Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 175 Construction Machines

Chapter 175 Construction Machines
"A prom invitation from Midtown High?" Behind a row of bookshelves in the library, Peter stared wide-eyed at the email displayed on his phone screen. "Wow, that sounds amazing!"

Mary Jane leaned lightly on his shoulder: "I guess, someone hasn't chosen his partner yet, right?"

"If the beautiful Miss Watson says 'yes' to me, then I will choose now." Peter said with a smile.

"Maybe you could come to the prom in your battle suit," Mary quipped, "Imagine—Spider-Man making a grand entrance at the Midtown High School Prom, and that would make headlines! We'd both be!"

"Maybe I can still swing in through the window."

Peter and Mary were bantering and running high when they got the ball invitation.On the other hand, looking at the back of the bookshelf, Eric and Raven, who received the same news, looked much colder.

"Did you see the prom invitation?" Eric asked tentatively.

"En." Ruiwen read the book seriously, without raising his head, exuding a full academic domineering aura.

"Okay, I guess we're at the routine part again." Eric sighed. "And then it's time for me to ask you if you want to go and you say no, right?"

Raven finally looked up and gave him a gentle smile by her standards.


Eric shrugged helplessly, and of course he expected this to happen, so he simply stopped wasting words and didn't bring up this topic again.

He didn't notice, but as soon as he put his head down again, Raven gave him a slightly apologetic glance.

why not?In fact, I still want to go, right?Wearing that beautiful long black dress Mr. Stark gave her, going to a ball with this boy. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad experience, would it?

In fact, Eric has appeared in her mind more and more inadvertently recently. I don’t know when he has become an irreplaceable part of her heart, and that is exactly what Raven is afraid of. Whenever he thinks about getting closer to someone, the image of his father who is covered in red, riding a flame, and laughing violently and coldly can't help appearing in his mind.

Raven felt that he couldn't accept Eric, or that he couldn't establish a deeper connection with the world, otherwise, when the fateful day came, it would only bring deeper pain to more people.

But the last time she faced Specter, when Specter was about to kill Eric, she lost her mind and nearly exploded at the risk of triggering Sangong. Thinking of this, she was a little upset.She didn't know what was wrong with her, and she didn't think about anything at the time - that shouldn't be her style at all.

"Hi, is Raven here?"

She woke up suddenly when Eric snapped his fingers in front of her. It turned out that she had been distracted for more than 20 minutes without knowing it.

"It's nothing." She said lightly, her eyes returned to the book, but her mind was so messed up that she couldn't read it.

"What a dishonest girl." Eric stood up and touched her head deliberately, "If the situation is not good, you don't have to force it. Let's go out and relax."

Raven glared at him unceremoniously, almost showing murderous intent: "Did I tell you not to touch my head?"

Eric had a cold war: "Don't be so serious, just kidding."

Well, maybe some people just shouldn't joke around.It seemed that because of such a small episode, Raven ignored him all the way to the cafeteria.

Today's dinner in the cafeteria was a bit weird. The aunt who cooked rice threw a piece of green pudding with a strange smell on everyone's plate. I don't know what strange seasoning was added. Looking at it, people can't help but think of dark cuisine.

Raven glanced at the pudding, his eyes seemed rather disgusted, and he pushed it aside.

"Leave it to me." Eric took her small pudding plate with ease, "I will eat everything you don't want to eat."

Ruiwen lowered his head and was silent for a long time, then suddenly said: " you treat me so well?"

"Ah?" Eric was stunned for a moment before he could react, and then smiled softly, "Why do you ask such a strange question all of a sudden? Didn't I say it before, because I like you."

In this way, he did say it, and he seemed to have said it not long after they met, but Raven didn't take it seriously at all at the time, and had long since forgotten it.

Could it be that he was serious at that time?

Raven became more irritable in her heart, as if she had never been so unable to keep calm since she came to Earth.She stood up abruptly, and said, "Suddenly I remembered that Aunt Alice told me that there was something at home today, and I had to go back early, so I left first."

After speaking, without waiting for Eric to respond, she picked up her bag and turned to leave without even taking a bite of dinner.

"Really." Eric kept smiling and shrugged nonchalantly, "Some of what they said really made sense—it's really hard to guess girls' minds."

After finishing dinner in twos and threes, he threw out the two puddings together.

In fact, he also hates eating this stuff. To be honest, it is really hard to imagine that anyone would love such a weird food.

Just as he was about to leave the cafeteria, there was an explosion that almost pierced his eardrums.The whole building shook and the students screamed.

what's the situation?Explosion again?In school?
Eric squeezed out of the cafeteria from the crowd, and saw a huge machine with a khaki shell and a height of more than ten meters on the lawn outside.The color of its body reminds people of an excavator. The outstretched arms are covered with thick tires, and the right hand is connected to a gun barrel that can release high-temperature lasers. It seems to be of architectural specifications.

"What's that?" Eric said to himself.

"A replica of Apollodorus." Peter appeared beside him at some point, looking up at the behemoth in astonishment, "That should be a new generation of large-scale construction machinery, developed by a company in Saudi Arabia The cost of the prototype machine is 9000 million U.S. dollars, and it also has the functions of the world's largest crane, a drum concrete mixer with a daily output of [-] pounds, and a steel bar cutter. But this one looks like a replica, and the prototype machine is bigger than it. Accessories And much more."

At the speaking stall, the construction robot has already started its activities.When it twisted its body, the parts collided and made a low sound, and the heavy fist fell towards the students who were close to it without any explanation.The students fled in panic, and the fist of steel left a huge hole in the lawn.

"Well, I guess even a lesser version would be quite a nuisance on a college campus. Big trouble, I mean," Peter said.

Eric sighed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Put on your uniform," he said. "Ready to shine in front of a crowd of high school fans?"

(Thank you for the 1 starting point coins rewarded by Shu Yousheng Zhikong 1000! Thank you very much for your support!)

(End of this chapter)

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