Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 181 Magic Showdown

Chapter 181 Magic Showdown
Gloomy clouds drifted slowly over, covering the bright moon hanging in the night sky.The last ray of moonlight also disappeared behind the clouds, and the drizzle like ox hair drifted down one after another, and a damp smell filled the pier.

The strange green light centered on Dr. Doom, and the tit-for-tat purple light centered on Eric and Raven rubbed and collided in the humid air, and the momentum seemed to be comparable for a while, with purple and green star points mixed in. It fell in the rain and dissipated in the air before landing.

Eric was the first to move.He and Raven exchanged glances, and the two shot out one from the left and the other from the right, and two purple arcs were drawn from the two wings of Doctor Doom respectively, and they shot out like a double-team.


The magic power exploded at one point, releasing a dazzling and brilliant light. The shock wave formed a semicircular cover and folded upside down, making it impossible to see what happened inside.

Afterimages shot backwards from the light curtain, Doctor Doom's body flew out backwards with the help of armored jet propellers, and a very light-colored transparent cover seemed to be vaguely wrapped around his body, and the flying dust and violent impact were all covered by this The layer shield was cut off a few centimeters away from his body, but he himself was not injured at all.


Raven's crisp shout came from the center of the light curtain, and the chaotic magic power turned into a spear-like shape, and rushed out with the momentum of thunder, and the entrained air flow penetrated the light curtain in a vortex shape.

But this thunderous blow failed to break through Doctor Doom's defense, and the moment the magic spear hit the translucent shield, it was blown away.Doctor Doom raised one arm, and shot a miniature rocket from the back of his hand.Raven hastily used chaos magic to move a container in front of him to protect him. The iron skin of the container was torn apart by the rocket, and the burst of flame hurricane caused Raven to fall from midair to the ground.

And at the moment when the miniature rocket was fired, Doctor Doom's eyes caught a trace of purple trail.He turned around sharply, and opened a semicircular transparent shield in front of him while waving his hands. Eric, who had spread metal wings behind his armor, had already swooped in front of him, holding the sword with majestic magic power tightly in his hand. It is cutting down sharply.

All the purple energy attached to the blade fell on Dr. Doom's shield, and the amazing magic power splashed like sparks between the violent scratches.Eric roared, and put all his strength on his arm, the blade extended by the magic actually sank inch by inch under the protective shield, faintly seeming to break through.

Of course, Dr. Doom would not just watch him break through his defense. The palm of his other free hand condensed majestic energy. The mixture of high-focus energy cannon and magic energy formed a high-compression A ball of light, destructive energy brewing in his palm.

With a low growl from his throat, Doctor Doom pushed his left palm violently, and the torrent of energy roared out.As soon as Eric's pupils closed, his wings slapped behind him almost at that moment, and he closed his sword in the air and twisted his body.The whistling waves passed close to him, and the chaotic magic power attached to his waist was easily dispersed, and the armor shell was torn apart, and there was a scorching pain from his body.

But he ignored the pain, adjusted his direction with the flapping of the metal wings and turned around again, the blade turned 180° and slashed again.

"The output power is 50% fully charged."

Filled with energy in a split second, the intense purple light completely engulfed the silver blade, making it almost impossible to distinguish its shape.Eric hissed and roared, and a sword fell with an astonishing momentum.

Doctor Doom is not a vegetarian either. The torrent of energy released just now was cut off in an instant, his clenched fist ignited a strange red fire, and he turned around and dragged a bright trajectory towards Eric, aiming at It was exactly where the waist was scratched before.

At this moment, the armor on Eric's waist is still repairing itself, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to eat Dr. Doom's menacing punch, which seems to be the momentum of losing both sides.

However, just before Dr. Doom's fist hit, a dark belt shot out from behind him suddenly, restraining his body for an instant.Although it was only for such a short moment, it prevented his attack from continuing.

The corners of Doctor Doom's eyes glanced coldly behind him, only to see Constantine half-squatting on the ground reciting a spell silently, and a long belt sprang out from the ground strangely, restricting his movements.

"Konstantin." Doctor Doom's tone was low as if he was about to drip water.

In just such a split second, Eric's sword had split through Dr. Doom's shield like a bamboo shoot, and landed on Dr. Doom's body without hindrance.Eric shouted loudly, and the long sword drew a purple arc along the front of Doctor Doom, and an astonishing wave of magical energy exploded in mid-air, and the doctor fell down like a hard ball, landing on the ground. In an instant, the dust exploded with a "boom", and the momentum was truly astonishing.

Eric landed gently beside Raven, and his wings slowly drooped behind him.Several people held their breath and focused their attention on the movement in the smoke.

The black silhouette stood up from behind the smoke screen, and the movement seemed to pat the dust off his body.

"I really underestimated you." A still flat and heavy voice came from behind the smoke screen, Doctor Doom took a step outside, and the moment the metal steps fell, it seemed that an invisible air wave exploded and the smoke screen was blown away.Doctor Doom walked out slowly, his aura was much stronger than before.

He let out a low "hum", the magic power seemed to explode with the shaking of his body, a green phantom, rising behind him with the growth of momentum, like a giant looking down at everyone indifferently, oppressing people almost impenetrable gas.

Although he has always said that Doctor Doom is very strong, it was only at this moment that Eric realized that he had always underestimated him. He did not expect that Doctor Doom could reach such a terrifying state with a mortal body without any superpowers. The first-line villain on Marvel Earth.


Eric called her softly, and the two exchanged glances tacitly.

"The output power is 200% fully charged."

The same powerful aura that was not inferior to Doctor Doom was released from Eric and Raven together, and the light of purple chaos magic also burst out from behind them, rapidly increasing in height, condensing into a phantom of a huge crow, fearlessly Rivalry with Dr. Doom's green phantom.

Eric bent his body slightly, holding the hilt of his sword tightly with both hands, the power of the armor exceeded the load limit, like a balloon that would explode at the touch of a button.

The atmosphere was extremely dignified, and the air was filled with two powerful energies, ready to rush out of each other every second, and the result of the explosion was unpredictable for both sides.

What broke the tense atmosphere was a group of maglev aircraft with light blue lights on.Aircraft all over the sky surrounded the battle situation, and the two blue lights at the front were like swarms of fireflies.

"Victor von Doom!" someone shouted through a loudspeaker, "This is S.H.I.E.L.D., don't make unnecessary resistance, surrender immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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