Chapter 176

Although it had long been expected that the superhero vs. construction robot at school yesterday evening would be a sensation for a while, Eric did not expect it to be so exaggerated.

It seems that since he stepped into the gate of the campus this morning, Eric has not stopped chatting about this topic in his ears. It seems that everyone's topics along the way are all about the huge crazy machine and the two people who ran out of nowhere. The superhero that appeared in the story unfolded, and the content was constantly added by the communicators. At this moment, the version of the story even Eric himself, who was involved in the story, found it ridiculous.The students blew up the battle so shockingly, as if the villain of the story was not a robot that replaced the excavator, but some kind of black technology armed with the ability to go to the sky and penetrate the earth's core.

"Hey, have you heard?" When Eric sat down in the classroom, someone in the group of students in the front row said in a low voice, "There is a gossip that Spider-Man and yesterday's companion in armor, Probably all in this school."

Eric couldn't help pricking up his ears. This is a new topic, and it is indeed close to the truth.

"No way?" Another student dared not say anything, "Could it be that we have teachers who are superheroes?"

"Maybe it's a student."

"Then it won't happen?"

"Speaking of which, did you find that teacher Sharon who teaches sociology is very mysterious? I thought she must be unusual. Could it be that she is Spider-Man?"

"Stupid, Spider-Man is a man."

"That's impossible to say."


If this conversation was a little reliable at the beginning, it was complete nonsense afterwards, and Eric couldn't laugh or cry.At this time, the classroom door was pulled open from the outside, and a black teacher with a short, fat belly and a shy belly appeared at the door and clapped his hands.

"Good morning, students, we have a new student in our class today."

Before the teacher finished speaking, the students started discussing excitedly in low voices. The topics were nothing more than boys or girls, how good-looking they were, and so on.

"Students, let us welcome Ginny to Midtown High School. I believe this is a good thing for each of us."

As the teacher said, he moved away from the door, and behind him was a girl.It was a pretty girl, and if you saw this girl once, you would never forget her, not because of her face itself, or the fashionable hairstyle that covered one eye, but because of the indelible unique temperament.

Yes, temperament.Although she was wearing an ordinary T-shirt and long jeans at the moment, she couldn't conceal the noble temperament that seemed like an upper-class aristocrat in her bones.She walked to the podium politely, smiled sweetly and waved to all the students. The simplest gestures were full of elegance and unique beauty.

"Wow." Eric heard the kid in the front row whisper to his companion, "Hope she's still single."

"Ginny, why don't you find an empty seat?" the teacher said gently.

"Thank you."

Ginny spoke very politely, her eyes swept across the class, and her eyes fixed on a certain place.

Eric was taken aback, he seemed to see the new girl fixed her eyes on him, and smiled at him.Then she walked straight across the class to the seat behind him and put down her schoolbag.

ha?Erik was a little puzzled by her smile, and couldn't help but start thinking-had I seen her before?

"Hi." Ginny stopped in front of him and greeted with a smile, "My name is Ginny."

After realizing that she was indeed greeting him, Eric was stunned for half a second, and then smiled slightly: "Eric Charlotte, we will take care of each other in the future."

"Charlotte is such a good name."

Ginny spoke inexplicably, and sat down on the seat behind him.

Eric frowned.

It is undeniable that she is indeed an impressive girl, but... I always feel that there is something strange, as if there is a feeling of incongruity in her body.

At noon, in front of the locker.

"Hey, Eric." Peter asked, catching Eric at the locker, "Did you hear about the Midtown High prom?"

"Ah, um, there is indeed an invitation letter sent by e-mail."

"Well, are you going?" Peter asked. "Mary Jane and I are going to go together. Tonight we are going to go shopping for clothes. Do you want to come? Maybe bring classmate Rachel?"

Eric smiled bitterly: "I think so, but she doesn't like this kind of activity. And she really doesn't look like she can dance."

"Yes, that's a pity."

Eric patted him on the shoulder: "Come on, have fun at the dance."

"What dance?"

A crisp voice came from behind them, but it was Ginny who had just transferred to another school.

"Ah, this is the new student who just transferred from our class, Ginny." Eric introduced each other, "Ginny, this is Peter."

"Hi." Peter greeted and said, "We're talking about the school dance this week."

He raised his eyebrows at Eric: "Someone seems to be short of a dance partner."

"Really? It sounds fun." Ginny smiled and said, "I want to go and see it too, maybe I can get to know everyone better. Eric, would you like to be my dance partner?"

Peter smiled and winked at Eric, as if to take credit for his assist.

But in fact, Eric himself is not interested in the prom or anything, the reason why he said "want to go" is just to go with Raven.If Raven made it clear that he didn't want to go, it wouldn't be interesting for him to go to this kind of event.

He was about to politely refuse, but he swallowed the words when he saw Ginny's eyes.

Those are a pair of beautiful eyes, jasper like gems, clear, with a strange light in the depths, people can't see through, can't read.
"Okay, that's my pleasure." Somehow, the words came out of my mouth.

"Thank you, I'm looking forward to it, Eric~"

Ginny left these last words mischievously, and walked away with graceful steps.

Why did I say that just now?Eric noticed something strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Please, don't make such an expression." Peter patted him on the back, "It's just a dance, even if Rachel knows about it, she won't mind."

"That's not what I care about." Eric said, thinking, "But... it must be my illusion, right?"

Neither of them noticed that Raven had witnessed all this from the corner of the locker from the beginning to the end, until Ginny's back disappeared through the door before leaving without a sound.

She frowned slightly, wondering what she was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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