Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 174 Break free from bondage

Chapter 174 Break free from bondage
People on the earth don't know it, and they don't know what kind of crisis this planet has just faced.And before they knew it, a blinding light was coming from outside the atmosphere, the aftermath of an unprecedented explosion in space.

People who don't understand it regard it as a rare astronomical phenomenon in a century, but they don't know that an alien visitor who has lived on the earth for 75 years and has been buried under the history has just dedicated his life to this planet. out of life.

But anyway, it all came to an end.After Eric helped Superman land in front of the Fortress of Solitude, Superman still looked at the place where the light was shining in the sky. The golden light pierced the atmosphere and penetrated down, and it took a long time to dissipate.

"You're a hero, Ghost," Superman said to himself. "You have so much to teach me. Maybe you're right. We could have been friends."

"But he didn't die in vain, did he?" Erik patted him on the shoulder.

"Ah, yes." Superman said, "I will continue to fight, even if it is for ghosts who cannot continue to fight."

Eric removed the armor, let out a long breath, and finally relaxed his tense nerves.This day is indeed a bit too long. First, there was the Iron Legion riot, then the global nuclear crisis, and then there was a deadly confrontation with the military armed with black technology, and then the Superman joined forces to deal with ghosts, and finally there was even an alien army.To be honest, Eric needs to catch his breath right now, so he has to go home and have a good rest. 
He froze suddenly as if shocked by electricity.

Does it seem to have forgotten something?

10 minutes later, inside the Fortress of Solitude.

"Ahaha, so calm down, impulsivity is the devil"

Cold sweat broke out on Eric's forehead, and in front of him was Raven who had just been released from the medical cabin.Her eyes were like a witch who cast a spell, only the whites of her eyes remained, her whole body was wrapped in thick black waves, and her hair fluttered violently as if facing a hair dryer.Terrible pressure burst out from her, and the chaos magic seemed to dye the world into pure black.

She said nothing and looked expressionless, but no matter how dull this state was, it was obvious that she was not in a good mood.She walked towards Eric step by step, really like a god of death approaching step by step.

The corners of Eric's mouth twitched, he closed his eyes and waited for the "judgment".

Well, logically speaking, it is true that he is wrong. He really shouldn't force Ruiwen to be anesthetized in the medical cabin, even if he can find an excuse for himself that "this is to protect her".

Unexpectedly, the AOE spells such as Thunderbolt Nine Heavens did not fall on his head as expected, on the contrary, the girl unexpectedly hugged him tightly.

"Ah!?" The painting style changed a bit suddenly, Eric didn't react for a moment, opened his eyes and confirmed in disbelief that it was indeed Raven hugging him tightly.

"I thought you just wanted"

She stopped talking here, but Eric understood. She must have thought that Eric left her here to die alone, right?

Eric smiled and stroked her head tenderly.

"Who do you think I am? Don't worry. I'm not the kind of person who uses my life to become a legend. I only do what I can. Only what I have the ability to do is my responsibility."

Eric also hugged her, and said softly: "I promise, there will never be a next time, okay?"

Raven was quiet in his arms for about a second or two.

The next moment, the painting style changed suddenly.She pushed him away violently, and instantly returned to her usual cold look: "One more thing: don't, again, touch my head."

Eric froze for a moment, then couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Okay, okay, really awkward guy as always."

The uproar caused by "Ascension" has generally come to an end, but there will be an aftermath.For example, the attitude of the global government towards Superman elicited by this incident, and the only remaining piece of universal technological artifact Earth Stone, as well as the organization "machine" that has been hidden for 75 years and their hidden history. The countless mysteries dating back to the Nagasaki atomic bombing caused a lot of commotion all over the world.

The last remaining Earth Stone, Eric of course handed over to Superman for him to keep in the Fortress of Solitude.Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has the reputation of "the safest place in the world", storing such dangerous things on the Helicarrier is really the most stupid way that can be thought of at this time. Eric even felt that hiding in his bedroom bed It can't be safer down there than it is.But relatively, the safety factor of Superman's Fortress of Solitude is definitely much higher, at least with earth technology, no one should be able to break in at will.

Likewise, Superman has finally decided to take center stage on the world stage.In the past, he only did what he thought was right in his own name, but when he learned about the attitudes of countries around the world towards him through this incident, he also realized that it is necessary to negotiate with the governments of various countries, which also involves his future path .

But he'll handle it and find his place in the world because he's Superman.

After a thrilling adventure, it's time for Eric and Raven to go back to school and continue worrying about homework and exams.But neither of them took it for granted, and the part about being a high school student was probably the last bit of "normal" left in their crazy lives, and the most cherished part.

What Eric didn't know was that his life was not completely peaceful.

somewhere on earth.

A group of people gathered in front of a huge screen, and on the screen was a high-definition frame of the dressed Alpha-type figure of the Armored Armor, which seemed to be cut out from a certain frame captured during the battle.

"Are you sure?" A female voice said, "Which school is he in? High school in New York?"

"Yes, I'm probably sure." A man's voice sounded, respectful, "The registration code in the SHIELD file is 'Amozo-Alpha', commonly known as 'Amozo', and it should also be a member of the superhero team similar to the Avengers. The real identity of us It’s not clear, but it is speculated that he should be a student. He also took action during the Manhattan Wanliwang incident, but he was not included in the Avengers at that time, probably because of his age, which can better confirm our speculation.”

"Oh~ I didn't expect that." The female voice became a little mischievous, "I'm getting more and more interested in him."

"Really, miss?" Another man's voice sounded, with a thick British accent in his cynical voice, "You haven't really met this kid yet, have you? Are you sure it's him?"

"It's him." She said decisively.

"Okay, then we have to hurry up." The man with the British accent spoke again, "We don't have much time left."

(End of this chapter)

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