Chapter 177 Prom

When Ginny packed her schoolbag and locked the locker to leave, there were almost no students left in the teaching building.She walked through the corridor with her bag on her shoulders, and the dazzling sunset coated her smooth blond hair with a layer of gold, and the golden red light sprinkled on her fair face, making her look extraordinarily beautiful and mysterious.

When she was about to reach the end, she stopped, and there was another girl standing in the shadow that the sun couldn't reach. She was dressed in a gloomy black outfit, but her face was almost pale, which formed a sharp contrast with the black outfit.

It's Raven.

The two girls confronted each other here for a moment, one standing in the golden sunset, the other standing in a corner where the sun missed, their gazes seemed to intertwine and burst out invisible sparks at the junction of light.

"Who are you?" Raven's voice was soft but undeniable, "What's your purpose?"

Ginny looked at her blankly for a moment, then suddenly giggled.

"Ah, I seem to remember." She casually walked to Raven and smiled slightly, "You seem to be Eric's girlfriend, right?"

Raven hesitated for a moment, and said, "No, it's just his friend."

"Really?" Ginny smiled, showing an expression that seemed to know everything.

She brushed past Raven, whispering in her ear as she passed, "I get everything I want. It's that simple."

Ginny didn't say any more, and walked out of the teaching building, her steps were light and elegant under the golden sunset.Raven watched her back leave the school gate, and walked straight to a luxurious black stretch sports car. The man in black who had been waiting for a long time bowed and opened the back seat door for her, just like in the movie.

Raven just intuitively felt that this girl was weird, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Who is this guy?

Do you want to follow up and have a look?If it's just the soul's out-of-body tracking, no one will find out.

But Raven hesitated.

what's wrong with me?Although my intuition does feel that this girl is weird, there is actually no conclusive evidence that there is anything wrong with her.Maybe I just dislike her because Erik agreed to go to the prom with her?But we're just friends, aren't we?It's his freedom to dance with any girl, and this new girl is really pretty 
After unconsciously distracted for a moment and suddenly woke up, she was taken aback by her random thoughts just now, and was surprised why she had such a bunch of weird thoughts.And when she returned to reality, the black luxury car had long since disappeared.

At this time, he was galloping in a black sports car on the street.

"It's this kid?" The man sitting on the seat with his legs crossed looked at Eric's photo and said, "Ha, it looks okay."

"Barely enough." Ginny sat opposite him, leaning against the window, looking out of the window against the setting sun, her eyes were as dazed as a caged bird.

"It's not completely sure yet, but it's almost impossible to be wrong." Ginny said, "The aerial photography captured the photo. At the end of yesterday's accident, the moment when the armor was removed."

"So you have been in contact with him today, and your mind still hasn't changed?" the man asked.


The next night.

"Midtown Magnet High School Prom", a large-scale event held twice a year, is one of the students' favorites.Today boys wear the suits that make them look the most manly, and girls go out of their way to look more glamorous than usual.The stadium was arranged in a lively manner, with crisp rock music echoing in the spacious venue, and a circle of colorful balloons arranged outside the gate to reflect the atmosphere.

"Finally, don't forget to vote for the king and queen of tonight's dance!" The girl at the voting window at the entrance took the trouble to explain to everyone who came in.

"Hey, Mary." A blond girl approached Mary Jane, who was wearing an evening gown with a black skirt today, "You really looked gorgeous today, and it looks like Peter Parker is going to be the luckiest kid tonight. "

"Thanks, Liz, you look fine too." Mary smiled.

"So where is Peter?"

Mary shrugged helplessly: "If one day I'm not late, it's not him."

"I don't know how you put up with him, Mary." The female voice called Liz sighed. "What's so good about that bookworm? If I were you."

"That's why you don't know him, Liz, Peter he's special uh, wow."

The last exclamation was uttered when she saw the two people coming in from the door. Many people's eyes were also attracted to them, and their mouths almost opened wide.

It's Ginny.She was wearing a gown inlaid with mercury, her pale golden hair hung behind her, and the light shone on her like crystal light.Although her figure is not outstanding, her confident and upright standing posture makes her look graceful, really like a snow-white swan.

She couldn't help but attract attention. The expensive dress and the excellent temperament that seemed to come from the upper class were so eye-catching in a high school prom that Eric, who came in with her, was almost ignored.

Eric didn't really care about it. He only regarded the dance as a relaxing entertainment. To be honest, he didn't even think about how he accepted the invitation of this transfer freshman in a flash of his head.

However, he was still a little surprised to see Ginny's outfit tonight, but he didn't ask much.

Perhaps she did come from some rich family, and that was no surprise, Peter's best friend, Harry Osborne, was rich and young, and hadn't been at this school.

Facing everyone's eyes, Ginny smiled confidently, and led Eric straight to the center of the dance floor.

"Are you familiar with dancing?" Eric asked.

"What do you think?" Ginny smiled confidently, "Can you keep up with me?"

Eric also smiled confidently: "You can try."

It was as if everything fell silent except the music, and people consciously made room for them.Even though it was the first time they danced, they moved freely like their dance partners for many years. They spun to the beat, and their dance skirts were like blooming flowers.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Peter rushed in from the outside in a hurry, "It's really congested outside tonight, I"

"Shh~" Mary motioned him to be quiet without saying a word.

Peter was taken aback, looking at the two people in the middle of the dance floor, his jaw almost dropped in shock.

It's really a real person who doesn't show his face. How can Eric dance so well?And who is that dance partner?Is this really the venue for the high school prom?

It seemed to be frozen for 5 minutes. The moment the two stopped their movements, the students burst into thunderous applause.

"Your kung fu is pretty good." Ginny was a little surprised, "Where did you learn it?"

"Forgot, I learned too much, who remembers where?"

Ginny smiled sweetly: "You are really interesting, I like men with a lot of secrets."

"What a coincidence, I don't dislike girls with secrets either." Eric smiled, "But not the kind who approach you with a purpose, mind sharing your story?"

"It depends." Ginny said with a smile, "If you can keep up with me in the future, you may need to work harder."

(End of this chapter)

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