Chapter 187
Doctor Strange, the man who inherited the title of "Sorcerer Supreme", the top mage in the Nine Realms, took on the duty of guardian.In addition to this, there may be some other titles, but it doesn't matter if you don't mention them, these auras alone are enough to show that this man has a lot of background.

Raven has also heard about the magic side of the earth, especially this "supreme mage", of course she is not unaware.In fact, she had expected that her dangerous position would attract the attention of the Supreme Mage sooner or later, but she didn't expect it to be in such a bad situation.It seems that the Aegis of Crisis involving the magic side is only handed over to the Avengers, and they are not very relieved, and such professionals have been invited to deal with it.

"Please, Miss Rose, you know that I have a good relationship with your little boyfriend, right?" Tony persuaded, "So as a way of saving me, just be obedient and walk with us?"

Raven shook his head slightly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but I'm afraid I'm the only person on earth who knows how to deal with Sangong." She said flatly, "Time is running out, and I must act as soon as possible."

"Don't be fooled by her, Avengers." Doctor Strange said loudly, "The evil aura in her body is already so strong that it is almost comparable to a pure collection of black magic. Now maybe her sanity has already been ruled by Sangong Manipulated to deceive us."

Raven bit his lip, but made no attempt to defend himself.It is understandable for Dr. Strange to judge her like this. She is already a little bit unable to suppress her own strength at the moment, and she even used the power of the devil just now against Belial. Smells exactly like Sannomiya.

"Then there is no choice." Captain America said, "Avengers, do it!"

Before he finished speaking, Doctor Strange had already taken the lead.He uttered a long series of spells at an astonishing speed, and the golden magic circle appeared out of thin air in the circle of ripples behind Riven, sucking her up unexpectedly.The magic power in the electric state swam around her, and Raven groaned in pain, his body was firmly bound to this illusory magic circle.

But Ruiwen is not a vegetarian, she quickly realized.The purple magic exploded suddenly, and the golden magic circle was instantly torn to pieces by the magic power of chaos.

The moment he broke free from the shackles, Raven waved one arm, forming a purple shield in front of him to block a repulsion cannon fired by Iron Man, and the magic power wrapped the energy of the repulsive beam together and turned his head towards Iron Man.The latter was taken aback, and was unable to dodge enough to be repelled head-on.

Taking advantage of this time, Ant-Man has shrunk down to the size of an ant, riding on a flying ant and approaching quietly. When he saw that the distance was almost the same, Ant-Man jumped off the ant's back, flew towards Riven and punched him.But the opponent didn't turn his head back, and blasted a circle of purple air around himself as the center, blowing him away in embarrassment.

After breaking through three moves in a row, Raven didn't get a chance to breathe, and the captain's round shield flew to him again.Raven's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He raised his arm like lightning, and pointed his palm in the direction of the shield. The shield with its strong force was immediately stopped in mid-air, suspended at a distance of about half a meter from her palm. , was thrown aside with one of her gestures.

But in this instant, the captain himself was already close to him, displaying a series of peak fighting skills vividly, including Tiger Jutsu, Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai.What was unexpected was that Raven didn't panic during the series of thunderous offensives by the captain. Instead, after connecting several moves calmly and methodically, at the moment when the captain's whirlwind-like leg swept to the front door, he took advantage of it. Boosted by the chaotic magic power, he bounced far away in the opposite direction, opened the distance again, and threw a magic ball in midair, knocking the captain to the ground instead.

Even Eric doesn't know, but in fact Raven has mastered ancient martial arts at the master level, but she has always used chaos magic to fight against enemies and never used fighting skills, so except for Azeroth who taught her martial arts Few people outside of Si monks know her skill.

However, even with such a gorgeous set of combos, she still cannot break the basic principle of the battlefield of "outnumbered".After she knocked down the captain with one move, her body was still hanging in the air and before she could make any movement, a huge black shadow fell from behind like Mount Tai.Raven turned her head abruptly, only to see that Hulk was approaching behind her like a green hill, and a roar at such a close distance almost shattered her eardrums.

Hulk swept down with one arm, and Raven hurriedly raised a layer of magic shield to block it, but it was like a layer of fragile glass that was easily shattered by Hulk's huge force, and the huge force bombarded her petite body, sweeping away It made her fly towards the ground like a black feather, landing heavily with her left arm.

There was a crisp sound of "click", and Raven groaned "ah", and the severe pain in her left arm reminded her that she should have broken a bone.

But she is really an unusually strong girl. Enduring the severe pain, she squatted up and looked up at the Hulk who was falling towards her in the air. Thor, who hasn't made any moves yet.She grabbed the volley with her still intact right hand, like an invisible giant claw condensed in the air, grabbing the Hulk who had nowhere to borrow strength, and threw it to one side, and knocked Thor down to the ground unexpectedly.

But this exhaustion intensified the pain. Raven coughed up a mouthful of blood and could hardly stand up.Doctor Strange cast another string of spells, and scarlet ribbons sprang out from all directions, wrapping towards Raven, and that posture seemed to tie her up.

Raven wanted to hide, but he was completely exhausted.Sure enough, if the power that belongs to the devil is not liberated, it is simply impossible for one person to single out all the Avengers and take a Supreme Mage.

I have tried my best.

At this moment, the afterimage flashed by, like a whirlwind engulfing Ruiwen in the center, and suddenly disappeared in place.Doctor Strange's few scarlet ribbons disappeared immediately.

A golden electric current flashed across the field, and the Armored Alpha of Almazoo teleported to the side about a hundred meters away, gently placing Revan on the ground.

"Eric?" Raven put his right hand on the ground, gritted his teeth and tried to stand up, "You shouldn't come, this is my business."

Eric gently stopped her from standing up, and couldn't help but feel distressed seeing her covered in paint and pitiful, and said softly: "It's okay, take a good rest."

With his back to everyone, Eric stood up slowly.

"In the end, you still came." Iron Man said helplessly to him, "Please, child, we don't want to go this far."

"Ah, I know." Eric said lightly, "But we're still here."

He turned around slowly, standing firmly in front of the Avengers and Raven.

"Be reasonable, Eric." Tony gritted his teeth and persuaded, "You know you can't beat us all."

Doctor Strange also said: "Don't try pointlessly, child, I've already set up an enchantment in this area, you can't escape from here."

"Who knows then?"

Eric said, and gently stretched out his hand towards the jungle on one side.I saw a special alloy suitcase with dazzling tongues of flame spraying from the bottom, flying from the bushes at an alarming speed, and obediently fell into Eric's hands.

Awakening accessories, the final strengthening accessories of Armor, are also things that Erik was warned never to use again.

Tony was startled: "Hey! Boy! What are you thinking?"

"I didn't think about anything." Eric said lightly, and activated the suitcase without hesitation. Fluorescent energy stripes instantly covered its alloy outer body, echoing the armor on Eric's body.

".What happens next, I don't care."

(Thanks to the book friend everyonedead for the 500 starting coins)
(End of this chapter)

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