Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 194 Fighting Belial Again

Chapter 194 Fighting Belial Again
Another dimension, in Azeroth.

Once upon a time, there used to be bright sunshine and the earth was full of vitality.But now, when Raven revisited his old place, the sky was filled with gray haze. Although the composition of the air was similar to that on the earth and did not affect breathing, it had a strange depressive atmosphere that made people breathless.

The destination of the two is in a tall temple.Although the pillars at the door have collapsed and half of the hall has been destroyed, Eric can also imagine how majestic it was back then from the broken walls.It's a pity that the breath of living people has long since disappeared, and the sacred hall is full of dust.

Eric followed Revan through the hall, and Revan explained softly: "This used to be the temple in the center of Azeroth, and it was the ultimate line of defense against him when the Three Palaces came. I hid here It's been a calamity."

When she spoke, there was a hint of sadness in her words-of course it was taken for granted.Eric followed her quietly without making a sound.

"The crystal is calling for its other half." Raven said, "The general location is here. I remember that it was kept here in the temple."

While speaking, she had manipulated Chaos Magic to throw away several huge boulders blocking the entrance of a cave and cleared the way. A delicate small box flew out from the entrance of the cave, lifted and suspended by the purple magic power, and fell into her hands.

Raven lifted the lid of the box, and the two of them glanced inside, but the inside was empty.

"Strange." Raven frowned slightly, "According to the instructions from this half of the crystal, the other half should be right here."

"Hahaha! That's right, it's right here, in my hand."

The arrogant and hoarse voice seemed to be played by a circle of stereo speakers at the maximum volume. The sound was deafening and echoed endlessly in the hall.Flames burst out of thin air, forming a fiery circle that surrounded the hall, and Eric and Raven were right in the center of the fire circle.

Several flames rose from the ground, and gradually condensed into a humanoid form in the air, growing hands and feet.The rising flames turned into bright red skin, and four scarlet eyes grew out of the binoculars, which were the marks of hell-dimensional creatures from the Three Palaces.

More red demons emerged from the flames, surrounding the two of them.At last in the center of them, the most dazzling flame rose, and the pillar of fire shot straight to the ceiling.The flames dissipated, and Beliel's figure appeared in the center of the pillar of fire, his four eyes glowed with evil and smiles, and the corners of his mouth smiled ferociously.

"Beliel." Raven swept around the miscellaneous soldiers and said, "It really lingers."

"Of course, it's never over until you come home with me honestly. But that's about it for today."

As he spoke, he revealed that the crystal clear half spar in the palm of his hand was actually in his hand.

"It seems that even if you are asked to hand it over, you will not simply obey the order." Raven said lightly, "I guess that means that we still have to be tough in the end."

Belial smiled triumphantly, and waved a finger.

"It seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet," he said. "Father Almighty expected you to come back to find it. This was a trap from the beginning. And now, you can't leave this dimension."

"It's really uncomfortably arrogant." Eric glanced at him, put on the armor quickly, turned to Raven and said, "If the opponent is this group of guys, let's use 'that move'."

"Is your body all right?"

"Don't worry, it's just a small injury, it doesn't matter for a long time." Eric smiled cheerfully, "I'm immortal."

"Really." Raven closed his eyes lightly, "Alright then."

As she spoke, she stretched out her arms, and the power of chaos magic was instantly released.The Yamozhuo armor immediately resonated, the metal wings unfolded, and the magic power flowed all over the body like a spring. In the blink of an eye, it switched to the raven mode, and the domineering magic power swept the entire hall in all directions.

"Is this the trick again?" Belliel was obviously still deeply impressed by the pattern of beating him up all over the floor last time, and snorted, "Do you think it will be the same as last time? Is it easy?"

"Who knows?" Eric squeezed his fist and said, "Would you like to try it?"

Belliel didn't answer, but made a gesture, and the miscellaneous soldiers in a circle mobilized and rushed up at full speed.

Eric also rushed out side by side with Raven, and said at the same time: "Leave the miscellaneous fish to you, and I'll have a good 'chat' with your brother."

Raven nodded, and rushed into the crowd with purple-black trajectories waving with his hands.Dazzling magic light effects flew in the air, and she pierced into the scarlet phalanx like a sharp knife by herself, throwing the creatures of hell on their backs.

Eric also confronted Belliel at the same time.As the saying goes, the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet, Beliel couldn't hold back the moment he saw the flaming armor covered in purple light, and threw out a few fireballs before he got close.And Eric continued to sprint as if he didn't see it, and slapped the fireball away from the left and right with a few slaps, rushed to the opponent and punched him.

Belliel also punched him forward, and the moment the two fists intersected, the hot flame exploded in the purple light circle, and the terrifying energy was detonated like a bomb.Belial seemed to have suffered a little loss. While being repelled by the impact, he soared into the air with his strength, stepping on the hellfire under his feet and soaring into the air, and shot a beam of flames straight down with his palms.

Eric put his feet together, kicked hard on the ground and bounced up, staggered to avoid the scorching flames and chased after him.The flapping metal wings swept away the whirlwind of flames, and supported him to fly towards Belial's figure.

But Belial's strength was really overwhelmed. The two confronted fiercely in the air. The dazzling light of chaotic magic power really suppressed his hellfire. Belial retreated steadily and even ate Eric. There is almost no time to pant for a few tricks, and the defense alone is already overwhelmed.

On the ground, the raven also completely suppressed these hell creatures.Although this group of demons looked horrifying in appearance, their fighting power was very average, and they were not at the same level as Raven at all.After a burst of magic bombardment, the red devil also fell a large piece.

Almost at the same time, Eric also dealt Belial a heavy blow in mid-air, and the red demon fell awkwardly wrapped in a ball of flames, and fell back to the floor of the hall like a fireball, leaving a deep scar. crack.

"I've said it." Eric landed gently next to Raven, "It's useless to come here a few times, and it's still too late to hand over the spar now."

Belial laughed, and slowly stood up.

"You two idiots, you haven't realized your situation yet."

His voice gradually became gloomy, and the atmosphere seemed to change.

Not quite right.Both of them noticed that the surrounding environment seemed to turn red and hot at some point, and the ruins seemed to emit red-hot flames from the inside out, as if they were getting closer to lava.More flames rose from the ground and took the form of demons, and the number was far greater than before.

"You have left the dimension of the earth and come to this dimension that has been conquered by the great Sangong." Belial grinned. "Now, you have no chance of winning."

(End of this chapter)

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