Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 195 The Devil Comes

Chapter 195 The Devil Comes
Belliel wasn't just bragging, as his words fell, it seemed that the temperature in the hall really heated up sharply again.More demonic figures emerged from the flames, pouring endlessly like a red tide.

Eric clenched his fists cautiously, and Raven also held his breath.The aura on Beliel's body continued to rise, and the high-temperature flames distorted his scarlet body, and his illusory figure seemed to be swaying with the wind.Lie Yan (raging flames) surrounded his body like a pet, like a spirit snake, and the flames let out a low hissing roar.

Belliel raised one arm high, and all the flames on the ground jumped off the ground as if drawn by an invisible force, and were sucked into his right arm.The hot flames condensed on his forearm, and the powerful energy gathered could be felt even at a distance of more than ten meters.

Belliel let out a low growl, and slapped the two of them in the air with his palm.The flames condensed into spheres followed one after another, as if roaring beasts were showing their fangs to Eric and Raven.Four weaker spheres charged forward, while the most violent huge fireball followed closely behind, forming a square formation and roaring towards them neatly.

Raven clasped his palms together and let out a clear drink. The purple magic power danced and swayed around her like the branches of a weeping willow, condensing into a transparent barrier in front of her.Four fireballs landed on the purple magic barrier one after another and exploded into ripples, like ripples on the water.With every impact, the barrier was faintly knocked back a little bit, like a trampoline on the verge of bearing the limit.

Finally, the moment the most powerful fireball hit, the barrier shattered like a glass window, and Raven was shocked back two steps.Eric, who had been prepared for a long time, took a step forward, jumped up, turned around and swept away with a whip-like trajectory of chaos magic.The metal legs of Yamozhuo's armor slammed against the side of the fireball, and the impact spread with a violent explosion. In an instant, sand and rocks flew in the hall, and new ones were scratched on the few remaining load-bearing pillars. Cracks, the ceiling seemed to collapse at any moment.

The flames dissipated, and Eric squatted on the ground, and that kick finally scattered the fireball.But Beliel's ability has really improved a lot compared to before, and he suddenly looks like a different person in the blink of an eye.

"What's the matter with this guy?" Eric asked, "Why does it suddenly feel like a chicken blood?"

Raven was silent for a moment, biting his lips and said: "I'm's Sangong. As he said, Azeroth has been conquered by Sangong. There is no dimensional barrier like the earth here. It is Sangong who gave him a stronger Energy strengthens Belial."

"Ha, that's it." While Beliel smiled, he had already started preparing for a new attack, "Then get ready, it was just an appetizer, now it's serious!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his arms, and all the miscellaneous fish creatures in the surrounding circle turned into flames and gathered towards the center, all of which were sucked into his body.Every time a flame rushed into his body, Belial trembled all over, and the fire light emitted from his body became brighter again.After absorbing all the large amount of miscellaneous fish, his whole body was on fire, and the sky-shattering roar almost lifted the ceiling, and the scalding power poured out of the hall like mountains and seas.

Realizing that the situation was not good, Eric and Raven did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately used all their strength to deal with it.

"The output power is 100% fully charged."

The Yamazo armor instantly reached its limit output power. Erik stretched his arm, and a long sword spit out from the arm of the armor and appeared in his hand.The magic power turned into a spiral shape and condensed on the blade in his hand. The magic power surged like flowing water, forming a purple vortex in the center of the hall, resisting the flames surrounded in all directions.

After a few seconds of charging, the energy output of both sides has reached the extreme.Then almost at the same moment, the three of them roared in unison.

The thick dark purple chaotic magic and the terrifying red-hot light collided violently. The two forces refused to give in to each other, and finally rushed upward in a staggered manner.The magic power turned into a thick pillar and pierced the ceiling, and the fallen debris and stones also turned into dust and dissipated in the blink of an eye under the squeeze of magic power.The raging storm shattered countless square bricks on the ground, and the debris was caught in the strong wind and blown around.

The holy place in the center of Azeroth, the once magnificent temple, finally completely collapsed in this round of fierce confrontation.

In the center of the strong wind, Eric and Raven stood side by side, staring at the center of the thick smoke, watching the changes.

Did you manage to kill him?
Intuition told them that it should not be that simple.

They were all ready to fight another round, but things turned out to be much worse than they expected.

Deep laughter echoed across the land of Azeroth.That hoarse, deep voice seemed to come from the end of the sky, penetrating everything with incomparable penetrating power, and resounding in everyone's ears like muffled thunder.

A huge shadow appeared in the center of the thick dust, a huge shadow more than 50 meters high.A red body appeared behind the smoke screen, with black horns on top of the head, and the sight from the four yellow eyes seemed to be able to gouge out the soul of a person.Belliel closed his eyes tightly, his body was hanging limply as if he had lost consciousness, and the image of this giant came out through his body, suspended like a projection.

The moment the giant appeared, Raven was petrified in an instant.Her pupils contracted suddenly, her body remained motionless for an instant, her eyes widened as she stared at the shadow that blocked the sky.The suffocating coercion was suppressed through the black giant shadow, making people unable to move.If it was such an existence with an ordinary human face—even if it was not the main body—I am afraid that it would not be able to bear the burden and die.

The moment he saw him, Eric knew - this is the Lord of the Three Palaces.

Sannomiya seems to have done something, but also seems to have not done it.Without any movement in his body, an invisible force hit him heavily.Eric was so shocked that he flew into the air, and the over-consumed armor was released back to the basic mode immediately. He also vomited a mouthful of blood into his helmet and fell to the ground.Raven was also sent flying, her pale skin uncontrollably turned blood red, and the eyes under the hood also turned into four, which was a sign that she was out of control.

The Lord of the Three Palaces, the super demon who destroyed countless dimensions, his strength is really not covered.

He glanced down with his four eyes, as if looking down at the inconspicuous ants at his feet.

"Is that you?" He said in a low voice, "The human being that makes Raven reluctant to part with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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