Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 188 VS The Avengers

Chapter 188 VS The Avengers

"Awakening, please complete."

Only at that moment, the naked eye could see that the energy storm exploded centered on the Yamozhuo armor.The hurricane blew the trees and rattled, and the surrounding flowers and plants were almost pressed to the ground. The energy instantly swam around like countless snakes. Everyone present could only feel an indescribable majestic aura unfolding in the jungle, oppressing people. Almost suffocated.The height of the metal shadow in the center of the storm seemed to rise suddenly, bringing irresistible oppression.

The golden armor was installed on the outer shell of the Amojo battle armor, and the main color of the armor immediately switched to a domineering black gold, as if burning golden flames all over his body.Eric could clearly feel the power filling the entire armor, even boiling in the blood, his body was involuntarily hot, as if surrounded by power.

Of course, the price of power is also high, and he can clearly feel it, as if his soul is burning.It is no exaggeration to say that the awakening mode is really a dangerous mode driven by life, and he has no idea how far his current body can last.

But just like what he just said to everyone - he doesn't intend to think about what will happen next.

"Complete, super mode is online."

With an electronic notification sound, the armor form quickly switched to the awakening super mode.With the molding of the "S" mark, the armor releases a stronger aura.He bowed slightly, like a cheetah aiming at its prey and preparing to run, and the invisible air flow gathered behind him.

"Be careful!" Captain America reminded loudly, "It's coming!"

Before the last syllable of his voice even fell, the black gold warriors in front of him had already burst out like shells fired from their chambers.Like the dull cannon fire in the depths of the jungle, the wind pressure rolled out in all directions like a blade, and the afterimage pierced the formation of the Avengers like a sharp knife.

In an instant, the captain reflexively raised his shield and blocked in front of him based on years of accumulated combat experience.But there was a crisp golden cry, and the metal fist slammed on his shield, and Pei Ran's huge force pierced through the shield and sent him flying.

Iron Man was the first to react, and the moment Eric's fist landed on the vibrating gold shield, he turned around, and the palm repulsion gun was pointed at Eric's forehead, ready to come out.

But Eric moved faster, and Iron Man's wrist was slammed for a moment before Iron Man fired. Eric's five fingers were deeply sunken into the armor on Iron Man's wrist. The sparks caught in the arc splashed out "sizzling and crackling", and the charge of the palm cannon was also cut off.

Eric followed up with one arm, and the domineering force dragged Iron Man to the ground with one arm, sinking deep into the mud.

"I don't want to do this, Tony." Eric said lightly, poking towards the reactor on Iron Man's chest.

Tony was startled: "Hey! Eric, wait...!"

Before he finished speaking, Eric's five fingers had already plunged into the armor on his chest, violently tore off the armor plate on his chest, and quickly scanned the internal structure under his breastplate with his low-power thermal vision. A moment later, a puff of black smoke accompanied by a mushy smell rose from his battle armor, which should make him lose his fighting power for a while.

Just after doing this, before Eric had time to turn his head, a loud thunderous sound sounded behind him.Hulk's cannonball-like punch sent him flying horizontally, breaking countless giant trees before rolling to the ground.

Of course, it looked very fierce this time, but in fact it failed to break through the armor's defense.Eric squatted up, and the green beast not far away was coming aggressively like a rampaging tank, running at an equally astonishing speed.

Eric patted the dust calmly and stood up.


The loud noise broke through the sky, and the terrifying air wave left countless scratches on the trunks of all the ancient trees in Zhouza.The bushes swayed violently, and the impact ripples spread out in a circular shape in the soil on the ground, like waves.

Eric took it.The soles of his feet were suspended no more than half a meter from the ground, and he firmly held the huge green fist with one hand. With Hulk's proud strength, he couldn't move forward by half a minute.

This is also a matter of course, the awakening super mode that perfectly simulates the superhuman ability, even in the face of the normal superhuman body has the power to fight.The power gained at a high price is also absolute.

"Hulk is the strongest!"

Roaring angrily, Hulk slammed forward with his second punch.

Eric's left palm slapped his wrist to stagger his punch, followed by a right fist that turned into an afterimage to fight back.In an instant, the air wave was turbulent, and the power was like a volcanic eruption. Hulk's figure flew back along the original path, and flew out to the end of the field of vision, and was submerged in a dust wave with a "boom".

Eric breathed a sigh of relief and stood up straight.But at this moment, he bent his knees and almost couldn't stand still. Light blue electric snakes splashed out from the black gold battle armor, and his body felt as if his bones had been pulled out in an instant.

But this feeling came and went quickly, just for a moment, like a warning of energy shortage, reminding him that he was one step closer to being overdrawn.

With just such a moment of hesitation, the scarlet ribbon seized the right moment and rushed out from the surrounding bushes with the sound of scraping salad, like a few poisonous snakes that had been waiting for a long time.They seem to be entities but also seem to be translucent energy states. They feel like ghosts entangled Eric several times. The weird energy restrains his actions, no matter how much strength he uses break free.

"This is Cytorak's scarlet belt," said Doctor Strange, maintaining these red belts with his magic, "Your strength is indeed amazing, but no matter how hard you try, it is impossible to break free from this."

He was right, physically speaking the straps didn't even exist, and they couldn't be broken free by brute force.

Doctor Strange yelled, "Thor!"

Thor understood, he raised Thor's hammer high, and billowing black clouds gathered in response to his call.Black clouds were instantly called up in the blue sky, bursts of white light flickered behind the clouds, accompanied by the high-pitched moaning sound, as if a giant dragon shuttled between the black clouds.

"You are an admirable fighter." Thor said to Eric, "but unfortunately, what happened today is not a personal grievance."

Thor's hammer fell suddenly, and the blue lightning fell from the clouds at his command.The loud noise sounded as if the sky was being torn apart, and sparks "cracked and crackled" from the armor shrouded in dazzling electric light.The soil was roasted to the point of emitting a strong burnt smell, and the smoke spread out with successive explosions.

"Have you taken it?" Doctor Strange stared at the smoke screen for a moment and asked.

Thor frowned and observed for a while, then said, "No."

"Complete truth mode is online."

(End of this chapter)

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