Chapter 173 Choice
The aggression came without any warning. All the people on the planet, including the high-ranking bosses, those powerful organizations hidden under the water, and the people or forces who mastered the advanced technology of the century, no one had time to react.

At this moment, the entire human society is like a giant-screen movie, and someone has just pressed the pause button for it.

All the vehicles on the streets of the world stopped, the power supply across the world was cut off in an instant, all electronic and even mechanical equipment went on strike and stopped working, mobile phones, computers and even walkie-talkies all went on strike.Unfortunately, today's human society is precisely built on electronic devices and machinery. Now that all these are paralyzed, the world will undoubtedly fall into complete chaos.

Or rather, it should have been utter chaos.

But the invaders are not just as simple as cutting off the power supply roughly like hackers who hacked the entire city's electricity. Their methods are more...gentle.The space shuttles with malfunctioning instruments landed smoothly from the sky one by one, and all were thrown to the nearest emergency landing site.Several civilian planes were thrown into New York Harbor. From a high altitude, it looks like a child throwing toys on the ground in a mess.

Yes, like toys, all technological creations on this planet are.But now the invaders came, and they picked up the toys one by one and put them into the toy box.

In just a few minutes, the earth was disarmed, like a baby in its infancy, only to be slaughtered.

No, it's not that there are no means of defense, and there is the most tenacious line of defense, one person, charging at the forefront in the dark universe.

After leaving the earth, Superman flew all the way to the center of the solar system, and the afterimage left by the cloak drew a bright red line in the dark universe.He went forward bravely, without fear, to the battlefield of death.

After passing through numerous meteorite groups, the alien fleet finally came into view.Sure enough, just as Luthor said, the fleet of huge alien warships is like a swarm of bees in the universe, silently starting their engines and heading towards the earth.The Superman blocking their path was like a moth trying to fend off a pack of wolves.

But will he back down from that?

No, of course not.

He's Superman, and he's been through worse.

The tiny bug flapped its wings bravely, and went straight to meet the thousands of troops.The red afterimage silently shot into the shell of a battleship, and rushed out from the other side with scorching flames.Immediately after he shot thermal vision, he used the technique taught by the ghost to blink quickly to shoot bursts. Red heat appeared one after another on the shells of several nearby battleships and exploded, which was truly spectacular against the dark background.

But this round of attack also successfully attracted the attention of the fleet, and all the spaceship targets pointed at him.The special cannon opened from the front of the main battleship, and a fiery red core was hidden inside layers, as if slowly opening eyes, staring at Superman with a greeting of death.

Superman couldn't move for a moment, he opened his mouth in pain, but couldn't make a sound, his body deflated like a balloon being deflated, and the sunlight leaked out from his eyes, mouth, nose and even pores, like a leak. Oil sports car.

This is also a matter of course. If it is said that the ghost and his ability work in exactly the same way, the aliens who sent the ghost to the earth certainly have a way to deal with him. Fleet threat.

There is no choice.

Superman tremblingly took out the syringe that Luthor gave him with his shriveled hands, the golden light flowing in the needle was so dazzling, like the kindling of hope, and at the same time it would burn his life.

That's it.

This is where the story of Superman should end, the end of the legend.

He closed his eyes lightly, rolled up his sleeves, his short life flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.For the Kryptonian who bathed in the sun and had an unknown lifespan, perhaps this life is really too short, but he is very satisfied, and he has obtained too much on this blue planet.

But just as he rolled up his sleeves and was about to do what he was supposed to do, someone interrupted him.Like a gust of burning wind flying from the direction of the earth, it passed by his side and took the injection needle in his hand domineeringly.

It's a ghost.

Superman stared at him in shock, but his body was too drained to move.The eyes of the two met. Although voices could not be used to convey meaning to each other, at this moment, the two people who had different positions but were extremely similar understood each other only through their eyes.

Without any hesitation, Ghost picked up the small syringe and plunged it into his arm.

Sure enough, it should be said that it is indeed produced by Lex, and the product effect is indeed first-class.The tens of millions of tons of solar energy in You Hun's body boiled in an instant, and the golden energy lost control, and even leaked out from his rock-like skin, igniting his body from head to toe.Superman was even more shocked. He saw that the ghost's body seemed to double in size, and the whole person turned into a burning fireball, struggling painfully in the solar energy that was on the verge of explosion.

He was supposed to be like this.

Ghost's face was contorted in pain, but he still tried his best to maintain the last trace of reason.He stretched out a palm towards Superman, and the invisible force hit Superman, and the majestic energy took him to fly out along the return path to the earth at a faster speed than before, and the distance opened made the In the blink of an eye in Superman's eyes, the fleet of battleships turned into a small dot of light in the universe.

The ghost faced the fleet fearlessly, his back seemed to be magnified countless times.

The explosion came as promised, and all the solar energy stored in the ghost's body exploded in an instant.The invincible fleet was swallowed up, and the terrifying impact far exceeded Luthor's conservative expectations. It was an impact that might even destroy a planet.Despite such a distance, Superman was still affected, and flew backwards all the way back to the earth in a vacuum of nearly zero resistance, breaking through the atmosphere and falling at an accelerated rate.

The sun was recharging him, and his body was recovering little by little, but not fast enough.If this continues, he will fall to the ground first.If not do something about it.
At this moment, the green belt grabbed his body, stretched to the top of his head and "snapped" three oversized parachutes.

Eric in green light mode caught up from below: "Need help?"

"Thank you." Superman breathed a sigh of relief and put it on his shoulder.

"Where's the ghost?" Erik asked. "I saw him charge up."

Superman looked up at the blue sky, silent for a long time.

"About the ghost, I was wrong before." He said in a low voice, "Maybe he has been hiding under the history, but... he is also a hero."

(End of this chapter)

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