Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 169 VS Machine

Chapter 169 VS Machine
North Pole, Fortress of Solitude.

Superman has imagined his own end countless times, and imagined where his magnificent life will end up.As Ghost said, he lives in the cracks of human society, and Superman is destined not to exist forever.

But now, General Ryan, who hated him deeply, brought his high-tech army to the door of his house as if preparing to attack the city. All kinds of superman-specific cannons pointed at the door instead of knocking on the door. .

After just 10 minutes of fighting, Superman was half-kneeling in the icy snow with difficulty, thick smoke was billowing from the dark blue uniform, and bloodstains were drawn on his hard cheeks.He panted heavily like a cow, but still held his head up stubbornly, staring at the machine enemies in front of him.

In the past few moments, Superman has shown everyone how tough he is as a fighter.He endured the rain of red sun bullets that could soften his skin, punched through the deflector that could refract the light beam of his heat vision with his fist, endured the severe pain caused by the high-polymerization photon cannon, and used his body as a cannonball to shoot through the air. Dozens of steel eagles fell burning between the glaciers.

Perhaps this is the end of Superman, and this is where the legend ends.

No, maybe Superman's path is not destined to end well, maybe one day he will really fall miserably, but not today, not now.He still has a lot to do, and the world still has a lot of things waiting for him to change.

Thinking of this, he stood up again.The bright red cape fluttered in the cool wind, like a flag in the world of ice and snow, a symbol.

"Damn, I'm starting to like this guy a little bit," General Lane said to himself.

"Remember the story you told me last time, General? About two roosters being eaten by a fox?" Superman wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted loudly, his voice drowning out the roar of countless machine engines , echoing loudly on the ice and snow plain.

"You said it was meant to reflect the power of the army, the power that you call the 'machine' to stop." Superhuman said, "but you are wrong. What this story is about is humanity."

Inside the Fortress of Solitude.

"So, the plan is to stand here and watch that big blue guy get beaten?"

Raven asked as he watched the battle outside through the screen of the Fortress of Solitude.

"Almost." Eric shrugged and walked deep into the fortress, "That's Superman's battle, not ours."

Raven followed behind him: "I thought you would rush out to live and die with him or something."

"Please, do you see how scary the weapons of the army outside are? The bunch of strange things made by the alien equation are far beyond the technology of this era. Even Superman can't do it. I ran out stupidly to die. What?" Eric said bluntly.

Seeing Raven staring at him strangely, Eric asked, "What? Is there something wrong?"

"It's not just that I'm surprised to hear you say that."

"It's just that you don't know me well enough." Eric said, "Okay, don't think about it, let's go around this castle now, when Superman is killed, this place might be confiscated by the government, maybe I will never have the chance to see such a wonderful place again in my life.”

While talking, the two had already moved to another room.This room is far smaller than before, and the overall color is a strange light green, which is the light from the round glass covers on the floor.Raven walked to one of the covers curiously and looked down. He saw that the bottom of the glass looked like some kind of container, which was filled with a liquid emitting green light, and the bottom of the container was spitting out bubbles continuously.

"That is the medical cabin, which uses the most advanced medical technology on Krypton. It is said that many fatal wounds can be repaired in it. If you are not dead."

Raven turned around following Eric's voice, and saw that he had walked to the console at the door of the room at some point and was operating something on it.

Raven felt something wrong intuitively: "Wait, what are you doing?"

Eric smiled at her.

The glass cover under her feet opened suddenly, and Raven fell completely unprepared, falling into the green culture solution with a "plop".Immediately afterwards, the glass cover spun and closed, shutting her inside.

"Sorry, Raven." Eric squatted outside the medical cabin and said, "But if I tell you directly that I'm going out, you will definitely follow me. I don't want to see you in danger. Don't worry , the words here are safe, I heard that even if a missile hits it directly, it will not be able to penetrate the Kryptonian medical cabin."

Hearing this, Raven's eyelids closed heavily, and it was the anesthetic ingredients in the liquid that played a role.She will sleep well.

Raven's magical ability is very strong, but her body is flesh and blood after all, and if she is pierced by a bullet, she will bleed and suffer pain.Fighting against armies, high-tech weapons is not her forte, and Eric doesn't want to see her get hurt.

And likewise, he couldn't stand idly by.Like he told Superman earlier, he can't mind what's out of his arm's reach, but he can't ignore the tragedy that's unfolding in front of him either.Even if it was just for the sake of not regretting it, he couldn't watch Superman die in battle within his reach.

Outside the Fortress of Solitude.

General Lane continued, "It's about time, Superman. Although I don't actually want to kill you personally, but God, if you don't surrender again"

"Don't even think about it." Superman stood stubbornly in the snow, his cape fluttering behind him, his figure seemed to be a pole.

"Alas," General Lane ordered with a sigh, "well then, say hello to all the people of Krypton for us. Let him go, lads."

He's not bluffing.Two falcon-like sci-fi fighters opened their baseboards at the same time, and the rain of kryptonite poured down. The green light spots formed a torrential rain in mid-air, and fell towards Superman overwhelmingly.

A kryptonite the size of a thumb is enough for Superman to eat a pot, but General Lane dropped such a huge amount in one go, which shows that he really took great pains and made sufficient preparations to deal with Superman.Green Krypton's radiation intertwined into a net covering the sky, making it impossible for Superman to dodge.

But at this moment, a flash of lightning "swished" across, leaving deep cracks on the snow.In the blink of an eye, Kung Fu Superman had disappeared in place, and the kryptonite rain crackled on the ice surface, beating constantly.

"Who!?" General Lane shouted.

The Alpha armor in the speed mode led Superman all the way for a few hundred meters, and stopped after confirming that he was out of the radiation range.

"You?" Superman was surprised, "Didn't I tell you to stay inside and not come out?"

"Yeah, that's what you said, but I decided to come out to get some air." Eric helped him stand up, and said, "I didn't just say what I just said to you, it's also my fighting principle. "

(End of this chapter)

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