Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 186 Forbidden Power

Chapter 186 Forbidden Power
Dim purple light penetrated a little bit from a dense forest. Riven closed her eyes tightly and hovered cross-legged above a patch of grass. The cloak wrapped in the overflowing purple light undulated gently. His cheeks were pale.

She found this place away from the hustle and bustle because it helped her focus.The trip back to her hometown of Azeroth just now was not fruitless. Her mother pointed out to her that "the thing that stops the third palace is on the earth", and she has already vaguely guessed.If "that" is really on Earth, then that may be Earth's last hope.

Raven closed his eyes tightly and entered a state similar to meditation.Ordinary people don't know it, but in fact, magic power is everywhere in the atmosphere of the earth. They float in the air like dust, and they are connected with each other as if forming an infinite network.Raven integrated her soul into this network, as if her body extended to every corner of the earth, like a human GPS to locate the thing she was looking for.

But the planet was too chaotic, the magic of the atmosphere filled with all kinds of strange elements, poisoning her senses.Raven felt like he was looking for a needle in a haystack, and his brain was so dizzy that it seemed to burst from the inside.But she stubbornly gritted her teeth and persisted, her mental strength never letting go of any corner of the earth.

found it!
The moment she sensed the location of "that", she suddenly opened her eyes, and what she saw was a fiery hell.The jungle disappeared at some point, and she was floating above the fire-colored magma at this moment, and the lava flowing below her body was like a hungry wolf preparing to devour her.The hot fire dragons shuttled back and forth among the lava, surrounding the girl's thin body in the center, looking so helpless.

Raven frowned, but he didn't panic at all.She turned her head slowly, four blood-colored eyes emerged from the darkness in the sky, staring at her viciously, the huge black shadow almost covered the sky.

"It's just an illusion, don't try to scare me." Raven said calmly.

That black figure—undoubtedly the Lord of the Three Palaces—said in a low voice: "Yes, my daughter, this is not true yet, but it will be soon. Your resistance is meaningless, you should be something that belongs to me."

"I'm not your 'thing'," Raven said, "and you should never even think of coming here."

"You and I both know that we are destined." Sangong snorted, "However, since you are my daughter, I will make an exception and be merciful, and give you a chance—to catch you without a fight. I can promise not to destroy this dimension. I will Conquer it, submit everything in the dimension, and if you are so obsessed with it, I will give them the chance to surrender to me and not die."

"I'd rather die." Raven paused.

"Hmph, I don't know what to do. Then you will have to pay for it, along with the world you care so much about."

The heavy voice fell, and the huge black shadow disappeared.The whole space began to distort, gradually fading from Raven's vision, revealing the jungle where she was originally.The flames and lava condensed to a certain point, and a figure bathed in flames emerged from it, straightened up, glared at Raven with four red pupils with fierce killing intent, and even grinned.

"Belier." Raven said lightly.

"Long time no see. Sister." Berriel said with a sinister smile, "You have really made father very unhappy recently, so he sent me to teach him well."

"Then you can go back and give him a message—get out of this dimension!"

With a final sound, Raven pointed forward with both arms, and countless sharp purple arrows pierced through the bushes, grazed the tree trunks, and roared towards Belial like overwhelming the sky.


With a clear cry from Belial, a ball of flames swirled in front of him to block all of Raven's attacks—or it would be more appropriate to say that it absorbed them.Of course, Raven didn't expect this blow to break the enemy easily. The moment she shot, she flew to the side, and pressed the ground hard with dark purple magic flames in both hands.The purple magic power seemed to quickly tear a crack in the ground, rushing towards Belial at an astonishing speed.

Facing the pincer attack from two sides at the same time, Beliel seemed to chuckle, and the pillar of fire seemed to explode from the bottom of his feet and engulfed him.When the purple cracks on the ground aggressively cut the pillar of fire in two, Belial's body was nowhere to be seen.

A strong sense of crisis came from behind, and Raven turned and leaned back vigilantly, a trail of flames swept dangerously close to the tip of her nose, it was Beliel's swept leg, with a scorching flame.

At the moment when the opponent's leg was swept away, Rui Wen suddenly approached, and took the opportunity to shoot out his right palm wrapped in a strong purple light.

But Belial's speed was much faster than she had imagined. His body, which should still be stiff, turned around in an unbelievable way, and unexpectedly raised his knee and slammed into Raven's lower abdomen.Before she could react, a fist wrapped in flames ruthlessly landed on her cheek. The scorching fist immediately knocked her to the ground, her cheek was in severe pain.

"Drink!" The moment Raven fell to the ground, he gritted his teeth and shot a magic beam at Belial, but the latter jumped back to avoid it, appearing to be able to handle it with ease.

"Ha, look at your embarrassment, it's really ugly." Berriel sneered, "It's still like what I said last time—how could a guy who is afraid of his own strength win? Or he was captured without a fight, Be a good girl and come home with me!"

Raven's right cheek was in constant pain, and this round suffered a lot.Belliel was right, there was no chance of winning in this way.

Do you still want to use that power?
If he takes him back here, it will be the worst consequence anyway, so there is no other choice, right?

Thinking of this, Raven clenched his fists tightly.She stood up slowly, and when the eyes under the hood opened again, there were four red eyes full of evil and murderous intent, just like Beliel's—no, much stronger than his aura cut.

Ruiwen's whole body's skin instantly turned red. She let out a loud shout, and faintly opened a pair of transparent black wings behind her. A torrent of energy burst out like a torrential river, and in an instant, it rushed towards Belier. Er poured away.

Belliel closed his pupils, and hurriedly raised a flame barrier in an attempt to defend.But that was useless, the barrier was so fragile in the face of the torrent of magic power, it was instantly shattered.Belliel was like a leaf caught in the tide, being dragged far away feebly.

He rolled in the wet soil for a long distance, and when he got up awkwardly, Raven was slowly walking towards him step by step, each step sank heavily into the soil, his invisible wings made a domineering The purple airflow, the aura is so strong that it is almost unreasonable.

"Tsk, it really is as strong as ever." Belliel said, "Okay, okay, then I will withdraw today, but be careful, you have more things to worry about, dear sister."

After speaking, a pillar of fire rose from the mountain on the ground, and Belial's figure disappeared in it immediately.

Raven returned to his normal state, kneeling on the ground and breathing heavily.

In any case, at least this troublesome guy was driven away for the time being.But what he said at the end is really interesting
The next second, Raven turned around and instantly understood what he meant.

A mist appeared behind her at some point, and the entire Avengers appeared in the mist strangely, from which she could smell some kind of teleportation magic.And the caster—an uncle with a red cloak and a goatee, was hovering right above the Avengers, chanting a series of complicated spells.

She knew this guy—Doctor Strange, the sorcerer who had inherited the title of Sorcerer Supreme.

"Now, I don't want to make things ugly, Raven." Iron Man stepped out from behind him and said, "But I hope you can 'friendly' ask you to come with us."

(End of this chapter)

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