Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 182 The Approaching Moment

Chapter 182 The Approaching Moment

It has to be said that the efficiency of SHIELD's work is much higher than that of the New York police. Eric had contacted the Helicarrier headquarters 5 minutes ago, and they had already arrived at the scene and surrounded Dr. Doom.

Perhaps he, as the ruler of Latvinia, does have diplomatic immunity, but that doesn't mean he can unscrupulously wreak havoc in the United States. Even he has to weigh everything and break up with Aegis s consequence.

In addition, there are the Fantastic Four that he fears the most, which he calls "the cursed family". If the trouble continues, maybe even they will be attracted.


With a soft snort of disdain, Doctor Doom lowered his hands, and the tall green phantom behind him also dissipated with the wind.The frightening pressure disappeared in an instant, Eric's breath in his heart was relieved, and the armor was released back to his back.

"Forget it, that woman is not that important." When the agents of SHIELD jumped off the aircraft and quickly surrounded them, Dr. Doom swept everyone present with a dagger-like cold gaze, and said lightly, "But the important Partly, you've pissed off Doctor Doom, and it's not going to end that way."

Although the guns around him did not pose a threat to him at all, he still did not resist, and silently turned around and followed the agents towards the aircraft that landed.

"I will be released within 24 hours." He said indifferently without looking back, "but each of you had better remember that you have created an extremely dangerous enemy for yourself."

At the last second before boarding, he glanced back at Eric deliberately.

"Sooner or later you'll regret it, boy."

"I'll wait." Eric responded calmly.

After Dr. Doom left with Aegis, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.To be honest, even if the double limit output was mentioned just now, if that move really matches Dr. Doom, Eric doesn't have much confidence in his heart that he can withstand it.

Although the last sentence he left was very arrogant, it was true. Eric had indeed created a new and powerful enemy for himself inexplicably.

On the far side of the street, a black luxury car parked under the streetlight.Several men in black got out of the car and walked quickly towards the port, seemingly here to pick up Princess Mia.

The princess took a deep breath and walked in front of Eric: "This time... I am really very grateful. I am also sorry for causing you such trouble without authorization."

"Yeah, it's really troublesome, there is another such a tricky guy to deal with somehow," Eric said here, and paused, "But after all, it's over, it doesn't matter, at least I hope these can be helped." significance."

Princess Mia said: "I'll go back tonight and talk to my father again. Try to make him change his mind."

"Ah, come on." Eric said, "If you succeed, don't forget to invite me to the celebration party."

Princess Mia nodded with a smile: "Well, it's settled."

The bodyguards in black were getting closer, which meant that it was time for them to say goodbye.The princess hesitated for a moment, then suddenly made up her mind, and suddenly pressed a kiss on Eric's cheek.

"Eh?" Eric was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously turned to look at Raven's reaction, but the latter glanced at the river beside him with a blank expression as if he didn't see it at all.

"Haha, I scare you." The princess laughed mischievously, "Don't worry, I know. As a thank you, I will secretly tell you that the girl over there is also very interested in you~"

"Really?" Eric glanced at Raven again, "I can't tell at all."

The princess smiled.Although at first I approached him just to use his power, but now it feels a little different.
She patted Eric on the back: "Okay, don't put on that expression. If you just said that you are serious about love, cheer up and work hard."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and followed the bodyguards back. Before getting into the car, she waved her hand in this direction.

"Really, you'll have to cause me some trouble in the end." Eric sighed, turned around and was about to say something to Raven, but was interrupted again.

Constantine patted him on the shoulder: "Can we talk?"

Eric was a little surprised, but nodded anyway.

Constantine led him to the river, lit another cigarette, and said, "That girl is dangerous, do you know that?"


"That's right." Constantine exhaled a smoke ring and said, "Don't be fooled by her weak appearance, I can smell evil, and it's extraordinary. Believe me, I've seen this kind of thing Much more than you, and I can feel that she is very dangerous, and maybe one day she will invite darkness that you can't even imagine."

"Ah, I know." Eric said lightly.

Constantine raised his eyebrows: "You know?"

"It's more detailed than what you know so far." Eric said calmly, "She is the daughter of the Lord of the Three Palaces, but the 'door' he used to invade this reality."

"Sangong!?" Konstantin was startled, the cigarette butt almost fell to the ground, but then quickly regained his composure, "So that's it, she is that brat. This makes sense, now that I know It cannot be left alone, it must be dealt with before it is too late."

"That doesn't work either." Eric shook his head, "She is the only one who can suppress the Lord of the Three Palaces from appearing in this world. If you do anything to the 'gate' without authorization and disrupt the current stable situation, you will be directly punished." Maybe this world will bring about a catastrophe.”

"So that's the case, that really hurts my head." Constantine pondered.

"But I trust her." Eric said seriously.

Constantine smiled disdainfully.

"Sure enough, he's a naive brat," he said. "One day you'll understand that 'trust' isn't even worth a coin."

"Maybe." Eric said coldly, "but don't make any plans for her, or don't blame me for not warning you."

Constantine and him stared at each other for a moment, and suddenly laughed "ha".

He took his last puff of cigarette and flicked the cigarette butt aside.

"Interesting, kid." He said, "That's as you wish, but you have to be careful. If she is the 'gate' of Sangong...the time is almost here."

"What do you mean?"

Constantine didn't answer, but lit a cigarette again, and walked away.

What does that guy mean at the end?
Eric frowned and thought, but when he returned to the spot, he found that Raven was no longer there.

After a while, Raven had already returned to his bedroom, locked the doors and windows, drew the curtains tightly, and sat on the head of the bed with his knees hugged.

The only gleam of bleak light penetrated into the room through the curtains, and the alarm clock on the bedside "squeaked" and moved the hands, and the sound echoed in this narrow and enclosed space, which seemed so ear-piercing.Raven curled up tightly, with his head buried, like a frightened deer, and the shadow cast on the wall by the faint light was like a devil with teeth and claws.

That moment is fast approaching.

The image of Eric flashed across her mind again, and her arms hugging her knees couldn't help shrinking even tighter.

What should I do?
(End of this chapter)

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