong point, and the magic power suddenly erupted by this little girl is so surging that even he can't handle it, the situation is very unfavorable to him.

And at this moment, the person who broke the deadlock appeared.


The roar sounded like thunder falling from the sky—and that came later, because the speed of the blue afterimage falling was faster than the speed of the sound.Before the shout could reach everyone's ears, Superman had pierced through the ghost's energy field like a cannonball, and flew out holding him by the waist.The two crashed through several consecutive hills together, fell heavily, and kicked up dust on the ground.

"I heard it with my super hearing, Ghost." Superman pressed him hard on the rock with one hand, and the boulder behind Ghost cracked radially, and was already on the verge of shattering.

"You want the Earth Stone?" Superman gritted his teeth, "Go and scrape the bottom of the sea yourself. You don't want to take this piece from this kid."

"You could have kept this from happening! Superman!"

Ghost roared angrily, and kicked Superman out with one kick, flipping several somersaults like a stone in water.

"We could have been companions." Ghost clenched his fists and stepped forward, "But you can't listen to me at all! You can't learn how to behave!"

This time the beating was really hard, no matter where the ghost came from, at least he was not lying - his fist was indeed stronger than his own.Thinking so, Superman got up, wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and re-arranged his fighting posture.

"Ghost," General Ryan's voice rang in the headset of the ghost, "Retreat immediately and return to the base!"

"No, General." Specter gritted his teeth, "I want to kill him!"

"Did you hear that? I order you to retreat immediately!" General Lane yelled.

Ghost glanced at Raven not far away. At this moment, she has returned to normal. The magic power on her body is far from as amazing as before, but thinking about it still makes people feel lingering.

Ghost gritted his teeth unwillingly.

"This matter is endless." He said fiercely, "I will make you pay the price, all of you!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed into the sky with a "bang", and left with the transparent sonic boom.

Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Superman." Eric removed his armor and stepped forward, "You came very timely."

"No, this time the credit is yours, kid. You just saved the world. By the way, you also put an end to nuclear proliferation." Superman said with a smile, "You are the one who will be recorded in history today."

His eyes moved to Eric's hand.

"That... is the Earth Stone?"

"Yes, the last piece left." Eric said, "But things are not that simple. I can feel it through its existence. There are some other signals mixed with the earth stone."

"We have to figure it out." Superman said, "Would you be interested in coming over to my house?"

(Thanks to the book friend Chuuxue Rumeng for no longer rewarding 100 starting coins)
(End of this chapter)

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