Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 168 Siege of the Fortress

Chapter 168 Siege of the Fortress
North Pole, Fortress of Solitude.

Eric has long thought about coming here to have a look.The Fortress of Solitude, Superman's home and office on Earth, is a unique building on Earth, which contains the crystallization of technology from multiple alien races including Krypton. It can be said to be a dream castle.

No matter how realistic the special effects are and how sophisticated the production is, the Fortress of Solitude reproduced on the movie screen is only from the imagination, and it is impossible to imagine it without personally experiencing it. This grand hall and advanced display equipment are purely composed of crystal clear The crystals formed the seat of the core console of the fortress, and even the central computer itself looked like a pile of crystals emitting a faint blue light.

Anyone who comes here for the first time, the shock of facing this magnificent scenery is undoubtedly the first thought that fills the mind.But when the excitement cools down, you will feel comfort, tranquility, and even deep loneliness in this majestic castle.

And what could be more lonelier than being alone in an empty fortress in one of the most inhabited and icy places on earth?Perhaps this is a portrayal of Superman's inner feelings?
Half a day has passed since coming here, and Superman has been sitting on his crystal throne with his chin propped up, using Kryptonian technology to thoroughly scan and analyze the earth stone crystal that Eric brought.

"You said someone else was sending some kind of signal through the Earth Stone?" Superman asked abruptly.

"Ah, yes." Eric crossed his arms and walked to him, "I can feel that some other will is in the earth stone crystal, trying to manipulate it. I can't determine the intention of the other party, But what is certain is that there is another being plotting something."

"I scanned its structure with X-sight." Superman played with the crystal in his hand, and said, "Its structure is very strange, and wait."

His face changed slightly, and he frowned: "How is it possible?"

"what happened?"

"When I looked at it, the signal sent out by the crystal was automatically overwritten, as if someone knew I was looking at it."

Eric was thoughtful: "It means whoever is manipulating the crystal from the other end, can they see our actions?"

At this point in the conversation, a roar came from outside the castle, and the ground trembled violently like an earthquake.The crystal computer sounded a sharp alarm, and Superman turned on the floating display, and saw a mighty army composed of a bunch of new weapons organized by the "machines" pushing across the ice and snow, surrounding the Fortress of Solitude.

"Hey, Superman! Did you hear that?" General Lane's voice came from a heavy mecha in the center through a loudspeaker, shaking the ice slag on the ice, "Now what you hear is the United States of America The voice that declares war on you!"

"The photon launcher is already in place!" Soldiers reported.

"The black hole bomb has also been filled, sir!"

"Ladies and gentlemen," General Lane yelled, "let's blast the igloo to scum! Superman, the countdown has begun, and you have 1 minute and 48 seconds left to hand over the Earth Rock and everything else. Useful things from the government’s extraterrestrial observation department, otherwise we would go in and get them ourselves!”

Inside the Fortress of Solitude.

Superman turned on the big screen, saw the mighty army surrounding the castle outside through the video equipment, and frowned slightly.

"I knew things would turn out like this." Looking at the massive battleships outside, he said to himself, "I knew it would turn out like this one day, from the moment I refused to cooperate."

"Couldn't you smash up that pile of scrap metal?" Eric asked.

Superman shook his head: "I have seen what those technologies can do. They are all derived from the equation that 'Ghost' brought to Earth, and they are all designed for me to kill me."

He sighed slightly, seemingly regretful, but not afraid.

"Maybe it was inevitable," he said. "In a way, what the ghost said to me was true. When I decided to fight, when I decided how to fight, when I decided how to live my life on and off the screen, Superman's The end is set. The moment I created Superman, he was destined not to exist forever. In the past few days, I have seen the scale of the 'machine' organization and the defense system the world has created to defend me. I see, that end point is very close to me."

He turned earnestly to Eric and Raven.

"Sorry to implicate you, I shouldn't have brought you here," he said with a little apology, "but now you are the only ones who can witness this, I hope at least someone can remember that I tried to do the right thing , has always been, even if."

"If this is the reason why you are planning to escape from the battle from now on, then I will not accept witnessing your end." Eric said lightly.

Superman looked at him in surprise.

"I have a friend who sticks to a mantra - 'With great power comes great responsibility', and he's always done it. It's a bit pedantic."

"That's true." Superman agreed.

"I don't really think so." Eric shook his head and said, "If you feel that you have power, you have to find people in need and take it as a responsibility, it may be counterproductive. Sometimes you Saving one person while hurting more. You try your best to protect something and you end up with nothing."

Superman was silent for a while.

He understood that what Eric said was right, or it should be said that he understood best.As a superman, he has been struggling all the time. Is everything he does right?Does it make sense?

"After I got this set of armor and got the power, I was always confused and didn't know what to do with it. I obviously didn't want to be a hero or something, but I always had to do it in the end." Eric laughed at himself and continued. "If ability really brings responsibility, I think it's just as far as my hand can reach, and I have no interest and ability to take care of things other than that. No one can afford it." The weight of the world, not even you, Superman. I will fight with the abilities I have, but just not letting myself regret it is enough."

"To the extent that you don't let yourself regret it?" Superman comprehended this sentence and seemed to realize something.

"Yeah." Eric smiled slightly, "So don't think that you can retire today. There will be a lot of work that will belong to Superman in the future."

Superman smiled slightly, sweeping away the expression of a strong man going to death on his face.

"Maybe you're right." He looked at Eric seriously and asked, "What's your name, kid?"

"Eric, Eric Charlotte."

"Thanks, Eric." Superman said, "I'm sure we still have a lot to talk about, but for now."

Before he could finish speaking, the muffled gunfire had already exploded, the outer wall of the castle suffered a heavy blow, and the whole building shook violently.

"What? The countdown hasn't happened yet"

"To hell with the countdown!" General Lane yelled. "We all know you're rolling snowballs in there for battle, so let's just ring the clock!"

(Thanks to book friend kabuto555 for the 100 starting coins)
(End of this chapter)

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