Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 190 Crystals

Chapter 190 Crystals
The power of the Almazo Alpha armor strengthened by the awakening accessories is really unbelievable. Eric repelled all the Avengers head-on with tyrannical power, broke the barrier set by Doctor Strange, and finally hugged Rui Wen "bang" into the air, leaving a gorgeous air circle in the air and then disappeared without a trace.

After watching this video on the big screen on the bridge of the mothership, Fury frowned and remained silent for a while.

"Lost him, sir," said Vice-Captain Hill. "He's too fast for any tracking method known on Earth. What do we do next, Chief?"

"Issuing the most wanted in the whole country, the highest level." Fury ordered coldly.

"To both of them?"

"Yes, both of them," Fury emphasized.

When Eric opened his eyes in a daze, he was almost awakened by the pungent smell of medicine.The strong pharmacy smell helped him wake up before his eyes could successfully focus.

The white ceiling was dyed orange-red by the sunset outside the window, and the warm light sprinkled on the room and his white sheets.The pain and stimulation in many parts of his body reminded him of the fierce battle with the Avengers not long ago, and then he quickly recalled the events before the memory fault.

Raven must be found quickly.

After having such an idea, he was stopped just as he tried to get up.

"I wouldn't do this if I were you."

Eric turned his head and saw a doctor in a white coat next to the hospital bed, with a half-bald head and a pair of thick black square-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looked at least in his 40s.

Eric pointed at himself: "Me?"

"Of course." The doctor smiled kindly, "It's just you and me here, kid."

Eric thought for a while and asked, "Where is this?"

"Gotham Hospital," the doctor explained, "if you don't remember—you fainted during a fight with other kids, and your girlfriend brought you here."

fight?Well, maybe it was, but it wasn't some bad boy gang fight.Eric thought to himself.

He remembered a little bit. He switched his armor to the awakening super mode and took Revan out of the battlefield. After landing and disarming his armor, he passed out due to body overload.Looks like Raven took him to the hospital because he was worried
Wait, now that SHIELD wants to catch her, there is no reason not to issue a wanted report on her.No, the arrest warrant for both of them should have been issued by now.And now he is still so arrogant in a public place like a hospital, why hasn't he been exposed yet?

The doctor went on self-contained: "You are healthy and strong, but all the organs seem to be severely overloaded. We can say that this situation has never been seen before, like unexplained overuse, It may be some new disease that we have not seen. We suggest that you should be hospitalized for a period of observation."

"Where is she?" Eric asked, interrupting him hastily.

"Uh, it's just outside."

Before the doctor could finish speaking, Eric jumped out of bed without saying a word, opened the door and walked out.

As expected, Raven sat on the seat outside and waited, and when he saw Eric come out, he stood up immediately.It seems that her arm has also recovered, and her ability to heal is much faster than ordinary people.

The dedicated doctor chased after him: "Wait a minute, you are very weak now, you can't do this."

Raven stepped forward to the doctor and said, "It's okay, doctor, I'll talk to him next."

In just one sentence, the doctor immediately stopped talking, nodded feeling very unnatural, and turned away.

Spiritual suggestion, one of Raven's abilities, is a very practical skill when socializing—it's a pity that she hates socializing.

"Did you take me to the hospital?" Eric asked in a low voice.

"You looked like you were dying," Raven said calmly.

"But S.H.I.E.L.D wants to catch you. Our faces must have been plastered all over the country by now—maybe it's the whole world! It's very easy to be recognized by people casually going in and out of public places like this."

"Already wanted." Raven said lightly, "But I have already applied some hypnosis to the spirits of the people around me, increasing the barriers to our facial recognition. They can't recognize our faces, and they won't remember them."

Eric was taken aback for a moment, it seemed that he underestimated Raven, this girl was actually smarter than he thought.

"Uh, well, good job," he said, "but we still have to watch out for surveillance footage."

After a pause, he turned to ask: "When you faced the Avengers earlier, you said you were the only person on earth who knew how to deal with Sangong, so I assume you already have a plan?"

Raven nodded: "There was once something that successfully sealed the Lord of the Three Palaces. It was a magic crystal from the sacred land of Azeroth, and it was very powerful."


"That's where I was born." Raven said, "My mother fled there to avoid Sangong's pursuit and gave birth to me there. Sangong once wanted to flatten Azeroth, but in the end it turned It was sealed in the crystal."

Speaking of this, her voice carried a little sadness: "But in the end my brother released him, and his anger swept through Azeroth. Now that dimension has been destroyed, and there is nothing left and nothing left. "

She closed her eyes gently.The monks who taught her magic, taught her martial arts, and raised her, her biological mother, the beautiful and rich land of Azeroth, and everything precious in her growing up are now all in memory Phantoms are like burst bubbles.

It's all her fault, just because Sangong wants to get her, all the things she cares about and cares about will disappear from her life one by one.

She couldn't help but think of Earth, and of Eric.

"Mom, too, everything in Azeroth." Raven couldn't help lowering his head, his voice became smaller and smaller, and he seemed to be trembling slightly, "If this goes on, even you will"

Eric stared at her blankly for a moment.

Is she crying?
It has always been the expression of the iceberg beauty, Eric has never known that even she would want to cry sometimes.

But it's okay, this is the only way to look real, but it makes her look cute.

Eric smiled lightly and patted her head.This time, she didn't respond at all, and kept her head down.

"Don't worry." Eric said with a smile, "I won't leave you, and I won't let you leave me. How about we kick that Sangong thing back to our hometown together?"

Raven turned his head and wiped his tears with his sleeve, as if he still hated being seen crying.She tried her best to control her voice, and changed the subject: "The magic crystal is on the earth now, and I can sense it—it's in Gotham, but it's not easy to get it."

"Generally understand." Eric nodded, "Since we are in Gotham, let's contact a local friend to help."

(End of this chapter)

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