Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 170 The Battle of the North Pole

Chapter 170 The Battle of the North Pole

"All units - fire freely!"

General Lane's loud cry echoed on the ice field, and the echo was immediately swallowed up by the fierce roar of army artillery fire.The gorgeous light curtains fell down like mountains and seas, and the destructive storm blew away the ice slag all over the ground. The ice surface quickly cracked, and water waves violently splashed out of the gaps.

The exaggeratedly strong firepower gathered in one place, and together they turned into beams of light that soared into the sky and pierced through the ice layer.The strange missile was thrown into the light curtain and exploded, igniting the ice cubes, and the flaming broken ice fell into the water crackling, creating a strange scene.

After a round of bombardment, the military ceased fire briefly, and everyone stared intently at the black smoke rising from the ice, maintaining extreme vigilance.

General Ryan's pupils shrank slightly.

The huge outline gradually appeared in the thick smoke, and the shape seemed to be a giant more than 20 meters high.

What first emerged from the smoke and dust was a giant cannon more than three meters long, followed by the green palm holding it, the torso and limbs of the machine, and the light wings emitting green light like a peacock spreading its tail behind it.A sword light cut down from top to bottom, and the smoke and dust dispersed with the sword wind in an instant, revealing the huge green mecha. The place where the green light mark was printed on the chest was also the cockpit, and the Alpha armor in green light mode Eric was sitting in the cockpit, clenching his fists habitually.

"I've wanted to try this thing for a long time." Eric squeezed the wrist of his right fist and moved the joints of his neck. "I don't know if anyone in this world has heard of Gundam?"

"What the hell?" General Lane frowned and shouted, "Whatever it is, dismantle it for me!"

All the units opened fire again, and the intertwined firepower net pressed again.But this time, the jet pack on the back of the green "mobile suit" spewed out a long string of green lights. The side of the aircraft equipped with kryptonite. The "Mobile Suit" raised his sword and landed, the sword light flashed, and the two aircraft were cut off in half, burning and falling to the ground like birds with broken wings.

And this is just the beginning, the "Gundam" represented by the green light is bowing left and right, waving a dazzling green lightsaber in one hand, and spraying green light streams with a giant cannon in the other hand, releasing energy from many places in the body at the same time to maintain the protection of the energy field Flying on the fuselage, he was very successful in the army of General Lane.

General Lane gritted his teeth.

All his weapons are designed for Superman, and each weapon has the effect of weakening Superman's ability or targeting his weakness. He has studied Superman for many years, and he is confident in taking him down.

But this guy in front of him was completely unexpected. His ability was so weird that they couldn't figure it out at all.Although his combat power is not as good as Superman's, it is completely unknown to the military, and it is quite confusing to deal with it.

And with Eric swaggeringly driving the Gundam to attract firepower and charge into battle, the pressure on Superman's side has also dropped sharply, and he can flex his fists.The blue afterimage is a bullet with autonomous consciousness moving across the battlefield, causing a series of machine explosions in the blink of an eye.

Finally, Superman broke through layers of defenses and approached the last mech hiding. With his bare hands, he tore the indestructible iron sheet protecting the cockpit to pieces, revealing General Ryan himself sitting in the driver's seat.

The two glared at each other.

"Where is the ghost?" Superman asked in a low voice with red eyes.

The black afterimage flashed in front of General Ryan in an instant, so fast that even Superman couldn't react, and he was sent flying upside down with a single punch, rubbing against the ground violently, splitting the ice in half.

The ghost stood in front of General Ryan as if teleporting, and said viciously: "You are going further and further down the wrong path, Superman! Now I have to correct you!"

The high-concentration green light stream whizzed over, involuntarily engulfed Youhun's figure, wrapped him in the light stream and pushed him far away, and fell into the icy water with a "plop".But only a second later, a huge splash exploded on the surface of the water, and the ghost rushed out angrily, dragging a fiery trail behind it, aiming at Eric who fired not far away.

The green mech set up a long cannon, and the giant cannon blasted out one after another, but they were all avoided by the black afterimage deftly. The missed bombardment pierced through the ice layer, causing the water to splash violently.

"You took a life last time, brat." Specter said viciously, and at the same time threw out a red-hot light blade with thermal vision and cut the giant sword in Erik's mech in two. You won't be so lucky this time!"

Eric tried to distance himself, and at the same time slashed with the giant lightsaber, but the ghost was too fast, the fiery red trajectory passed by, and the shell of the mecha instantly collapsed.He easily broke the sword-holding wrist of this "Mobile Suit", smashed the gun barrel on the shoulder, tore off the shell with the green light mark on the chest with his bare hands, and grabbed towards the cockpit.

Eric ejected urgently, the rear of the cockpit bounced away with a "click", his body ejected from the back of the mecha, and at the same time the green mecha exploded with a "boom", and the green light shone like a sun falling to the ground .The ice layer was blown to pieces, and the water waves emitting green light rushed up to the sky like a giant dragon.

Although it didn't cause any actual damage this time, it made Ghost a little ashamed.The water waves thrown high into the air fell like raindrops, and the ghost stepped out annoyedly from the water curtain, his whole body seemed to be emitting red hot light, and the water droplets that touched his skin were evaporated in the blink of an eye, turning into thick The white mist rose up.

"Hey, Ghost!"

Ghost turned his head to the side, but saw a heavy fighter plane of the army whirling towards it like the blades of a windmill.With one wing in his hands, Superman slammed Wraith hard with the fuselage, sending him flying like a home run.

Superman held the fighter aloft, swung it like a baseball bat, and chased after the ghost in the direction where it fell.

"That looks heavy, Superman." Ghost raised his right palm, and the palm released a red-hot light, "Let me help you!"

In an instant, the fighter plane in Superman's hand also responded to the action of the ghost and became red hot. There was a restless and fluctuating touch in the palm of Superman. It felt like the material structure of the fighter plane itself was shaken, like a wild beast restlessly Struggling to break out of this shell.


The fuselage exploded suddenly, blooming like a bright red lotus flower.Superman was thrown upside down, his body hit the ice hard, and a large crack cracked behind him.

"This trick is very easy, Superman." Specter walked forward slowly, "Our body uses sunlight as the power source, the key is to learn how to use that ability to absorb and control the magnetic field that is everywhere around us."

"That's a good trick," Superman coughed twice, got up and said, "I have to find a chance to try."

"Oh, it will take you years to master it."

Ghost said, his tone darkened again.

"But I suspect you don't have that much time."

(Thanks to book friend 268114724215 for the reward of 500 starting coins)
(End of this chapter)

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