Mei Man Zhi Ya Mo Zhuo armor

Chapter 196 Raven's Choice

Chapter 196 Raven's Choice

"Is that you? The human being who makes Raven reluctant to part with you?"

Sangong's voice was deep and powerful, although it was not loud, it exuded an irresistible coercion.Just standing there, the phantom more than 50 meters high, gave people a trembling feeling that they could hardly move.

With just an understatement, the Raven mode of Almajo's armor was broken, and Eric and Revan fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Ah, it's me." Eric raised his body on his knees, looked up at him and said, "You are Raven's bastard father, right? I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

"Small and stupid human being, it seems that you still don't know what you put yourself into." Sangong said, "You are trying to fight against a fate that is much bigger than your tiny existence, it writes Our future—Riven is destined to be with me, she is mine. No matter what you do, how you burn your humble life, it will not change the slightest."

"Ah, maybe it is, maybe I really can't change anything with my power." Eric said, "But there is one thing that I know much better than you - Raven is not your thing, she doesn't belong to anyone .Even if your blood is flowing, she is still a human being in her heart and has the power to control her own destiny."

"Ridiculous." Sangong snorted, "She is my supreme masterpiece, my most powerful prop, and the channel I use to conquer your world! She will help me flatten the world you live in and burn everything you have Everything you know will turn your dimension into decay!"

"I'm sorry I've heard too much of this line." Eric provoked disdainfully, "And the villains who have spoken such lines so far—let's just say it, they didn't end well."

"Eric" Revan lay on the ground, clutching his chest, gritting his teeth to suppress the violent beast in his body that seemed to burst out, and at the same time, he was surprised that Eric could not flinch in the face of his father's coercion .

"Boy," Sangong seemed a little displeased, and said in a low, muddy voice, "don't be too arrogant."

Without warning, a pillar of fire rose from the ground.Eric was taken aback, an alarm flashed on the screen, but there was no chance to dodge.The cylindrical fire pillar completely enveloped the Alpha armor and locked it in the center.The armor was almost useless in front of this scorching energy, and Eric felt as if his body had been thrown into a furnace, his internal organs—no, even his soul was burned.


The unbearable pain made him cry out.This is not a real flame in the physical sense. He can clearly feel that something similar to his own soul is being ignited like a piece of paper, and is being engulfed by the flame bit by bit, causing intense and inhuman pain.

"Eric!" Raven shouted anxiously, but he could only stand helplessly.

A normal person with this degree of pain would have been unconscious for a long time, but Eric was still awake, gritted his teeth like a beast, and moaned in a low voice, staring fixedly at the scarlet giant in front of him.

"I see, it's a bit special for an ant." Sangong said lightly, "But."

Suddenly, the flames became more intense, and Eric yelled "ah" again, and many places on the armor "cracked" like firecrackers.

But not only was he still awake, but his fighting spirit seemed to be stronger.He stepped forward against the flames, and the metal boots were severely burned into the floor tiles, with bursts of blue smoke emitting from the edges.

With incredible willpower, even Sannomiya was secretly amazed that human beings could survive to this extent.

But no matter how strong the will is, the soul will be burned sooner or later, leaving only an empty shell in the end.

"Enough, Sangong!" Ruiwen could no longer watch like this, she shouted, "Let him go, I'll go with you."

"Oh?" Sangong glanced at her with interest, and with just one thought, the pillar of fire that imprisoned Eric dissipated immediately.

Eric's knees softened, he knelt down exhausted, gritted his teeth and shook his head towards Raven: "Don't do this, Raven."

"I'm sorry, Eric." Raven said sadly, "It should have been like this a long time ago, it was destined to be like this from the beginning. I'm just sorry for hurting you."

"Interesting." Sangong said, "Are you going to give up the entire dimension that you have been protecting for the sake of this human being?"

"Shut up." Raven said to him coldly, tried his best to stand up, and squatted in front of Eric.

"I'm really, really sorry, Eric." Her voice was soft and gentle.He was used to Raven's cold voice, but this was the first time he heard Raven have such a gentle voice.

"I know, I'm a difficult person to get along with." She lowered her head and said softly, "I'm a weird girl with a withdrawn personality and no hobbies, and I can't chat with anyone. For so long , I didn’t make a single friend, I was alone all the time.”

She raised her head and looked at Eric. At such a close distance, Eric felt as if he saw a girl's clear heart from the eyes of the four red demons.

"You were the first person to get to know me, Eric," she said. "I'm the worst at expressing emotions, so you never knew, but deep down, I was really happy. Although I still don’t know why you take the initiative to treat me so well, but it doesn’t matter anymore, no matter what the reason is, I don’t care. Although it is very short, the time with you and all the things I have done with you are true. The most important part of my life, thank you."

"Stupid." Eric smiled, "Didn't I say it, the reason is very simple - I like you. It is true that you have always put on an iceberg poker face. Sometimes I don't understand it, but I can know your inner thoughts. That’s great. If you’re happy, let’s keep going. From now on, we’ll do more happy things together and eat more delicious food.”

Raven smiled and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Eric. Knowing that this day will come, I still approached you selfishly, wishing to be with you. I haven't dared to say it all the time, but..."

She paused, staring at Eric seriously.

".I like you."

This was the last sentence Eric heard, as if it came from a distant sky, like a dream.When Raven said the last sentence, he wiped his face lightly with his palm, leaving a trace of chaotic magic power, which invaded the center of his brain.

"Raven, you."

He couldn't finish speaking, the heavy tiredness had overwhelmed everything, and his consciousness fell into chaos.He fell to the ground with a "plop" and passed out.

"I'm sorry." Raven said softly, "Maybe you won't forgive me for doing this, but if the world is doomed to be destroyed, at least I hope you can live...even if you hate me for it."

(End of this chapter)

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