Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 189 Awakening the Truth Mode

Chapter 189 Awakening the Truth Mode
"Complete, the truth mode is online."

From the center of the smoke screen created by the thunder and lightning summoned by Thor, another circle of transparent air exploded.The thick smoke was blown away in an instant, and Doctor Strange's scarlet belt binding Eric's body broke into several pieces immediately, turning into illusory magic images and dissipating in the air.

In the middle of the smoke and dust, Eric supported the ground with one hand and half-kneeled on the ground. The shape of the armor had changed again.Silver wristbands, a golden noose, and a silver stripe on the chest that represents Wonder Woman.Awakening the truth mode, its aura is as domineering as a king.With just a wave of strength, the red ribbon that Doctor Strange used to restrain him broke immediately.

A dull loud noise fell behind, the earth shook like an earthquake, and a large shadow shrouded the sky and covered the sky.Eric turned his head, but saw that Ant-Man had changed into a giant form at some point and stood behind him, his fist raised high like a hill.

Erik made a wrong footstep, and quickly slid out sideways. Ant-Man's punch immediately missed, and the ground shook instantly when the punch landed on the ground.Eric kicked back on a thick tree trunk, and leaped out obliquely, the afterimage flashed to the side of the giant Ant-Man helmet in an instant, and his leg slammed on the cheek of the helmet, " "When" there was a sound of metal clashing, Ant-Man fell on his head and tore off two giant trees with his palms scratching in the air.

During the short time that Ant-Man fought for, Doctor Strange had finished reciting another series of spells.The red light of magic rose behind him like a gas, forming an unknown entity, like some kind of wild beast roaring, a torrent of fire-colored magic spewed out of it, rushing towards Eric Come.

Eric withdrew and retreated quickly, and the red fluctuations followed closely as if they were spiritual.He changed his position several times in a row and quickly, but the mass of energy still followed the steering direction, which was as annoying as a brown candy that couldn't be shaken off.

He simply stopped dodging and raised his arms to block in front of him.The torrent of magic power roared, but the moment it touched the pair of silver wristbands on the armored wrists, it was split in two like a torrent hitting a boulder, rushing past both sides of Eric's body.The flowers and plants on the surrounding ground were washed away, leaving a bare and scorched land, but the Almadra armor was still intact.

"What?" Doctor Strange was startled, "How?"


A loud roar fell from the sky, but it was Thor, the god of thunder.He jumped high into the air, and thunder and lightning flashed behind him, and the blue lightning reflected the fluttering cloak in a majestic and majestic manner.Holding Thor's Hammer high, he absorbed the flickering electric light around him, and fell crashing down with a blue trail.

Eric pulled out the silver long sword from the side of the armor with a "swipe", and stabbed Thor with a backhand sword.


The sword blade collided with Thor's Hammer violently, and the electric current burst out to the maximum at the moment of contact, and the dazzling brilliance almost wanted to engulf everything.Thunder and lightning were like countless sharp axes cutting through the surrounding centuries-old trees. The trees fell heavily one after another, and faint sparks ignited at the neat cuts.

Sure enough, the name of the god Wittor was not covered, and he took advantage of the high-altitude advantage in the first move to faintly gain the upper hand.Eric took half a step back, and the arm holding the sword felt slightly numb.

But this was just the beginning, Thor roared, and the offensive started like a thunderstorm.Every blow he struck was like thunder, and when he exerted his strength, thunderclouds billowed in the sky, and the thunder resounded through the sky.The two exchanged more than a dozen moves at a fast pace in an instant, and the collision of the two huge forces almost changed the terrain.

The two roared in unison, Thor's Hammer fell heavily on Eric's shoulder with a blue current, and Eric's sharp sword light flashed across Thor's chest at the same time.A huge amount of electric current spread throughout Eric's body through the heavy hammer, and sparks exploded "crackling". The powerful energy contained in the current impacted and even penetrated the armor, hurting Eric himself, and shaking him back again and again.

The situation on Thor's side was even worse than him. The silver light slashed across his chest, like a gust of wind cutting through his Asgard protective gear, leaving a long line on his invulnerable hard skin. There were long bloodstains, and blood droplets splashed out from the wound.

The two stepped back and distanced themselves.Eric felt intense pain coming from the depths of his body again, and the suffocation brought a strong dizziness.He tried his best to stabilize his figure, and glanced at the physical signs of the wearer on the side of the helmet display. Almost all the indicators were printed with bright red "Danger" warnings. The trend seems to be desperately trying to break out of the chest.

Tony has also temporarily repaired his armor at this time. Although most of the combat functions are still offline, it does not affect his mobility.He returned to the battle situation with the captain, and saw Eric's situation at a glance.

"Don't force it, kid!" Tony said loudly. "It's dangerous for you to go on like this! You should understand!"

Raven had also recovered a little at this time, and walked over with the limp arm that had been broken, leaning against the tree to keep standing, and said the same: "Enough, Eric, why do you want to do it for someone like me?"

"It's not 'such a person', Raven." Eric smiled at her, "You are unique. As for why you do this, haven't you already said it?"

".Because I like you."

Raven froze.

"Sorry." Eric gasped, facing the Avengers, and stood up straight again, "But I can't hand her over to you."

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The silver blade is held high, and the energy that reaches the maximum value in an instant is extracted from the armor core, transmitted along the arm, and poured into the blade. It is like a layer of transparent light shield attached to the sword body, guiding the airflow in the atmosphere to revolve around it. The blade fluttered.

"Be careful!" Doctor Strange reminded loudly, he had already begun to quickly chant a spell, summoning a shield to prepare for the impact.Captain America also used a shield in front of him, and Iron Man also used the remaining energy to release the repulsive shield.

Shouting loudly, the blade swept out, as if life itself was pulled out of the body and released.The transparent sword qi slashed out horizontally with the momentum of sweeping away thousands of troops, sweeping all the people in front of him to the ground without any hesitation.The magic shield in front of Doctor Strange, who was the first to bear the brunt, was shattered, and his figure was knocked into the air.

And as the doctor's attention slackened, Zhou Za's transparent barrier gradually faded and dissipated.

"Complete super mode is online."

The body is on the verge of limit, and it feels like running a marathon at full speed, almost on the verge of life and death.But Eric still stayed awake with tenacious willpower. After switching back to super mode, he turned around and hugged Raven in his arms, kicked his feet, and pierced the almost dissipated body with a bang. Formation, rushed into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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